FPF KNIHnpVK Public community type libraries
Name in Czech: Veřejné knihovny komunitního typu
master's full-time specialized, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FPF KNIH-nav Library Science

Semester 1

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FPF:UBKVKKNP01Business Information and Competitive Intelligence R. Papíkzk 1/2/05 Z P
FPF:UBKVKKNP02Czech literature after 1989 L. Martinekzk 2/2/06 P P
FPF:UBKVKKNP03Digitisation and Long-term Preservation of Collections 1 D. Katuščákzk 1/2/06 Z P
FPF:UBKVKKNP04Diploma Seminar 1 M. Timkoz 0/2/02 P P
FPF:UBKVKKNP05Social Communication and Media 1 A. Novotnázk 2/1/04 P P
FPF:UBKVKKNP12Contemporary Czech poetry J. Chrobákzk 1/1/04 - PV
FPF:UBKVKKNP13History and Present of Book Culture J. Brožovská Onderkovázk 1/2/04 - PV
31 credits

Semester 2

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FPF:UBKVKKNP14Digitisation and Long-term Preservation of Collections 2 D. Katuščákzk 1/2/06 Z P
FPF:UBKVKKNP15Information Management 1 A. Novotnázk 2/0/04 P P
FPF:UBKVKKNP16Professional Training 1 J. Brožovská Onderkováz 160 hod/sem.6 - P
FPF:UBKVKKNP17Organisation and Management of Community Libraries 1 L. Foberovázk 2/2/06 P P
FPF:UBKVKKNP18Regional Functions of Libraries 1 L. Burgottz 2/0/02 - P
FPF:UBKVKKNP24Digital Libraries D. Katuščákzk 2/2/06 P PV
FPF:UBKVKKNP25Logic L. Ciencialazk 2/2/06 P PV
FPF:UBKVKKNP27Nature and Culture M. Timkozk 2/0/03 - PV
FPF:UBKVKKNP28Modern Czech Prose J. Chrobákzk 1/1/04 - PV
43 credits

Semester 3

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FPF:UBKVKKNP06Librarianship practice 2 J. Brožovská Onderkováz 80 hod/sem.3 - P
FPF:UBKVKKNP07Cultural Management L. Foberovázk 2/2/06 P P
FPF:UBKVKKNP08Organisation and Management of Community Libraries 2 L. Foberovázk 2/1/04 P P
FPF:UBKVKKNP09Search Strategies in Research and Development 1 R. Papíkzk 2/2/06 Z P
FPF:UBKVKKNP10E-archives J. Plankovázk 2/2/06 P PV
FPF:UBKVKKNP11Project Management A. Novotnázk 2/2/06 P PV
31 credits

Semester 4

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FPF:UBKVKKNP19Bibliometrics K. Matulazk 2/2/06 P P
FPF:UBKVKKNP20Diploma Seminar 2 M. Timkoz 0/2/02 P P
FPF:UBKVKKNP21Information Management 2 A. Novotnázk 2/1/04 P P
FPF:UBKVKKNP22Regional Functions of Libraries 2 L. Burgottzk 2/0/02 - P
FPF:UBKVKKNP23Search Strategies in Research and Development 2 R. Papíkzk 2/2/06 Z P
FPF:UBKVKKNP26Information Retrieval Language J. Plankovázk 2/2/06 P PV
FPF:UBKVKKNP29History of Documet Communication J. Brožovská Onderkovázk 2/2/06 - PV
32 credits

Any semester

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FPF:FSZZKVETENFinal State Examination - May -- - - -
FPF:FSZZSRPENFinal State Examination - August -- - - -
FPF:FSZZUNORFinal State Examination - February -- - - -
0 credits