International Marketing

Lecture 9 - Distribution


This lecture deals with international distribution policy. The main topic is the international distribution strategy. Trends and issues of international distribution are mentioned in the final part of the presentation.

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.

Can we be succesful with just an e-shop in a foreign country?

Explain why.

5 minutes thinking, 5 minutes discussion.

How long is the distribution chain for bananas?

5 minutes thinking, 5 minutes discussion.


Explain the trends and issues of distribution in your home country. Use the white-board in MS Teams.

10 minutes for the task, 10 minutes discussion.


Continue the work on your seminar paper. Continue the marketing mix block with details about distribution with teacher supervision (meaning I will be constantly checking on you working in class and will be available in Teams to guide you through the process).

Each team will be checked by me.

30 minutes for task, 10 minutes for evaluation.