How to Interconnect Research and Development in Educational Practice
KALEJA, Martin a Marek CETKOVSKÝZákladní údaje
Originální název
How to Interconnect Research and Development in Educational Practice
KALEJA, Martin (203 Česká republika, garant, domácí) a Marek CETKOVSKÝ (203 Česká republika, domácí)
Social Pathology and Prevention, Opava, Fakulta veřejných politik, 2017, 2464-5877
Další údaje
Typ výsledku
Článek v odborném periodiku
50400 5.4 Sociology
Stát vydavatele
Česká republika
není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství
Organizační jednotka
Fakulta veřejných politik v Opavě
Klíčová slova anglicky
research; education; interconnection
Mezinárodní význam, Recenzováno
Změněno: 9. 3. 2020 01:33, doc. PhDr. et PhDr. Martin Kaleja, Ph.D.
V originále
Experts from the Faculty of Public Policies of the Silesian University in Opava, as an implementation team conducted a sociological monitoring of education of preschool children and pupils of compulsory school education in the context of the whole of Czech Republic in the period from June 2014 to September 2015. They implement a research contract where the contracting authority was the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. The research goal had three basic research planes. The first one involved the implementation of research in the field of literacy among pupils of 3rd and 4th grade at primary schools of all types. The second research plane focused on the readiness of teachers to educate all groups of pupils, and the third dealt with an analysis of educational systems in two selected cities – Sokolov and Krnov.