
1.2 A seminar paper instructions




Decide what you will do business in. Based on the "Lean Canvas method", compile the basic pillars of your business, answer the following questions clearly and concisely. The subject of your group's business must be different from other groups.


1. Provide basic information about your business.

2. What products (products / services) will you provide?

3. What unique value will you provide to your customers?

4. Who will be your customers?

5. What are your competitive advantages?

6. What sales methods will you have?

7. What communication channels will you use with customers?

8. What will be the key activities of your business?

9. What key business resources will you need? Within human resources, who will form the company's management team?

10. What key partners will you need for your business?


Task 2 Personnel policy in a small business

Find out how much staff you will really need for your organization. Analyse the expected activities (list and briefly describe all the activities that will need to be performed in your organization; assign the expected time burden to them; set requirements for employees who will perform individual activities; design the organizational structure; group and assign defined activities to the created organizational structure and describe the individual jobs.

Task 3 Sources of financing business activities

• What funding do you have now? (after completing previous tasks)

• Do these funds correspond in scope to the needs of the business plan? (compare the compiled estimate of expected costs for the implementation of the plan in the form of a table)

• If they do not match, what external financial resources will be needed to implement your business plan?

• Do you have an idea where and under what conditions you will get these resources? (give an example of possible financing of your needs)


Task 4 Risks of the business plan

• What types of risks can occur in your business? Define possible risks and emphasize economic and financial risks.

• How and how will your risks be minimized? Comment on the described risks. What measures will you take to avoid endangering your business?


Process all information as one document. At the end of the semester, a presentation of your plan will take place in 10 minutes.