V originále
Recently, in [1], it was demonstrated that various regular black hole metrics can be derived within a theory featuring an infinite number of higher curvature corrections to General Relativity. Moreover, truncating this infinite series at the first few orders already yields a reliable approximation of the observable characteristics of such black holes [2]. Here, we further establish the existence of another regular black hole solution, particularly the D-dimensional extension of the Dymnikova black hole, within the equations of motion incorporating an infinite tower of higher-curvature corrections. This solution is essentially nonperturbative in the coupling parameter, rendering the action, if it exists, incapable of being approximated by a finite number of powers of the curvature. In addition, we compute the dominant quasinormal frequencies of such black holes using both the Bernstein polynomial method and the 13th order WKB method with Pad & eacute; approximants, obtaining a high degree of agreement between them.