Profesní angličtina 2
PhDr. Janusz Karpeta, Ph.D.
Profesní angličtina 2
zima 2021
1 Ongoing oral test –20 points
– topics:
a/ Successful meetings
b/ Negotiating
- in seminars and online - November, December

2 Ongoing written test – 20 points
- online in IS - 6.11.2021

3 Written task – 10 points
– topic: writing a business email or a letter in 50 – 100 words
– IS Odevzdávarna
- deadline: 3.12.2021

4 Credit written test – 50 points
- deadline: January, February
Kapitola obsahuje:
Studijní text
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 20. 9. 2021.
Kapitola obsahuje:
Studijní materiály
Studijní text
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 27. 9. 2021 do 3. 10. 2021.
Kapitola obsahuje:
Studijní materiály
Studijní text
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 4. 10. 2021 do 10. 10. 2021.
Kapitola obsahuje:
Studijní materiály
Studijní text
Učitel doporučuje studovat od 11. 10. 2021 do 17. 10. 2021.

Blok 1

Introduction to the course.

Specifying the textbook to be used.

Specifying the topics and tasks for the course.

Specifying the requirements for the course.

BBC Business English

Requirements BKJA2
PDF ke stažení



Seminární práce
Skupiny Dr.J.Karpeta

Blok 2

Introduction to the topics 1, 2:

1. Marketing and Selling – Sales versus Marketing

2. Marketing and Selling – Advertising

Topic 1

1. Marketing and Selling – Sales versus Marketing

a/ Focusing on marketing and selling vocabulary

b/ Reading comprehension - The role of sales and marketing, the difference between sales and marketing, smarketing

c/ Grammar - comparatives and superlatives,  countable and uncountable nouns

d/ Specific tasks and taking the test

Topic 2

2. Marketing and Selling – Advertising

a/ Focusing on marketing, selling and advertising vocabulary

b/ Reading comprehension - Marketing activities. Sales activities. Advertising

c/ Grammar - selling changes, giving reasons and results, presentation relating to a marketing plan

d/ Specific tasks and taking the test

Power point presentations

Blok 3

Introduction to the topics 3, 4, 5:

3. Entrepreneurship - entrepreneur

4. Entrepreneurship – Business Organisation and People

5. Business Costs – Cutting Costs

Topic 3

3. Entrepreneurship - entrepreneur

a/ Focusing on entrepreneurship, entrepreneur vocabulary

b/ Reading comprehension - Starting a company

c/ Grammar - modal verbs

d/ Specific tasks and taking the test

Topic 4

4. Entrepreneurship – Business Organisation and People

a/ Focusing on business organisation, people vocabulary

b/ Reading comprehension - Types of organisation

c/ Grammar - expressions for meetings

d/ Specific tasks and taking the test

Topic 5

5. Business Costs – Cutting Costs

a/ Focusing on costs, cutting costs vocabulary

b/ Reading comprehension - Personal and business budgets. Fixed costs, variable costs, investments. Cost cutting and its consequences. Money loss

c/ Grammar - future forms and first conditional, time expressions 

d/ Specific tasks and taking the test

Power point presentations

Blok 4

Introduction to the topics 6, 7:

6. Business Costs – Profit, Loss and Payment

7. Global Trade

Topic 6

6. Business Costs – Profit, Loss and Payment 

a/ Focusing on profit, loss, payment vocabulary

b/ Reading comprehension - Financial performance, Payment terms,  

c/ Lexis - selected collocations and phrases  

d/ Specific tasks and taking the test

Topic 7

7. Global Trade

a/ Focusing on global trade vocabulary

b/ Reading comprehension - International franchising. A franchise investment

c/ Grammar - present perfect, expressions used in scheduling, giving updates and handling questions

d/ Specific tasks and taking the test

Power point presentations
