Týden 5
Relation of pedagogy towards other sciences
System of pedagogical sciences
pedagogy includes a wide area of scientific cognition and it is divided into individual
science disciplines. Its structure is formed by the summary of these sciences
and their relations.
Classification of pedagogical
sciences or sciences about education has different points of view.
System of pedagogical sciences is formed by:
A. Basic pedagogical disciplines
B. Applicative pedagogical disciplines
C. Marginal pedagogical disciplines
All science disciplines are more or less mutually connected and thus
they represent united system mutually conditioned relations. Pedagogy or
sciences about education are influenced by many disciplines. By means of mutual
influencing the theory of new disciplines is developing – here belongs
educational philosophy, futuristics, prognostics, geography, demography, ethnography,
ethnology, hygiene of architecture, cybernetics and other disciplines.
Pedagogy by its universal character, which arises from miscellaneousness and dependence of the subject of research, cannot be isolated from other sciences. It uses mainly various theoretical pieces of knowledge, hypotheses and applications of scientific-research methods. Pedagogy has a close relation especially towards philosophical, psychological and biological sciences.
The meaning of disciplines:
Pedagogy - philosophy
This relation is of great importance
for both pedagogical theory and practice. Pedagogy was developing within
philosophy for a long time up to modern times. However, neither philosophy nor
pedagogy arose a priori, but it has its roots in scientific cognition and
research. All more important philosophical trends significantly influence
pedagogical theory. It is philosophy of a human, axiology, logic, ethics and
1. Pedagogy – philosophy:
(a) Pedagogy and philosophy of a
human (philosophical anthropology) (this relation) examines the complex of
questions concerned with life, genesis of conditions, future and position of a
man in the society. On the basis of pieces of knowledge from philosophy of a
human it is possible to work up educational aims and content of education.
Categories the aim of education and the content of education have philosophical
dimension. They clarify what should be reached in education and what should be
mediated by means of education and schooling to the individual.
The content of education is also
formulated on the basis of logic postulates. To know the essentials of logic →
means for a teacher to use proper principles of thinking, to express and
formulate his ideas adequately.
II. Pedagogy – psychology:
- from psychological disciplines:
- experimental psychology influenced
research methods of pedagogy
- depth psychology (psychoanalysis
of S. Freud and individualistic psychology of Adler)
- personalistic psychology
Pedagogy – general psychology: it provides for pedagogy pieces of knowledge which are important for analyses of educational processes and phenomena.
- Pedagogy
– psychology of personality: it is of great importance for both
pedagogical theory and practice. It examines interests, inclinations,
attitudes, abilities, talent, temperament, character. Cognition of pupil’s
personality is one of the basic conditions of success of education and
teaching, but it also enables to respect pedagogical principle of
individual approach.
- Pedagogy
– development psychology: it exactly defines and characterizes
typical features of the given periods and on the basis of these
ontogenetic pieces of knowledge the content of education is adjusted.
Methods, forms and means must also fulfill these criteria (age suitability).
III. Pedagogy – sociology (a science
about laws of development and structure of society as a whole). Teaching process has its
social nature as well. Sociology helps to solve problems in the sphere of
school and after-school education. Pedagogy borrowed from sociology many
research methods, e.g. inquiry, sociometric method, test.
IV. Pedagogy has also a relation
with physical sciences:
- pedagogy
– biology: development of the individual is determined from 3 sides
(somatic, psychic, social). Biology provides analysis of construction and
activity of a human organism.
- pedagogy
– hygiene
- pedagogy
– mathematics (especially statistics)
- pedagogy
– cybernetics (cybernetics is a science about control and regulation in
influencing processes).