Business Environment

Block 1: Organization of Teaching, Communication and Evaluation

Course Organization

The teaching of the course is organized into four topics in which student actively participates and for which he/she is preparing.

The topics of the lectures and seminars are listed in the course syllabus.


Students can communicate through:

  • email
  • consultation hours (Tuesday 10,30 - 12,00)
  • discussion forum
Course Evaluation

  • Seminar paper: the student is obliged to prepare a seminar paper on the topic assigned by the lecturer and submit the thesis no later to 30. 4. 2025  via the Homework Vaults in IS SU and the lecturer will evaluate the submitted work (seminar papers submitted after the deadline will not be accepted); 20% of points.
  • Ongoing test: the student is obliged to participate in continuous test in the week 31. 3. - 6. 4. 2025;  the test will take the form of a written test via IS SU; 20% of points.
  • Exam: exam will take the form of a written test; 60% of points.
  • The student can get a total of 100 points (100 %).

    Based on the obtained points, the student can obtain the following evaluation (according to the international ECTS methodology):

  • Evaluation A              100 – 90 points

  • Evaluation B              89 – 80 points

  • Evaluation C              79 – 70 points

  • Evaluation D              69 – 60 points

  • Evaluation E               59 – 50 points


  • HAMILTON, H. and P. WEBSTER. The International Business Environment, 3rd ed. Oxford University Press, 2015. ISBN 978-0-19-870419-5. info
  • NORDQVIST, M., MELIN, L., WALDKIRCH, M. and G. KUMETO. Theoretical Perspectives on Family Business. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015. ISBN 978-1-7834-79658. info
  • WERHERLY, P. a D. OTTER. The Business Envronment: themes and issues. Oxford: Oxford Univesity Press, 2008. ISBN 978-0-19-920305-5. info