Prezentační dovednosti 1

Presentation no. 1

Registration - themes:



After reviewing the key terms, prepare a presentation that includes your analysis. Include:

• What thoughts do you have on the structure and language of the speech?
What is it that the author wants you to believe or do?
How do you know?
What evidence does the author use to support their opinion?
What type of language do they use for emphasis or description?

As you re-read, ask yourself the following:

What is the thesis?
Who is his audience?
What modes of appeal does the speaker use?
•What instances do you see of schemes and tropes, such as allusion, anaphora, metaphor, etc? 
•Do you note patterns of sound, such as alliteration, assonance, or sibilance, etc? 
What else do you notice?

- Exordium, or introduction
- Narratio, or contextual information
- Confirmatio, or argument
- Refutatio, or counterargument and refutation
- Peroratioor conclusion