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Tuition fee for studying in a foreign language in full-time form of study in the follow-up master study programme or bachelor programme

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Tuition fee for studying in a foreign language in full-time form of study in the follow-up master study programme or bachelor programme in the academic year 2023/2024. / Poplatek za studium ve studijním programu v cizím jazyce v navazujícím magisterském typu studia nebo bakalářském typu studia v akademickém roce 2023/2024.

  • Tuition fee for follow-up master or bachelor study programme

    • In accordance with the provisions of section 58 para. 4 of the Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions and on amendments and supplements to some other acts, as amended and in compliance with Article 26 para. 3 of the Statute of the Silesian University in Opava, according to which the amount of the fee shall be determined by the Head of the relevant part the University.
    • In case of non-payment of the fee, the applicant will be asked to pay it within the specified period. If the fee is not paid, the study cannot be successfully completed.

    • Payment may take up to 5 days to be fully charged.
    • Please check with your bank that they can send payments in EUR to the EU.
    • In case you want to change the method of payment (bank transfer / card payment), kindly cancel the whole order and make a new one.
    • For payment issues, please contact

Total: 2 500 EUR incl. VAT