General nursing (bachelor's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
FVP:UNZSRP001 Anatomy • 95 %
FVP:UNZSRP002 Professional Latine Terminology • 95 %
FVP:UNZSRP007 Nursing procedures 1 • 95 %
FVP:UNZSRP008 Imaging methods, radiation protection • 95 %
FVP:UNZSRP009 Basics of Philosophy • 95 %
FVP:UNZSRP010 Basics of Sociology • 95 %
FVP:UNZSRP059 Clinical Practice 1 • 95 %
FVP:UNZSRP006 Nursing Process and Needs • 94 %
FVP:UNZSRP082 Management for Studies • 94 %
FVP:UNZSRP005 Nursing • 93 %
FVP:UNZSRP004 First Aid • 91 %
FVP:UNZSRP067 English for General Nursing 1 • 61 %
FVP:FVPFP007 Adaptation course • 12 %
2nd term
FVP:UNZSRP003 Basics of Genetics • 99 %
FVP:UNZSRP011 General Psychology • 99 %
FVP:UNZSRP012 Developmental Psychology • 99 %
FVP:UNZSRP013 Physiology • 99 %
FVP:UNZSRP015 Clinical Propaedeutics • 99 %
FVP:UNZSRP016 Health Literacy • 99 %
FVP:UNZSRP017 Basics of Biophysics • 99 %
FVP:UNZSRP019 Ethics in Healthcare • 99 %
FVP:UNZSRP020 Communication in Nursing • 99 %
FVP:UNZSRP021 Basics of Pedagogy and Education in Nursing • 99 %
FVP:UNZSRP022 Informatics and Statistics in Healthcare • 99 %
FVP:UNZSRP060 Practical Training 2 • 99 %
FVP:UNZSRP065 Practical Training Individual A • 99 %
FVP:UNZSRP018 Nursing Procedures 2 • 96 %
FVP:UNZSRP014 Pathology and Pathological Physiology • 91 %
FVP:UOGP102 Summer School I • 86 %
FVP:UNZSRP071 English for General Nursing 2 • 52 %
2nd year
3rd term
FVP:UNZSRP023 Pharmacology • 100 %
FVP:UNZSRP024 Basics of Biochemistry • 100 %
FVP:UNZSRP025 Hematology and Transfusion Medicine • 100 %
FVP:UNZSRP026 Protection and Promotion of Public Health • 100 %
FVP:UNZSRP027 Research in Nursing • 100 %
FVP:UNZSRP028 Community Care • 100 %
FVP:UNZSRP029 Nursing Care in Internal Medicine 1 • 100 %
FVP:UNZSRP030 Nursing Care in Surgical Fields 1 • 100 %
FVP:UNZSRP031 Nursing Care in Orthopedics and Traumatology • 100 %
FVP:UNZSRP032 Nursing Care of a Child (Newborn) • 100 %
FVP:UNZSRP033 Nursing Care in Geriatrics • 100 %
FVP:UNZSRP034 Medical Psychology • 100 %
FVP:UNZSRP035 Basics of Health Law and Legislation • 100 %
FVP:UNZSRP061 Clinical Practice 3 • 100 %
FVP:UNZSRP075 Nursing Procedures in Clinical Practice 1 • 93 %
FVP:UNZSRP083 Medical Diagnostic Methods and Medical Technology 1 • 82 %
4th term
FVP:UNZSRP036 Microbiology, Immunology, Epidemiology and Hygiene • 100 %
FVP:UNZSRP037 Nutrition and Dietetics • 100 %
FVP:UNZSRP038 Nursing Care in Internal Medicine 2 • 100 %
FVP:UNZSRP039 Nursing Care in Surgical Disciplines Medicine 2 • 100 %
FVP:UNZSRP040 Nursing Care of a Child • 100 %
FVP:UNZSRP041 Nursing Care in Gynecology and Obstetrics • 100 %
FVP:UNZSRP042 Nursing Care in Infectious Medicine • 100 %
FVP:UNZSRP043 Intensive Nursing Care • 100 %
FVP:UNZSRP044 Evidence-Based Nursing • 100 %
FVP:UNZSRP045 Transcultural Nursing • 100 %
FVP:UNZSRP046 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 1 • 100 %
FVP:UNZSRP062 Practical Training 4 • 100 %
FVP:UNZSRP084 Medical diagnostic methods and medical technology 2 • 100 %
FVP:UNZSRP066 Practical Training Individual B • 96 %
FVP:UNZSRP079 Nursing Procedures in Clinical Practice 2 • 93 %
FVP:UOGP103 Summer School II • 86 %
FVP:UNZSRP014 Pathology and Pathological Physiology • 18 %
FVP:FVPFP003 Use of Multisensory Environment Snoezelen • 14 %

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