
Individual Block 1: week 2+3

Changes in conditions - on going test and consultaiont points are divided into online consultaions 8 points per 1 consultation (40 in total/5 consultation in plan)

Consultation : Monday 16 at 10 via google meet

Link: https://meet.google.com/kxt-ahok-ucw

I. Theory Study goals: from 2.10. to 15.10., 4 points to receive

1. Read the chapters 1 and 2, 25 pages and enclosure 1 - entrepreneurial test.

2. Prepare for discussion about those questions:

a) Who is entrepreneur, which qualities has?

b) Why doing business is important for economy?

II. Practical Part : Think about yout business idea..., 4 points to receive

Some tips:

a) do you have any hobby which could be as your work in a future?

b) do you miss something in the market and you have your own solution/improvement?

c) do you observe something and people aremotivated to pay for that?