Intercultural Communication

Topic: Study materials, presentations, TASKS, and test

1. Our topic is Intercultural communication and its specifics, Chapter 1 in the textbook Kajzar, Chylková Intercultural Communication, prepare answers to questions p.7 - GOALS OF THE CHAPTER.

 2. Our topic is CULTURE DIMENSIONS AND THEIR APPLICATION IN MARKETING, Chapter 2 in the textbook Kajzar, Chylková Intercultural Communication, prepare answers to questions p.19 - GOALS OF THE CHAPTER and p.34 -  CHECK QUESTION.

3. Our topic is Business Organization and Culture, ICtextbook_Heinz, please read p.5-6 and answers to questions.

4-5. Our topic is Division of Culture and Verbal and Non-verbal communication, please read ICtextbook_Heinz,

Task for 8 November 2021

Study chapter 7.2 Presentation skills pp. 86-89, answer the questions p.89.

Task for 15 November 2021

  Study chapter 8.2/97-99

Task for 22 November 2021

    Study chapter 9 a prepare the questions p. 109

Task for 29 November 2021

     Prepare p 116/ For interested persons, questions p. 119

Domácí úkoly, sběr souborů.
