OPF EMEp Economics and Management
Name in Czech: Economics and Management
bachelor's full-time single-subject, language of instruction: English English
Included in the programme: OPF B_EME Economics and Management

Introductory information / Instructions

It is necessary to obtain a minimum of 18 credits from elective courses by selecting courses from all available study programmes.

Obligatory courses of EMEp Bc. full-time study programme

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
OPF:EVSBAMAEMacroeconomics M. Tvrdoňzk 2/2/07 2Z
OPF:EVSBAMIEMicroeconomics I. Majerovázk 2/2/07 1Z
OPF:FIUBAACCAccounting M. Skupieňovázk 1/2/06 4P
OPF:FIUBACOFCorporate Finance T. Heryánzk 1/2/06 3P
OPF:FIUBAPOFPrinciples of Finance D. Stavárekzk 2/1/06 2Z
OPF:INMBAINFInformatics P. Suchánekzk 1/2/06 1-
OPF:INMBAKVMQuantitave Methods D. Bartlzk 2/2/07 1-
OPF:INMBASTAStatistics D. Bartlzk 2/1/06 2-
OPF:OPFBABATBachelor Thesis -z 20 6-
OPF:OPFBABTSBachelor Thesis Seminar -z 0/2/07 5-
OPF:PEMBABECBusiness Economics R. Šperkazk 1/2/06 4P
OPF:PEMBAITOInternational Trade Operations R. Bauerovázk 2/1/06 2P
OPF:PEMBALAWIntroduction to Law M. Mártonzk 2/0/05 1-
OPF:PEMBALOTLogistics T. Pražákzk 2/1/06 6P
OPF:PEMBAMNMManagement Š. Zapletalovázk 2/1/06 2Z
OPF:PEMBANOPEnterprise Theory T. Pražákzk 2/2/07 1Z
OPF:PEMBAPDKEntrepreneurship J. Duháček Šebestovázk 2/1/06 3P
OPF:PEMBAPEMPersonnel Management J. Duháček Šebestovázk 1/2/06 4-
OPF:PEMBAPMAProject Management P. Adámekzk 2/2/07 3-
OPF:PEMBAPOMPrinciples of Marketing H. Starzycznázk 2/1/06 3Z
139 credits

Mandatory-elective courses of EMEp Bc. full-time study programme

The requirement for completing mandatory-elective courses is to obtain 23 credits.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
OPF:FIUBACBFCorporate Budgeting and Financial Analysis T. Konievazk 1/2/06 4-
OPF:INMBAEBUE-business P. Suchánekzk 1/2/06 3-
OPF:INMBAOPAOperational Analysis R. Perzinazk 2/1/06 5-
OPF:INMBASTEStatistical Methods for Economists J. Mazurekzk 2/1/06 4-
OPF:PEMBAMACMarketing Communication K. Matušínskázk 2/1/06 5-
OPF:PEMBAMNSManagerial Skills Ž. Rylkovázk 2/0/05 4-
OPF:PEMBASEMServices Marketing K. Matušínskázk 1/2/06 5-
41 credits