česky | in English
Name (in English): An imperial sigh with oriental notes? Ortenburg Castle in Bautzen (Upper Lusatia) during the reign of Kings Matthias Corvinus, Vladislaus II and Louis Jagiellon (about 1483-1526)
RIV: Article in a journal. English. Poland.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Bautzen; Mathias Corvinus; castellology; representation of power; biblicisms
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 25/6/2024 21:59.
Name in Czech: Země české koruny v zajetí historiografického bohemocentrismu. Kolem knihy „Spolu i vedle sebe. České stavy a stavy zemí České koruny na prahu raného novověku”, ed. Lenka Bobková, Martin Čapský, Praha 2021 („Korunní země v dějinách českého státu”, sv. 9)
Name (in English): Bohemian crown lands in captivity of historiographic bohemocentrism. Around the book „Spolu i vedle sebe. České stavy a stavy zemí České koruny na prahu raného novověku”, eds. Lenka Bobková, Martin Čapský, Praha 2021 („Korunní země v dějinách českého st
RIV/47813059:19240/24:A0001329 Article in a journal. Polish. Poland.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: The Bohemian crown; Middle Ages; early modern; mechanisms of power
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 11/3/2024 10:33.
Name in Czech: Když se středověk staval novověkem...
Name (in English): When the Middle Ages became modern...
RIV: Editorship of professional books. Polish. Poland.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Middle Ages; historiography; Czech lands; Silesia; Moldova; art.
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 28/6/2024 22:21.
Name (in English): Geography of historical Silesian studies in the Czech Republic at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. Part one: Bohemia and Moravia
RIV: Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Polish. Poland.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Historiography; research centers; scholars; research of Silesia
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 20/7/2024 11:15.
Name in Czech: Idea a stat. Koruna Království českého v letech 1457-1547. IV: Král a stavy. 3: Města a měšťané. 2: Česká královská města
Name (in English): Idea and the State. Crown of the Kingdom of Bohemia 1457–1547, 4: King and the States, 3: Towns and townspeople, A: Royal towns of Bohemia
RIV: Book on a specialized topic. Polish. Poland.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Bohemian crown; late Middle Ages; early Modern Ages; towns; artistic patronage; representation
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 23/4/2024 19:17.
Name in Czech: Krize státu úspěchem panovníka. Alternativní pohled na vznik Kladského hrabství
Name (in English): The crisis of the state by the success of the monarch. An alternative view of the creation of the Kłodzko County
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Historiography, George of Poděbrady, Kłodzko Counties
Type of participation: requested lecture
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 29/6/2024 10:56.
Name in Czech: Onomastický průzkum na úpatí Biskupské Kupy - příspěvky k dějinám důlního reviru jižně od Nisy ve 13., 15. a 16. století
Name (in English): Onomastic reconnaissance at the foot of Mount Biskupia Kopa – contributions to the history of the bishop's basin south of Nysa in the 13th, 15th and 16th centuries
Polish. Poland.
Keywords in English: onomastics, gold mining, Moravian-Silesian border, castles, Gothic architecture
International impact: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 25/6/2024 22:04.
Name in Czech: [rec.:] František Kolář, Jana Koudelová, Petra Kaniová, Romana Rosová, Dalibor Prix, Pavel Stabrava, Michal Zezula, Život uvnitř města.typologie zástavby a kultura bydlení v městských historických jádrech moravskoslezského pomezí, Národní památkový ústav – územní odborné pracovíště v Ostravě, Ostrava 2022, ss. 252, liczne ilustracje.,
Name (in English): [rew.:] František Kolář, Jana Koudelová, Petra Kaniová, Romana Rosová, Dalibor Prix, Pavel Stabrava, Michal Zezula, Život uvnitř města.typologie zástavby a kultura bydlení v městských historických jádrech moravskoslezského pomezí, Národní památkový ústav – územní odborné pracovíště v Ostravě, Ostrava 2022, ss. 252, liczne ilustracje.,
Polish. Poland.
Keywords in English: architecture, houses, material culture, cities, Moravia, Silesia
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 22/7/2024 11:59.
Name in Czech: [rec.:] Lenka Bobková, Mlada Holá, Tomáš Velička, Marius Winzeler, Jan Zdichynec, Královská Horní Lužice. Panovnická reprezentace – mechanismy vlády – komunikace, Praha 2021 (Korunní země v dějinách českého státu, 8), ss. 646 + 8, il. kolor. i cz.-b.
Name (in English): [rev.:] Lenka Bobková, Mlada Holá, Tomáš Velička, Marius Winzeler, Jan Zdichynec, Královská Horní Lužice. Panovnická reprezentace – mechanismy vlády – komunikace, Praha 2021 (Korunní země v dějinách českého státu, 8), ss. 646 + 8, il. kolor. i cz.-b.
Polish. Poland.
Keywords in English: Upper Lusatia; history; identity; Middle Ages; modern times
International impact: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 8/3/2024 10:12.
Name in Czech: [rec.:] „Městský chram sv. Vavřince ve Vysokém Mýtě”, red. Kristina Uhlíková, Praha: Artefactum, 2022, ss. 480, 356 ilustr. kolor. i cz.-b. – fot. i rys.
Name (in English): [rev.:] „Městský chram sv. Vavřince ve Vysokém Mýtě”, red. Kristina Uhlíková, Praha: Artefactum, 2022, ss. 480, 356 ilustr. kolor. i cz.-b. – fot. i rys.
Keywords in English: Gothic architecture; Czechia, monument protection, sculpture, church history
International impact: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 10/10/2024 11:21.
Name in Czech: [rec.:] Michaela Hrubá, Jan Royt, Táňa Šimková, The mining towns of the Bohemian Ore Mountains in the early modern period and their impact on cultural history Charles University – Karolinum Press / Jan Evangelista Purkyně University – Faculty of Arts, Prague – Ústí nad Labem 2023, ss. 200, il. 113,
Name (in English): [rev.:] Michaela Hrubá, Jan Royt, Táňa Šimková, The mining towns of the Bohemian Ore Mountains in the early modern period and their impact on cultural history Charles University – Karolinum Press / Jan Evangelista Purkyně University – Faculty of Arts, Prague – Ústí nad Labem 2023, ss. 200, il. 113,
Polish. Poland.
Keywords in English: Bohemian Ore Mountains; mining; late Middle Ages; early modern Times; art
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 18/7/2024 23:23.
Name in Czech: [rec.:] Petr Vorel, Šmalkaldská válka v evropských dějinách 1546–1547, Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice 2021, ss. 540, il. cz.-b.:, fot., mapy, tablice genealogiczne
Name (in English): [rev.:] Petr Vorel, Šmalkaldská válka v evropských dějinách 1546–1547, Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice 2021, ss. 540, il. cz.-b.:, fot., mapy, tablice genealogiczne
Polish. Poland.
Keywords in English: The Schmalkaldic War, the Holy Roman Empire, Charles V, economic history, religious conflicts
International impact: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 11/10/2024 18:51.
Name in Czech: [rec.:] Sborník Zemského archivu v Opavě, Opava 2022, red. Karel Müller, Peter Tesař, ss. 288, il. kolor. i cz.-b.
Name (in English): [rev.:] Sborník Zemského archivu v Opavě, Opava 2022, red. Karel Müller, Peter Tesař, ss. 288, il. kolor. i cz.-b.
Polish. Poland.
Keywords in English: Regional history, archival science, Silesia, Opava
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 11/10/2024 18:45.
Name in Czech: [rec.:] Těžba zlata na Bruntálsku. Montánní region pohledem mezioborového výzkumu, red. Dalibor Prix, Josef Večeřa, Michal Zezula, Ostrava 2017, s.276; Zlatohorský rudni revír, montánní region a jeho mezioborový výzkum, red. Dalibor Prix, Josef Večeřa, M
Name (in English): [rev.:] Těžba zlata na Bruntálsku. Montánní region pohledem mezioborového výzkumu, red. Dalibor Prix, Josef Večeřa, Michal Zezula, Ostrava 2017, s.276; Zlatohorský rudni revír, montánní region a jeho mezioborový výzkum, red. Dalibor Prix, Josef Večeřa, M
Polish. Poland.
Keywords in English: Middle Ages; gold mining; onomastics; country borders
International impact: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 10/3/2024 10:09.
Name in Czech: Zpráva z vědecké konference „Stopy polské šlechty v českých zemích od počátku novověku po současnost (II). Knihovny – galerie – archiv“, která se konalá v Kuníně ve dnech 20.–21. října 2022.
Name (in English): Report from the scientific conference "Stopy polské šlechty v Czech zemích od počátku novověku po současnost (II). Knihovny – galleries – archives” / “Traces of the Polish nobility in the Czech countries from the beginning of modernity to the present day
Polish. Poland.
Keywords in English: Gentry; migrations; Poles; Bohemian Crown
International impact: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 9/3/2024 10:29.
Name in Czech: Středověk: literární topos nebo historická podívaná podle biblického scénáře
Name (in English): The Middle Ages: a literary topos or a historical spectacle according to the biblical scenario
RIV: Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Polish. Poland.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Middle Ages; historiography; interpretive schemes; art; Europe; biblicism
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 28/6/2024 22:28.
Name in Czech: "Urozené pání, stateční rytíří, slovutní panoší / wohlgeborne Herren, edle Ritter, ehrenveste Männer". Majetková expanze českých a moravských panů v (obvykle Horním) Slezsku na přelomu 15. a 16. století
Name (in English): "Urozené pání, stateční rytíří, slovutní panoší / wohlgeborne Herren, edle Ritter, ehrenveste Männer". The expansion of the Czech and Moravian magnates' property in (mostly Upper) Silesia at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries
RIV: Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Polish. Poland.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Bohemian Crown; Bohemia; Moravia; Silesia; lords; migrations; careers; 15th century; 16th century
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 29/10/2024 19:02.
Name in Czech: „…vnd wie ich mich weiter in allem dissem handel halten sulle, damit durch handlunge freuntschaft nicht in vnfreuntschaft gewandelt werde”. Z manželské korespondence politických elit České koruny v první polovině 16 století
Name (in English): „…vnd wie ich mich weiter in allem dissem handel halten sulle, damit durch handlunge freuntschaft nicht in vnfreuntschaft gewandelt werde”. From the matrimonial correspondence of the political elites of the Bohemian Crown in the first half of the 16th century
RIV: Proceedings paper. Polish. Poland.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: The Bohemian Crown; nobility; correspondence; residences
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 18/6/2024 20:21.
Name in Czech: Východní Čechy nebo východ Čech? Kolem diskuse o kulturní odlišnosti oblasti nad horním Lábem, Cidlinou a Sázavou
Name (in English): Eastern Bohemia or East Bohemia? Around the discussion about the cultural differences of the area above the upper Elbe, Cidlina and Sázava
RIV: Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Czech. Czech Republic.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Bohemian Kingdom; regionalization; historiography
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 20/6/2024 11:09.
Name in Czech: Úvod
Name (in English): Foreword
RIV: Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Polish. Poland.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Middle Ages; historiography; interpretive schemes; art; Europe
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 28/6/2024 22:20.
Name in Czech: Závěr
Name (in English): Conclusion
RIV: Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Polish. Poland.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Middle Ages; historiography; art; Europe; cartography
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 28/6/2024 22:33.
Changed by: Mgr. Hana Komárková, Ph.D., učo 27664. Changed: 12/9/2024 09:31.
Name in Czech: Do nebe a do pekla. Dosud neidentifikované podoby dvou českých králů z 15. století v Krnově
Name (in English): To heaven and hell. Still unidentified figures of two Bohemian kings from the 15th century in Krnov
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Matthias Corvinus; George of Poděbrady; gothic wall painting; political propaganda; eschatology
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 28/1/2024 19:44.
Name in Czech: „Ernst pflegen und und gebrauchten”. Sigilizace znaku ve veřejném prostoru měst Království českého v 15. a 16. století
Name (in English): „Ernst pflegen und und gebrauchten”. Sigilization of the coat of arms in the public space of the cities of the Kingdom of Bohemia in the 15th and 16th centuries
RIV/47813059:19240/23:A0001199 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Polish. Czech Republic.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Bohemian Kingdom; heraldry; cities; late Gothic
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 7/12/2023 12:12.
Name in Czech: Jeden muž a jedno Slezsko – 60 let života a téměř 30 knih
Name (in English): One man and one Silesia – 60 years of life and almost 30 books
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Radek Fukala; history of Silesia; historiography; biography
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 28/1/2024 19:57.
Name in Czech: Více o Odře jako o mostě, t. j. není dobro, které by nedopadlo hůř
Name (in English): More about the Oder as a bridge, i.e. there is no good that does not turn out to be worse
Polish. Poland.
Keywords in English: Oder; Poland; Germany; conflicts; political coexistence
International impact: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 7/12/2023 12:34.
Name in Czech: Nejvyšší purkrabí Pražského hradu Zdeněk Lev z Rožmitálu a na Blatné a německá reformace (nejen) ve Slezsku
Name (in English): Supreme Burgrave of Prague Castle Zdeněk Lev of Rožmitál and Blatná and the German Reformation (not only) in Silesia
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Lutheran Reformation; Bohemian Crown; Silesia; political elites
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 3/12/2023 10:13.
Name in Czech: Nově objevené vyobrazení krále Jiřího ve Slezsku z doby kolem roku 1475 až 1525 a eschatologické dilema jeho potomků
Name (in English): A newly discovered depiction of King George in Silesia from around 1475 to 1525 and the eschatological dilemma of his descendants
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Silesia; King George; Wrocław; Krnov; wall paintings; epitaphs; late Gothic; early Renaissance
Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
Changed by: Jan Vlha, učo 48995. Changed: 13/12/2023 11:39.
Name in Czech: Od „fossatoribus, qui in Riczschin foderunt“ (1390) po „Silesia subterranea“ (1720). Slezská (pre?)archeologie 14.-18. století a její historicko-umělecké souvislosti
Name (in English): From "fossatoribus, qui in Riczschin foderunt" (1390) to "Silesia subterranea" (1720). Silesian (pre?)archeology 14.-18. century and its historical-artistic connections
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: History of science; archaeology; Silesia; late Middle Ages; early modern Ages
Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
Changed by: Jan Vlha, učo 48995. Changed: 13/12/2023 12:59.
Name in Czech: Onomastická prohazka na úpatí Biskupskie kupy - příspěvek k dějinám biskupského důlního reviru jižně od Nisy ve 13., 15. a 16. století
Name (in English): Onomastic reconnaissance at the foot of Biskupia Kopa - contributions to the history of the bishop's mining area south of Nysa in the 13th, 15th and 16th centuries
Polish. Poland.
Keywords in English: Zlaté Hory; onomastics; gold mining; Wrocław bishopric
Type of participation: active participation (giving a lecture, organization, etc.)
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 9/12/2023 14:20.
Name in Czech: „…pactus bona terestria Pomstorf, olim dicta Polonice Dębniki aut etiam Dębno, in privilegiis eius loci Germanice Rodstat dictum…”. O zapomenutých městečkach ve Slezsku
Name (in English): „…pactus bona terestria Pomstorf, olim dicta Polonice Dębniki aut etiam Dębno, in privilegiis eius loci Germanice Rodstat dictum…”. About forgotten towns in Silesia
RIV/47813059:19240/23:A0001303 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Polish. Poland.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Silesia; the emergence of cities; the demise of cities; the late Middle Ages
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 28/1/2024 19:18.
Name in Czech: [recenze.:] Umělecké památky Moravy a Slezska, 3, 1–2, O–P, red. B. Samek, K. Dolejší, Wydawnictwo Academia, Praha 2021, ss. 1240 [620 + 620], fot. kolor. i cz.b., rys., plany, przekroje etc.
Name (in English): [review.:] Umělecké památky Moravy a Slezska, 3, 1–2, O–P, red. B. Samek, K. Dolejší, Wydawnictwo Academia, Praha 2021, ss. 1240 [620 + 620], fot. kolor. i cz.b., rys., plany, przekroje etc.
RIV/47813059:19240/23:A0001218 Review. Polish. Poland.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Moravia; Czech Silesia; monuments; art history
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 30/1/2024 11:08.
Name in Czech: Slezský akcent v čéským díle bavorského umělce? Monogramista IP. Oltář svaté Anny Samotřetí v Českým Krumlově, eds. Peter Kováč, Marek Zágora, Praha 2020]
Name (in English): A Silesian Accent in the Bohemian Work of a Bavarian Artist? [Rev. Monogramista IP. Oltář svaté Anny Samotřetí v Českým Krumlově, eds. Peter Kováč, Marek Zágora, Praha 2020]
Polish. Poland.
Keywords in English: artistic patronage; sculpture; Late Gothic; Renaissance; Bohemia; Bavaria; Silesia
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 12/2/2024 11:08.
Name in Czech: Kolem Prahy a Vratislavi. Studie minulosti a o tom, co z ní zůstalo
Name (in English): Around Prague and Wrocław. Studies of the past and what remains of it
RIV/47813059:19240/23:A0001304 Book on a specialized topic. Polish. Poland.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Bohemian crown; late Middle Ages; early modern; architecture; representation of power; political propaganda; historiography
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 28/1/2024 20:13.
Name in Czech: člen redakce
Name (in English): editorial member
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 9/12/2023 14:14.
Name (in English): Epigraphy Archaism versus Primitivism: A Few Comments on the Relations between Epigraphy and Architecture at the End of the Middle Ages.
RIV/47813059:19240/22:A0001055 Proceedings paper. Czech. Czech Republic.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: late gothic; historicism; epigraphy; tombstones; architecture; Bohemian Crown
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 7/12/2023 12:16.
Name in Czech: Když se středověk se staval nonověkem - sekce 18. na VII. sjezdu polských medievistů
Name (in English): When the Middle Ages became modern - section 18. in VII. Congress of Polish Medievalists
RIV/47813059:19240/22:A0001074 Organization of a conference. Polish. Poland.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Middle Ages; modernity; historiography; history; architecture; religion
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 15/6/2023 22:09.
Name (in English): The Idea and the State. Crown of the Kingdom of Bohemia in the Years 1457-1547; IV. The King and the States; 2. Princes and Nobles; C. Knights, esquires and other “highborns”
RIV/47813059:19240/22:A0001054 Book on a specialized topic. Polish. Poland.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Bohemian crown; late Middle Ages; early Modern Ages; knights; artistic patronage; representation
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 22/1/2023 22:05.
Name (in English): A lesser-known manuscript of Joannes Jacob Brunetti from 1692 with inscriptions on Wrocław sepulchral monuments in the collection of the National Library in Warsaw: A contribution to the history of epigraphic inventory system in the lands of the Bohemian
RIV/47813059:19240/22:A0001198 Proceedings paper. Czech. Czech Republic.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: epigraphic inventories; sepulchral monuments; Wrocław; Poland; 17th century
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 30/11/2023 10:43.
Name (in English): Opava Přemyslids in History and Culture
Czech. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Přemyslids, the Bohemian Crown, political elites, late Middle Ages, representation of power
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 25/1/2023 18:35.
Name in Czech: [recenze:] Zuzana Křenková, Locus Fratrum — Architecture of Observant Franciscan Monasteries in Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia and Upper Lusatia in the Late Middle Ages, Peter Lang, Berlin 2018, ss. 536, 349 il. cz.-b.,
Name (in English): [review:] Zuzana Křenková, Locus Fratrum — Architecture of Observant Franciscan Monasteries in Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia and Upper Lusatia in the Late Middle Ages, Peter Lang, Berlin 2018, ss. 536, 349 il. cz.-b.,
RIV/47813059:19240/22:A0001062 Review. Polish. Poland.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Observants; the Bohemian Crown; the Middle Ages; architecture; religion
International impact: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 4/4/2023 20:37.
Name in Czech: Nekorunovaný „český král“ a jeho „biblický“ hrad. Blatná nejvyššího purkrabího Pražského hradu Zdeňka Lva z Rožmitálu kolem let 1520-1530
Name (in English): The uncrowned "bohemian King" and his "bible" Castle. Blatná by the highest burgrave of Prague castle Zdeňek Lev of Rožmitál, around the years 1520-1530
RIV/47813059:19240/22:A0001078 Article in a journal. English. Poland.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: architecture; castelology; biblicisms; late gothic; early renaissance; representation of power; Bohemian Crown
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 14/2/2023 13:57.
Name in Czech: Dobytí nebo pád? Kladská válečná epizoda z roku 1622 v evropském kontextu z pohledu 400 let.
Name (in English): Conquest or Fall? Kłodzko's war episode of 1622 in the European context from the perspective of 400 years.
RIV/47813059:19240/22:A0001073 Organization of a conference. Polish. Poland.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Kłodzko; Thirty Years' War; history of wars; architecture
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 4/4/2023 20:38.
Name (in English): Iron, Stupid, Pious, Hunchbacked and others. The degraded subdynasty of the Opava Přemyslids as an underestimated political and cultural factor of (not only) Silesian history
RIV/47813059:19240/22:A0001056 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Czech. Czech Republic.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Přemyslids; the Bohemian Crown; political elites; late Middle Ages; artistic patronage; representation of power; late Gothic
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 23/1/2023 20:20.
Name in Czech: Lucemburská doba (1310-1437) a jeji habsburská epizoda (1438-1457) v Koruně české ze slezské perspektivy. Několik zobecnění u příležitosti 666. výročí císařské korunovace Karla IV. v Římě
Name (in English): The Luxembourg Period (1310–1437) and its Habsburg Epilogue (1438–1457) in the Bohemian Crown from the Silesian Perspective. Few Generalization on the 666th Anniversary of the Imperial Coronation of Charles IV in Rome
RIV/47813059:19240/21:A0000878 Article in a journal. Polish. Poland.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Crown of the Kingdom of Bohemia; Silesia; Polish-Czech relations; John of Luxembourg; Charles IV; Wenceslaus IV; Sigismund of Luxembourg; Albrecht of Habsburg; Ladislaus the Posthumous
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 17/12/2021 15:52.
Name in Czech: Opavští Přemyslovci v dějinách a kultuře. K výročí úmrtí Valentina Hrbatého 1521–2021
Name (in English): The Přemyslids of Opava in history and culture. On the anniversary of the death of Valentin Hrbatý 1521-2021
RIV/47813059:19240/21:A0000876 Organization of a conference. Czech. Czech Republic.
Matejko-Peterka, Ilona (616 Poland, belonging to the institution) -- Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: The Přemyslids of Opava; Valentin of Racibórz; history of Silesia
Changed by: Mgr. Ilona Matejko-Peterka, Ph.D., učo 52025. Changed: 16/12/2021 22:53.
Name in Czech: Vláda krále Jiřího ze slezské perspektivy (k 550. výročí panovníkovy smrti)
Name (in English): The Reign of George of Poděbrady, King of Bohemia, from a Silesian Perspective (on the 550th Anniversary of Monarch’s Death)
RIV/47813059:19240/21:A0000912 Article in a journal. Polish. Poland.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: George of Poděbrady; Crown of the Kingdom of Bohemia; Wrocław; historiography
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 4/2/2022 10:25.
Name (in English): The tombs of Silesian knights in the 15th and first half of the 16th centuries and the Bohemian-Moravian milieu
RIV/47813059:19240/21:A0000950 Proceedings paper. Czech. Czech Republic.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: tombstones: late gothic: nobility: Silesia: Bohemian Crown
Type of proceedings: post-proceedings
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 19/3/2022 13:26.
Name (in English): Silesia - really the peryferie of the Bohemian Crown?
RIV/47813059:19240/21:A0000952 Popularizing texts and activities. Czech. Czech Republic.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Silesia; Bohemian Crown; Wrocław; regionalism; historiography
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 13/4/2022 21:07.
Name in Czech: Zdroje a cesty vzestupu Vratislavi ve strukturách České koruny v lucemburské éře: polemická rekapitulace
Name (in English): Sources and Ways of Wrocław’s Promotion in the Structures of the Bohemian Crown in the Luxembourg Era: Polemic Recapitulation
RIV/47813059:19240/21:A0000913 Article in a journal. English. Slovakia.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Wrocław; Bohemian Crown; Luxembourgs; political ideology; legitimism
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 21/3/2022 16:35.
Name (in English): Duke of Szczecin King? To identify the figure of the monarch in the large hall of the Písek castle from 1479
RIV/47813059:19240/21:A0000951 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Czech. Czech Republic.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Bogusław X; Písek; gothic painting; Pomerania
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 14/12/2023 11:15.
Name in Czech: Bohuslav X v Čechách. Neznámý obraz štětínského vévody na píseckém hradě z roku 1479
Name (in English): Bogislav X in the Bohemia. An unknown image of the dux of Szczecin at the Písek castle from 1479
RIV/47813059:19240/20:A0000721 Article in a journal. Polish. Poland.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Bogusław X; Písek; gothic painting; Pomerania
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 20/4/2021 13:20.
Name in Czech: člen
Name (in English): mumber
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 9/12/2023 14:13.
Name in Czech: Proč Valentin Krautwald napsal autobiografii arcibiskupa Arnošta z Pardubic?
Name (in English): Why did Valentin Krautwald Write a Biography of the Archbishop Ernest of Pardubice?
RIV/47813059:19240/20:A0000660 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Polish. Poland.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Historigraphy; Ernst od Pardubice; Valentin Krautvald; Bohemian Crown; Prague archbishopric
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 20/4/2021 13:37.
Name in Czech: „Ecclesia militans“ a její obránci (hrad johanitů ve Strakonicích v 1. polovině 16. století, vojenské konotace tehdejší architektury českých zemí a politická propaganda na podporu tureckých tažení Ferdinanda I. Habsburského)
Name (in English): “Ecclesia militans” and its defenders (the castle of the Knights Hospitaller in Strakonice in the first half of the 16th century, military connotations of the architecture of the Czech lands of that period and political propaganda to support Ferdinand I
Polish. Poland.
Keywords in English: Knights of Malta, castle in Strakonice, Ferdinand I., wars with Turks, sacral architecture
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 14/12/2023 11:18.
Name in Czech: Idea a stat. Koruna Království českého v letech 1457-1547; IV. Král a stavy; 2. Knížata a šlechta; A. Knížata a hrabata
Name (in English): The Idea and the State. Crown of the Kingdom of Bohemia in the Years 1457-1547; IV. The King and the States; 2. Princes and Nobles; A. Princes and Counts
RIV/47813059:19240/20:A0000839 Book on a specialized topic. Polish. Poland.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Bohemian crown; late Middle Ages; early Modern Ages; political elites; artistic patronage; representation
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 17/5/2021 15:10.
Name in Czech: Záblesky minulosti. Práce z dějin umění a dějin historiografie (hlavně) Slezska
Name (in English): The Flickering of the past. Works of the history of art and historiography of (not only) Silesia
RIV/47813059:19240/20:A0000722 Book on a specialized topic. Polish.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Silesia: historiography: regional identity: representation of power: castellology: monasterology
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 19/4/2021 20:45.
Name in Czech: Prof. PhDr. Vladimír Wolf (4 II 1942–23 XII 2019)
Name (in English): Prof. PhDr. Vladimír Wolf (4 II 1942–23 XII 2019)
Polish. Poland.
Keywords in English: Vladimír Wolf, historiography, University of Hradec Králové, Silesian University in Opava
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 2/3/2021 20:53.
Name in Czech: recenze: Joanna Nowosielska-Sobel, Grzegorz Strauchold, Przemysław Wiszewski, Gmina Milicz. Atlas materiałów i źródeł historycznych, [Wrocław 2019] (Historia obok. Studia z dziejów lokalnych, 17 / History next to. Local past studies, 17), format A
Name (in English): book review: Joanna Nowosielska-Sobel, Grzegorz Strauchold, Przemysław Wiszewski, Gmina Milicz. Atlas materiałów i źródeł historycznych, [Wrocław 2019] (Historia obok. Studia z dziejów lokalnych, 17 / History next to. Local past studies,
Keywords in English: Silesia, cartography, Milicz, local history
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 20/4/2021 13:43.
Name in Czech: [recenze knihy] Fara w mieście od średniowiecza do współczesności. Społeczność – Duchowość – Architektura – Wystrój. Studia z historii sztuki, red. Rafał Eysymontt, Dariusz Galewski, Wrocław 2019, format A4, ss. 314, liczne il. cz.-b. i kolor., indeks
Name (in English): [review of book] Fara w mieście od średniowiecza do współczesności. Społeczność – Duchowość – Architektura – Wystrój. Studia z historii sztuki, red. Rafał Eysymontt, Dariusz Galewski, Wrocław 2019, format A4, ss. 314, liczne il. cz.-b. i kolor., indeks
Polish. Poland.
Keywords in English: Architecture, parish churches, sacred art
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 17/12/2021 14:31.
Name in Czech: [recenze knihy] Paweł Jaworski, Małgorzata Ruchniewicz, Przemysław Wiszewski, Kraina stawów? Dzieje Milicza i okolic (do 1945 roku), Kraków–Wrocław 2019 (Historia obok. Studia z dziejów lokalnych/History next to. Local past studies, 16), ss. 490 + 26, il
Name (in English): [review of book] Paweł Jaworski, Małgorzata Ruchniewicz, Przemysław Wiszewski, Kraina stawów? Dzieje Milicza i okolic (do 1945 roku), Kraków–Wrocław 2019 (Historia obok. Studia z dziejów lokalnych/History next to. Local past studies, 16), ss. 490 + 26, i
Polish. Poland.
Keywords in English: Lower Silesia, Milicz, local history, homeland studies
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 17/12/2021 14:19.
Name in Czech: Hlavní město Vratislav. Průvodce po zapomenuté historii slezské metropole
Name (in English): The capital city of Wrocław A guide to the forgotten history of the Silesian metropolis
Polish. Poland.
Keywords in English: Wrocław, Bohemian Crown, political ideology, representation of power
International impact: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 28/2/2021 21:26.
Name in Czech: „… aby národové naši ještě toho dočěkali, abychom Čechové, Moravané a Slezáci byli…”. Politické elity Českého království ve vztahu k Slezsku a Slezanům v první polovině 16. století
Name (in English): „…may our nations see it pass that we be Czechs, Moravians and Silesians…”. Political elites of the Kingdom of Bohemia in relation to Silesia and the Silesians in the first half of the 16th century
RIV/47813059:19240/19:A0000649 Article in a journal. Polish. Czech Republic.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Crown of the Kingdom of Bohemia; Bohemia; Silesia; Estates monarchy; centralism; separatism
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 14/10/2020 11:13.
Name in Czech: Historiografické následky Dluhošova povzdechu. Nepochopení politické role Slezska v druhé polovině 15. století
Name (in English): The historiographical effects of Długosz’s Sigh. On the misunderstanding of the political role of Silesia in the second half of the 15th century
RIV/47813059:19240/19:A0000648 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Polish. Poland.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Historiography;Silesia;Jan Długosz-Longinu Crown of the Kingdom of Bohemia;
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 20/4/2021 13:42.
Name in Czech: Mezi Římem a ... Caříhradem. Reformační sekularizace státu jako epistemologický defekt (nejen) moderní vědy
Name (in English): Between Rome and… Constantinople. Reformational Secularization of the State as an Epistemological Defect of (not only) Modern Science
RIV/47813059:19240/19:A0000659 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Polish. Poland.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Bohemian reformation; german reforation; secularization of the state; utrakvism; bohemian brothers
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 19/4/2021 20:22.
Name in Czech: Mniši a horníci. Středověká Kutná Hora z pera novověkého cisterciáka
Name (in English): Monks and miners. Medieval Kutná Hora penned by a modern Cistercian
RIV/47813059:19240/19:A0000646 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Polish. Poland.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Kutná Hora; historiography; Cistercians;mining
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 20/4/2021 13:40.
Name (in English): “Not Knowing Czech Very Well, He Could Not Even Pray”. The House of Rozdrażewski in Silesia and Bohemia in the 16th–17th Century
RIV/47813059:19240/19:A0000699 Chapter(s) of a specialized book. Czech. Czech Republic.
Czechowicz, Boguslaw (616 Poland, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
Keywords in English: Aristocracy; the House of Rozdrażewski; early modern history; Poland; Bohemia; Silesia
International impact: yes
Reviewed: yes
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 19/4/2021 20:42.
Name in Czech: O felix civitas que edificatur tempore pacis. Ideový program lounských městských bran z doby kolem roku 1500
Name (in English): O felix civitas que edificatur tempore pacis. On the ideological program of the Loun city gates from around 1500
Keywords in English: Louny, Bohemian Kingdom, representation of power, defensive architecture
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 2/3/2021 13:51.
Name in Czech: recenze: Maciej Szymczyk – Rainer Sachs – Rafał Eysymontt – Jan Balchan: Monografia młyna papierniczego w Dusznikach-Zdroju, Duszniki-Zdrój 2018, ss. 418, il. kolor. i cz.-b., mapy, tabele etc.
Name (in English): review: Maciej Szymczyk – Rainer Sachs – Rafał Eysymontt – Jan Balchan: Monografia młyna papierniczego w Dusznikach-Zdroju, Duszniki-Zdrój 2018, ss. 418, il. kolor. i cz.-b., mapy, tabele etc.
Polish. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Paper mills; industry; Kłodzko Land
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 20/2/2021 21:53.
Name in Czech: recenze knihy: Michaela Ramešová, Portaly z okruhu Benedikta Rieda I. Portalova architektura ve mĕstech Českeho kralovstvi 1. poloviny 16. stoleti, Praha, Halama 2017, 192 s. ISBN 978-80-87092-38-6
Name (in English): book rewiev: Michaela Ramešová, Portaly z okruhu Benedikta Rieda I. Portalova architektura ve mĕstech Českeho kralovstvi 1. poloviny 16. stoleti, Praha, Halama 2017, 192 s. ISBN 978-80-87092-38-6
Polish. Czech Republic.
Keywords in English: Architecture, renaissance, portals, Bohemia
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 18/2/2021 21:19.
Name in Czech: člen redakční rady
Name (in English): member of the editorial board
Changed by: Jan Vlha, učo 48995. Changed: 13/12/2023 13:05.
Name in Czech: člen redakce
Name (in English): editorial member
Changed by: prof. PhDr. Boguslaw Czechowicz, Dr., učo 54877. Changed: 9/12/2023 14:13.