Degree programme objectives

The aim of the study programme is to prepare graduates with the necessary theoretical knowledge and professional skills, opening up opportunities for them to apply themselves in practice and respond to the needs of the labour market in the field of historicization and presentation of cultural heritage in its entirety. In particular, it focuses on supporting the development of restructuring provincial regions with specific features and border regions with potential for development in the tertiary sphere and for the presentation and social use of cultural heritage in the broad sense of the word; on the need to train professionals as a prerequisite for promoting education and the cultural and historical cultivation of society, working with clients with a higher level of expertise and with people with specific needs. The study programme provides in-depth theoretical knowledge of Czech cultural history in an international context and of tangible and intangible cultural heritage in its thematic structure in the sense of a complex of relics, activities and manifestations of spiritual culture created in the past, directly or indirectly influencing contemporary society and individuals; emphasizes the ability to evaluate cultural heritage and the possibilities of its optimal use in regional practice, especially in the field of presentation and animation of history and cultural heritage in memory institutions, leisure activities and selected services in tourism (cultural tourism), including services for clients with specific needs (families with children, seniors, disabled) and specific interests (persons with requirements for culturally historical oriented leisure and educational activities). The study programme deepens the linguistic competences (English, German) necessary for professional activities in the field of historicization, presentation and use of cultural heritage, for communication with professional partners and clients in cultural, historical and leisure facilities. The relevant scope and quality of practical skills are provided by the study programme in cooperation with experts from the professional sphere, who participate in theoretical teaching, field seminars and conducting practice in selected institutions.

Study plans


  • Objectives
    The aim of the study programme is to prepare graduates with the necessary theoretical knowledge and professional skills, opening up opportunities for them to apply themselves in practice and respond to the needs of the labour market in the field of historicization and presentation of cultural heritage in its entirety. In particular, it focuses on supporting the development of restructuring provincial regions with specific features and border regions with potential for development in the tertiary sphere and for the presentation and social use of cultural heritage in the broad sense of the word; on the need to train professionals as a prerequisite for promoting education and the cultural and historical cultivation of society, working with clients with a higher level of expertise and with people with specific needs. The study programme provides in-depth theoretical knowledge of Czech cultural history in an international context and of tangible and intangible cultural heritage in its thematic structure in the sense of a complex of relics, activities and manifestations of spiritual culture created in the past, directly or indirectly influencing contemporary society and individuals; emphasizes the ability to evaluate cultural heritage and the possibilities of its optimal use in regional practice, especially in the field of presentation and animation of history and cultural heritage in memory institutions, leisure activities and selected services in tourism (cultural tourism), including services for clients with specific needs (families with children, seniors, disabled) and specific interests (persons with requirements for culturally historical oriented leisure and educational activities). The study programme deepens the linguistic competences (English, German) necessary for professional activities in the field of historicization, presentation and use of cultural heritage, for communication with professional partners and clients in cultural, historical and leisure facilities. The relevant scope and quality of practical skills are provided by the study programme in cooperation with experts from the professional sphere, who participate in theoretical teaching, field seminars and conducting practice in selected institutions.
  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates
    Thanks to the expanded theoretical knowledge and deepened practical skills, the graduate has the opportunity to apply himself in professional practice in the field of history, culture and services, during the implementation of activities of a professional, educational and leisure nature in memory, historical/cultural-historical and educational institutions and tourism facilities. Advanced language skills enabling communication with foreign professional partners, visitors and clients. Specifically, the graduate will be employed in museums, galleries, installed objects and other memory and cultural-historical institutions, in facilities of a leisure nature, including tourism; in administration; in the media etc. He can hold the position of a collection administrator, lecturer, animator, guide, program worker; clerk in administration. He can be a member of a collective or act as an independent worker.
  • Rules and Conditions for the Creation of a Study Plan
    The creation of study plans is based on the standards and methodology recommended by the National Accreditation Office and the rules of the International Credit System (ECTS). The standard duration of study is 2 years, the standard number of credits is 120. The standard pace of study then determines the fulfillment of 30 credits per semester, 60 credits per academic year. The number of credits for individual subjects corresponds to the number of hours of teaching, the difficulty and importance of the subject for graduation and the expected number of hours of self-study. The scope of one lesson is 45 minutes. The study plan specifies compulsory subjects and compulsory optional subjects, the sum of credits obtained for them must reach 108 credits. The study plan offers one group of compulsory elective subjects of type A and one group of compulsory elective subjects of type B, with the conditions for obtaining a minimum number of credits. A student earns at least 12 credits by completing optional subjects, choosing from the free range of subjects in the faculty's study programs. The structure of the study plan and the ratio of credits obtained in individual subject groups is specified in Annex B-IIa. The study plan maintains a balanced ratio between the theoretical and practical part of the teaching, part of the study plan is practical teaching in the premises of the university, in specialized classrooms and in the field; part of the study also includes professional practice in contractual institutions. The sum of acquired knowledge and skills corresponds to the described profile of the graduate.
  • Practical Training
    Professional practice provides students with preparation for practical application after completing the study program in accordance with the profile of the graduate and helps increase their applicability on the labor market.

    The aim of professional practice is to enable students to practice and deepen the acquired theoretical knowledge of the history and issues of cultural heritage, to equip them with the skills needed for their application in the care of cultural heritage, its presentation, animation and education and work with clients (visitors), including services for persons with specific needs, both in cultural and historical facilities and in the provision of services in the field of leisure activities and tourism (cultural tourism), respectively. in the field of accessible tourism.

    Professional practice contributes to personal and professional development, the acquisition of necessary competences and greater student motivation. It deepens their independence at work, communication skills and the use of language competences, it also teaches them to work in a team, to respect the given hierarchy of the workplace and its authorities. It contributes to students' flexibility, openness to innovation, and a higher degree of reliability.

    Professional practice is divided into two parts. Professional practice I is typically organized in cultural-historical and memory institutions, at places of preservation, in facilities of a cultural nature, etc. Professional practice I usually takes place in the scope of 3 consecutive weeks in contractual institutions. The internship provides students with concentrated preparation for practical application after graduation from the study program in cultural and historical institutions in accordance with the profile of the graduate, especially in the context of presentation, animation and other forms of making history and cultural heritage accessible, or for other activities implemented in the relevant institutions.

    Professional practice II equips students with extended skills to provide services in the field of leisure activities and tourism, stimulates the development of their management and organizational skills. The practice is organized as a rule as continuous within the scope of 3 weeks. It is organized in facilities that provide or organize activities with a focus on cultural tourism (tourist information centers, travel agencies and agencies); in organizations focusing on regional development, presentation and promotion of cultural monuments and traditions; in spa, recreation and accommodation facilities with cultural and cultural-historical programs for a wide range of clients, including people with specific needs (children, families with children, seniors, disabled, etc.).

    Professional practice I and II always takes place under the methodical guidance of a mentor - a cooperating expert from practice/institution and under the general supervision of a teacher - supervisor; the resulting evaluation of the practice belongs to the guarantor of the subject. The student keeps a written diary; will receive mentor and supervisor evaluations. Knowledge is verified in the form of an oral discussion, usually with the participation of the student, guarantor and supervisor.

  • Goals of Theses
    The goal of the qualification work is to verify the student's ability to process a professional text, corresponding to the level of knowledge and formal content to the customs in the field of historical science, in particular to perform heuristics, analysis and evaluation of information on the given topic and synthesis of knowledge. The resulting structured text, including critical notes and a list of information sources, should bring new knowledge to the chosen topic.
  • Access to Further Studies
    Graduates of the study program can develop their education within doctoral study programs in the field of Historical Science education and other related study programs.

Basic information

master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Degree in Advanced Master's state examination
Length of studies
2 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

estimated number of admitted
number of active students
number of theses/dissertations