
Týden 1

 Historical view of development of pedagogy as a science – development of pedagogy as a part of philosophy up to its acknowledgement as a science in 18th century


     Pedagogy belongs to group of social sciences, to system of sciences about a human. Pedagogy was developing as a part of philosophical, political and religious opinions for a long time. Pedagogy as an independent science was formed relatively recently – in modern time, definitive acknowledgement reached at the beginning of 19th century mainly due to Johan Friedrich Herbart. He is considered to be the founder of the systematic pedagogy – pedagogy as a science. 


Definition and etymology of the concept pedagogy. The word “paidagogika” has its origin in Ancient Greece – the roots are in Ancient-Greek education. Pais means boy, child and agogé means to lead, to guide somebody.

The word pedagogy was developing for a long time and originally the concept paidagogos denoted the slave – the guide, who accompanied the son of his master. He took care of his safety; the son was not allowed to play with slaves’ children, the guide accompanied him when going to school. Greek pedagogike techné meant the art of education. The expression paidagogos was brought form Ancient Greek to Ancient Latin. The Romans loaned it as a paidagogus, but with metaphorical meaning – not only as a slave – a guide, but as a teacher – educator. Later this expression was brought to the most of Indo-European languages. (In other cultures and language families it has also completely different meanings.)

     From the etymology of the word paidagogos is obvious that it denoted the guiding of children, education of the youth. Pedagogy was since the very beginning connected with practical education, it was formed from practical needs. Foremost it arose from necessary needs to prepare the youth for the future life in certain social conditions.

     The most generally the education is characterized as a science about education, which examines the essence and rules of education, it clarifies the aims, methods and means of education and on the base of general empiric experiences it determines pedagogical instructions and principles for organization and management of educational activity.