Business Environment

Group assignment

Instructions for your assignment

Assessment Type

Group assignment (2500 words +/-10%)

Due date

18.5.2025 (until midnight)

Assignment Task  

  • The purpose of your assignment is to analyse the internal and external environment of a company of your choice.
  • For your assignment, choose ONE company of small or medium size and analyse the company’s external and internal environment in which it inhabits.

General guidance:

  • Before you choose your company, please think about the sources for your assignment. Are they easily available from the internet or any database? Are they relevant? Are they available in English or will you have to translate them? I strongly recommend finding a company with information available in English as it will save you time to translate it.
  • Cite all information used in your work that is clearly from a source. Try to ensure that all sources in your reference list are seen as citations in your work, and all names cited in the work appear in your reference list. 

Please do not exceed the word limit. 

Task specific guidance: 

Instructions for your video presentation
•You need to record a video presentation of your assignment (5 points), due date is on 18.5.2025 (midnight).

•The video should be a max. of 5 minutes

•The presentation should be done by all members of the team.

•You need to upload the video presentation to the – the link is in the interactive syllabus.