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    1. ŽATECKÝ, Jan, Zdeněk HERALT, Dobroslav SEKRET, Eva SEHNÁLKOVÁ and Matúš PETEJA. Lokalizace karcinomu prsu jódovým zrnem 125I vs. Frankovým vodičem – retrospektivní case control studie (Breast cancer localization by iodine seed 125I vs. wire-guided localization – retrospective case-control study). Rozhledy v chirurgii. 2024, vol. 103, No 7, p. 263-268. ISSN 0035-9351. Available from:
    2. ŽATECKÝ, Jan, Oldřich COUFAL, Dobroslav SEKRET and Matúš PETEJA. Symptomatic Calcifications after Mastectomy: A Rare Case Report with a Review of the Literature. Medicina. MDPI, 2024, vol. 2024, No 3, p. 1-9. ISSN 1648-9144.


    1. GABRIELOVÁ, Lucie, Iveta SELINGEROVÁ, Jan ŽATECKÝ, Ondřej ZAPLETAL, Petr BURKOŇ, Miloš HOLÁNEK and Oldřich COUFAL. Comparison of 3 Different Systems for Non-wire Localization of Lesions in Breast Cancer Surgery. Clinical Breast Cancer. 2023, vol. 23, No 6, p. 323-330. ISSN 1526-8209. Available from:
    2. ŽATECKÝ, Jan, Oldřich COUFAL, Ondřej ZAPLETAL, Otakar KUBALA, Markéta KEPIČOVÁ, Adéla FARIDOVÁ, Karel RAUŠ, Jiří GATĚK, Peter KOSÁČ and Matúš PETEJA. Ideal marker for targeted axillary dissection (IMTAD): a prospective multicentre trial. World Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2023, vol. 21, No 1, p. 250-258. ISSN 1477-7819. Available from:
    3. PROCHÁZKA, Viktor, Alena ZÁVADOVÁ, Jan ŽATECKÝ and Lubomír MARTÍNEK. Incidence pooperačních komplikací u pacientek s karcinomem prsu v závislosti na typu drénu. (Incidence of postoperative complications in patients with breast cancer depending on the type of drain). Rozhledy v chirurgii. 2023, vol. 102, No 1, p. 17-22. ISSN 0035-9351. Available from:
    4. ŽATECKÝ, Jan, Oldřich COUFAL, Miloš HOLÁNEK, Otakar KUBALA, Markéta KEPIČOVÁ, Jiří GATĚK, Milan LERCH and Matúš PETEJA. Level I axillary dissection in patients with breast cancer and tumor-involved sentinel lymph node after NAC is not sufficient for adequate nodal staging. Turkish Journal of Surgery. 2023, vol. 39, No 1, p. 1-6. ISSN 2564-6850. Available from:
    5. ŽATECKÝ, Jan, Oldřich COUFAL, Pavel FABIAN, Miloš HOLÁNEK, Eva SEHNÁLKOVÁ and Petr BURKOŇ. Primary Breast Sarcoma: A Two-Centre Analysis and Review of Literature. Breast Care. Švýcarsko, 2023, vol. 18, No 4, p. 262-269. ISSN 1661-3791. Available from:


    1. ŽATECKÝ, Jan. Personalizace chirurgické léčby karcinomu prsu (Personalization of breast cancer surgical treatment). Acta Medicinae. 2022, vol. 2022, Speciál 2022, p. 17-19. ISSN 1805-398X.
    2. ŽATECKÝ, Jan, Matúš PETEJA, Wladyslaw BARTOSZ GAWEL and Milan LERCH. The first case report of multiple thoracic vertebrae fractures caused by a low‑voltage electric shock. European Journal of Medical Research. 2022, vol. 27, No 52, p. "52-1"-"52-4", 4 pp. ISSN 2047-783X. Available from:
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