
Týden 3

The subject of pedagogy

     Education in all its forms is the subject of pedagogical study.

Its main subject of research is education in all its forms. The category of education is central, principal category of pedagogy.

     One meets education in the course of his life. Everybody sometimes educates and sometimes is educated.

     Thus education is multilateral and multidimensional process, which can be either unintentional or intentional. 

     School as an institution was established with the aim at education – at preparation of next generation for life in the society. The primary role of school as an educational institution is to prepare young generation for successful life in adulthood in accordance with social needs and particular needs of the individual.

     School in the process of formation of pupil should thus provide and form at the individual such qualities in order he was successful in his life.

     School pedagogy deals with a pupil and a student in teaching process of teaching.


How to accurately characterize education?

Many pedagogues since 19th century tried to find a general definition of education, as well as many philosophers tried to find the answer to this general question.

- in general education is a process of intentional formation of a human personality in order to make a change in his development. Pařízek in Bases of general pedagogy says:

“The subject of general pedagogy is education in all its forms, contents and relations. General pedagogy examines common features and connections of education which run in various conditions.” He adds: “Education lasts since birth during whole life. We can talk about prenatal education, education in family, at school, in free time, between husbands and wives, but also in psychiatric institution.” From this arises the fact that education is a function of life and it has various goals, contents and means.

Laco Ďurič: „Education is a process of systematic formation of moral consciousness, moral conviction, moral acting and behavior of personality and group”.

Father John Paul II: „Education actually lies in the fact that a human should be becoming more human. In order that he could more be and not only to have more and further in the consequence of what he has, he possess, he knew better what it is to be a human. Because of that it is necessary for a human to know that he will be more not only with people, but also for people”.


     Education is a complicated, complex human activity specially prepared for reaching changes in physical and mental development of the individual and in his behavior.

     More authors stress especially the moment of improvement. Different understanding of education is influenced by socio-cultural conditions, by different conceptions of understanding of a human, but also by stressing every single side of educative process. Some authors understand education as:

A – a fully controlled process of influencing incomplete person by pedagogue or institution with the aim to subordinate him to social norms or norms of institution.

B – other group understands education as the accepting of role by a human himself, who is educated, as a subject of his own formation, they stress the part of personality on its own formation (reformatory movement).


C – other group considers to be the most important thing within education the relationship between teacher and pupil. They notice especially process side of education (e. g. alternative pedagogy). 


     Education is a basic category of pedagogical theory and practice. Education belongs to basic and the oldest human activities, but as an intentional human activity it arises at a particular stage of development of the society.

Effectiveness of education depends on the level of interiorization of educative influences by a human who is educated.