Angličtina I

6. Revise and Check Unit 1.

Keywords: shops, services, mathematics, arithmetic, geometry, integers, fractions, polygon, add, subtract, multiply, divide, number theory.

Student’s book: 

OXENDEN, C., LATHAM-KOENIG, C., BOYLE, M. English File Intermediate Plus Third Edition: Student's Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014, pp. 18-19, 154.

Vocabulary (shops and services), Picture dictionary.

1        What are the four most basic operations in mathematics? Can you give an example of a fraction?

2        Do you know who is called the ‘Prince of Mathematicians‘? What is he famous for?

3        Can you explain the terms number theory and integers?

4        Can you explain the term polygon and when a polygon is regular?

5        Can you draw the heptadecagon?