Corporate Budgeting
Mgr. Tetiana Konieva, Ph.D.
Corporate Budgeting
zima 2023

The aim of the discipline is to provide students with basic knowledge of the budgeting and analysis of the financial and economic activities of the firm.

The students will get the theoretical principles of the budgeting process at the enterprise, its place in the system of the financial management.

The students will be able to calculate current budgets (sales budget, production budget, budget of the total production costs, budget of the administrative and sales expenses), cash plan; accumulate the results in the forecast annual financial reports and make operational and financial analysis of the firm's activity in the planning year. 

Contact information
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at any time by mail or you can come to the office A333 (every Monday (12:10-12:30) or Tuesday (13:00-13:30).

"Corporate budgeting" is a discipline of practical nature, based on calculation and analysis of specific case studies, which will be discussed together with students at seminars. It will be the necessary basis for the students in order to complete the analytical work successfully, consolidate the lecture material and prepare for the final exam.

For active participation at seminars, successful completion of the analytical work and exam corresponding points are provided.

All necessary materials for lectures and seminars, as well as additional information, will be added during the semester.

Activities and assessment
Activity Points per unitQuantity during the semesterTotal points
Participation at seminars 210 seminars20
Analytical work20
Total --100
Domácí úkoly, sběr souborů.
Kapitola obsahuje:

Learning materials

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.