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    1. STOKLASA, Michal and Veronika KOPŘIVOVÁ. E-marketing: Distanční studijní opora. Karviná: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Obchodně podnikatelská fakulta v Karviné, 2024.
      Changed by: Ing. Robert Kempný, učo 19500. Changed: 13/2/2024 22:21.


    1. STOKLASA, Michal. Marketingový výzkum: Distanční studijní text. Karviná: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Obchodně podnikatelská fakulta v Karviné, 2023. ISBN 978-80-7510-575-2.

      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Ing. Robert Kempný, učo 19500. Changed: 7/2/2024 13:39.


    1. STOKLASA, Michal and Kateřina MATUŠÍNSKÁ. Consumer Perception of Regional Brands in Czechia in 2021. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice - Series D. 2022, vol. 30, No 1, p. 1-12. ISSN 1804-8048. Available from:
      Odkaz na článek
      Name (in English): Consumer Perception of Regional Brands in Czechia in 2021
      RIV/47813059:19520/22:A0000306 Article in a journal. English. Czech Republic.
      Stoklasa, Michal (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Matušínská, Kateřina (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: Consumer Behaviour; Regional Brand; Regional Brand Characteristics; Brand Model; Brand Awareness; Customer Characteristics

      Changed by: Ing. Michal Stoklasa, Ph.D., učo 20807. Changed: 28/11/2022 08:53.
    2. MATUŠÍNSKÁ, Kateřina and Michal STOKLASA. The appeals and level of involvement influencing purchasing decision. Management & Marketing. Challenges for the Knowledge Society. De Gruyter Poland, 2022, vol. 17, No 3, p. 234-254. ISSN 1842-0206. Available from:
      Name (in English): The appeals and level of involvement influencing purchasing decision
      RIV/47813059:19520/22:A0000332 Article in a journal. English. Poland.
      Matušínská, Kateřina (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Stoklasa, Michal (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: Foote-Cone-Belding (FCB) model;emotion;rationality;involvement theory;purchasing decision process;marketing
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Ing. Kateřina Matušínská, Ph.D., učo 21353. Changed: 18/11/2022 14:43.
    3. BAUEROVÁ, Radka, Tereza IKÁŠOVÁ, Veronika KOPŘIVOVÁ, Tomáš PRAŽÁK and Michal STOKLASA. What Cognitive Biases Attack Potential Customers in User Reviews the Most? Acta academica karviniensia. Karviná: Obchodně podnikatelská fakulta v Karviné, 2022, roč. 22, No 1, p. 5-21. ISSN 1212-415X. Available from:
      Odkaz na webovou stránku, ze které je dostupný plný text článku
      Name (in English): What Cognitive Biases Attack Potential Customers in User Reviews the Most?
      RIV/47813059:19520/22:A0000346 Article in a journal. English. Czech Republic.
      Bauerová, Radka (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Ikášová, Tereza (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Kopřivová, Veronika (703 Slovakia, belonging to the institution) -- Pražák, Tomáš (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Stoklasa, Michal (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: apophenia; authority bias; bandwagon effect; e-shops; negativity effect; online reviews; processing difficulty effect; story bias
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Ing. Radka Bauerová, Ph.D., učo 32908. Changed: 30/12/2022 14:39.


    1. MATUŠÍNSKÁ, Kateřina and Michal STOKLASA. Advertising Strategy according to the Concept of the FCB Model in the Conditions of the Various Generations. E & M EKONOMIE A MANAGEMENT. LIBEREC 1: TECHNICAL UNIV LIBEREC, 2021, vol. 24, No 4, p. 189-205. ISSN 1212-3609. Available from:
      RIV/47813059:19520/21:A0000235 Article in a journal. English. Czech Republic.
      Matušínská, Kateřina (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Stoklasa, Michal (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: Advertising;emotional and rational appeal; FCB grid; involvement theory; marketing communication
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Ing. Kateřina Matušínská, Ph.D., učo 21353. Changed: 7/1/2022 10:49.


    1. STARZYCZNÁ, Halina and Michal STOKLASA. Mezinárodní marketing: Distanční studijní text. Karviná: Slezská univerzita v Opavě Obchodně podnikatelská fakulta v Karviné, 2020.
      Changed by: Ing. Robert Kempný, učo 19500. Changed: 26/11/2020 20:52.
    2. STOKLASA, Michal and Eva PITRUNOVÁ. Understanding Regional Product Characteristics and Consumers Purchasing them in the Czech Republic. ACTA UNIVERSITATIS AGRICULTURAE ET SILVICULTURAE MENDELIANAE BRUNENSIS. 2020, vol. 68, No 1, p. 243-253. ISSN 2464-8310. Available from:
      odkaz na článek
      RIV/47813059:19520/20:A0000141 Article in a journal. English. Czech Republic.
      Stoklasa, Michal (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Pitrunová, Eva (203 Czech Republic)
      Keywords in English: regional brand; regional product; regional product characteristics; purchasing behaviour; regional product availability; Kruskal-Wallis test; Czech Republic
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Ing. Michal Stoklasa, Ph.D., učo 20807. Changed: 1/9/2020 13:25.


    1. MATUŠÍNSKÁ, Kateřina, Martin KLEPEK, Halina STARZYCZNÁ, Michal STOKLASA, Radka BAUEROVÁ, Veronika BRACINÍKOVÁ, Adéla LANGEROVÁ and Radka KUBALOVÁ. Akceptace technologie z pohledu marketingových nástrojů (Technology acceptance in the context of marketing tools). 1. vydání. Praha: Professional Publishing s.r.o., 2019, 152 pp. ISBN 978-80-88260-36-3.
      Name (in English): Technology acceptance in the context of marketing tools
      RIV/47813059:19520/19:A0000032 Book on a specialized topic. Czech. Czech Republic.
      Matušínská, Kateřina (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Klepek, Martin (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Starzyczná, Halina (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Stoklasa, Michal (703 Slovakia, belonging to the institution) -- Bauerová, Radka (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Braciníková, Veronika (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Langerová, Adéla (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Kubalová, Radka (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: CRM; generation; SME; WPDCA method; Millennials; online shopping; TAM model; brand
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Ing. Kateřina Matušínská, Ph.D., učo 21353. Changed: 13/12/2019 17:51.
    2. STOKLASA, Michal. Influence of technology on regional brands in Czechia. Engineering Management in Production and Services. Kleosin, Polsko: Bialystok University of Technology, 2019, vol. 11, No 4, p. 92-102, 117 pp. ISSN 2543-912X. Available from:
      odkaz na článek
      RIV/47813059:19520/19:A0000085 Article in a journal. English. Poland.
      Stoklasa, Michal (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: regional brands; regional product; Kruskal-Wallis test; technology
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Ing. Petra Skoumalová, učo 50554. Changed: 21/4/2020 11:29.
    3. MATUŠÍNSKÁ, Kateřina, Martin KLEPEK and Michal STOKLASA. Marketing in Theory and Practice. Karviná: SU Opava, OPF Karviná, 2019, 183 pp. ISBN 978-80-7510-341-3.
      Name (in English): Marketing in Theory and Practice
      RIV/47813059:19520/19:A0000029 Teaching aids, texts (including individual chapters in textbooks). English. Czech Republic.
      Matušínská, Kateřina (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Klepek, Martin (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Stoklasa, Michal (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: marketing mix; marketing concept; marketing research; marketing environment; strategy and plan; consumer behaviour; business market; STP
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Miroslava Snopková, učo 43819. Changed: 7/5/2020 12:36.
    4. MATUŠÍNSKÁ, Kateřina and Michal STOKLASA. Marketingová komunikace: Distanční studijní text. 3rd ed. Karviná: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Obchodně podnikatelská fakulta v Karviné, 2019, 247 pp.
      Changed by: Ing. Robert Kempný, učo 19500. Changed: 26/9/2023 12:51.
    5. STOKLASA, Michal and Martin KLEPEK. Mediální marketing: Distanční studijní text. Karviná, 2019, 131 pp. ISBN 978-80-7510-368-0.
      Name in Czech: Mediální marketing: Distanční studijní text
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Mgr. Petra Višnická, učo 54899. Changed: 16/3/2020 13:39.
    6. MATUŠÍNSKÁ, Kateřina and Michal STOKLASA. The State of Strategic Marketing Application in Czech Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Scientific Annals of Economics and Business. 2019, vol. 66, No 2, p. 193-212. ISSN 2501-1960. Available from:
      Name (in English): The State of Strategic Marketing Application in Czech Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
      RIV/47813059:19520/19:A0000031 Article in a journal. English. Romania.
      Matušínská, Kateřina (203 Czech Republic, guarantor, belonging to the institution) -- Stoklasa, Michal (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: small and medium-sized enterprises; strategic marketing; strategy; marketing research
      International impact: yes
      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Miroslava Snopková, učo 43819. Changed: 7/5/2020 12:20.


    1. HEINZ, Krystyna, Lubomír NENIČKA and Michal STOKLASA. Innovation of the Entrepreneurial Education on the European Level. In Proceedings of 18th International Conference Economic Policy in the European Union Member Countries. Karviná: OPF SU, 2018, p. 135-139, 7 pp. ISBN 978-80-7510-289-8.
      Name (in English): Innovation of the Entrepreneurial Education on the European Level
      RIV/47813059:19520/18:00011146 Proceedings paper. English.
      Heinz, Krystyna (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Nenička, Lubomír (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Stoklasa, Michal (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: entrepreneurial education; international project; teaching methods; evaluation; self-reflective diary

      Changed by: RNDr. Daniel Jakubík, učo 139797. Changed: 21/11/2019 15:04.


    1. STOKLASA, Michal and Halina STARZYCZNÁ. Consumer Ethnocentrism of Moravian-Silesian Region: comparison of CETSCALE research 2013/17. In XX. Mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách sborník příspěvků. Neuveden: Neuveden, 2017, p. 590-597, 7 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-8586-2.
      Name (in English): Consumer Ethnocentrism of Moravian-Silesian Region: comparison of CETSCALE research 2013/17
      RIV/47813059:19520/17:00010832 Proceedings paper. English.
      Stoklasa, Michal (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Starzyczná, Halina (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: Consumer ethnocentrism; CETSCALE; demographic factors; foreign products; regional products.

      Changed by: RNDr. Daniel Jakubík, učo 139797. Changed: 7/2/2020 10:57.
    2. STOKLASA, Michal and Filip ŠTROCH. METHODS FOR CREATING PERSONALIZED MARKETING. Online. In Conference Proceedings from International Scientific Conference 7th - 8th November 2017. Smolenice: Faculty of Mass Media Communication, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Slovakia, 2017, p. 434-439. ISBN 978-80-8105-918-6.
      RIV/47813059:19520/17:00011022 Proceedings paper. English.
      Stoklasa, Michal (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Štroch, Filip (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: A/B testing; B2B; Content marketing; Marketing automation; Personalization

      Changed by: RNDr. Daniel Jakubík, učo 139797. Changed: 7/2/2020 10:58.
    3. STARZYCZNÁ, Halina, Pavlína PELLEŠOVÁ and Michal STOKLASA. The Comparison of Customer Relationship Management (Crm) in Czech Small and Medium Enterprises According to Selected Characteristics in the Years 2015, 2010 and 2005. ACTA UNIVERSITATIS AGRICULTURAE ET SILVICULTURAE MENDELIANAE BRUNENSIS. 2017, vol. 65, No 5, p. 1767-1777. ISSN 2464-8310.
      Name (in English): The Comparison of Customer Relationship Management (Crm) in Czech Small and Medium Enterprises According to Selected Characteristics in the Years 2015, 2010 and 2005
      RIV/47813059:19520/17:00010850 Article in a journal. English. Czech Republic.
      Starzyczná, Halina (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Pellešová, Pavlína (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Stoklasa, Michal (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: relationship marketing; CRM concept; perception of CRM definition; customer contact; the results of CRM; small and medium enterprises (SMEs)

      Changed by: RNDr. Daniel Jakubík, učo 139797. Changed: 7/2/2020 10:57.
      RIV/47813059:19520/17:00010878 Article in a journal. English. Poland.
      CHROMČÁKOVÁ, Adéla (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Starzyczná, Halina (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Stoklasa, Michal (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: CRM knowledge; level of contact; CRM processes; communication with customer

      Changed by: RNDr. Daniel Jakubík, učo 139797. Changed: 7/2/2020 10:57.


    1. STOKLASA, Michal. E-marketing: Distanční studijní opora. Karviná: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Obchodně podnikatelská fakulta v Karviné, 2016. ISBN 978-80-7510-208-9.

      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Ing. Robert Kempný, učo 19500. Changed: 13/2/2024 22:08.


    1. STOKLASA, Michal and Jan URBÁNEK. Mezinárodní marketing: pro prezenční formu studia. 2014. ISBN 978-80-7510-059-7.

      Reviewed: yes

      Changed by: Ing. Robert Kempný, učo 19500. Changed: 26/11/2020 20:17.


    1. STARZYCZNÁ, Halina, Michal STOKLASA, Miroslava HECZKOVÁ and Pavlína PELLEŠOVÁ. Využití vztahového marketingu v podnikání malých a středních firem (Utilization of Customer Relationship Marketing in business of Small and Medium Enterprises). Karviná: SU OPF Karviná, 2013, 110 pp. ISBN 978-80-7248-936-7.
      Name in Czech: Využití vztahového marketingu v podnikání malých a středních firem
      Name (in English): Utilization of Customer Relationship Marketing in business of Small and Medium Enterprises
      RIV/47813059:19520/13:N0000009 Book on a specialized topic. Czech.
      Starzyczná, Halina (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Stoklasa, Michal (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Heczková, Miroslava (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution) -- Pellešová, Pavlína (203 Czech Republic, belonging to the institution)
      Keywords in English: Relationship marketing; SME; model of 6 markets; consumer market; CRM; market of influencers

      Changed by: RNDr. Daniel Jakubík, učo 139797. Changed: 7/2/2020 10:57.
Displayed: 16/2/2025 21:14