Computer Science and Technology

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The Master of Computer Science and Technology degree aims at preparation of fully qualified professionals for design, development, use and maintenance of advanced ICT products. Topics include computer graphics, artificial intelligence techniques, knowledge, expert and multiagent systems, robotics and drones, process management, supercomputing and more.

o No text memorizing, but systems thinking and individual approach.

o Abstraction, analysis, algorithmization.

o Practical topics of diploma theses in collaboration with leading ICT companies.

o Scholarships and research participation for talented students.

o Expert English knowledge enhancement.

The study extends an elementary knowledge of information technology. Graduates get familiar with the most recent development in fields like artificial intelligence, computer graphics, robotics and drones, image and video processing, parallel computation including specialized hardware, process management in companies, cyber security and so on. They can find jobs in a broad scope of IT professions, like analyst-programmer of client, server, mobile and web apps, developer or manager of company information and database systems, complex IT service and consulting solutions, robotic systems, game industry, network security and many more. Graduates are trained for both individual and team work, and are ready for a PhD study which is a step towards top company or research career.

Graduates of this degree are highly demanded both in Czech Republic and Europe. During last ten years, Czech Republic became a home of many leading companies in web technologies, ICT systems, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, game industry and more. As an added value, the graduates get an overview of technological choices, a self-reliant approach to problems and competences for team leadership, qualifying them for higher job levels. They find many jobs related to ICT across different sectors in the public and private sectors. Possible positions: software developer/architect, database developer / Information system administrator, database system administrator / Computer network administrator / Developer of server/web/mobile applications or games / ICT projects manager / Drones control and data processing / ICT consultant and support expert / ICT projects manager / Security expert

P1801 Informatics

Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Computer Science and Technology
Abbreviation: IVTA
Code: 2612T025
Type: master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Degree: Mgr.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: N1801 N1801 Inf Computer Science
Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava