Trade and Marketing (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
OPF:EVSBPLAW Law • 100 %
OPF:INMBPZIE Informatics for Economists I • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPPDK Business • 100 %
OPF:INMBPKVM Quantitative Methods • 99 %
OPF:EVSBPZMI Economics I • 97 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 97 %
OPF:PEMBPNOP Enterprise Theory • 93 %
2nd term
OPF:INMBPSTK Statistics • 100 %
OPF:CVABPJA1 Professional English 1 • 98 %
OPF:EVSBPZMA Economics II • 98 %
OPF:FIUBPFUA Financial Accounting I • 97 %
OPF:FIUBPNFI Finance • 94 %
OPF:INMBPNIE Informatics for Economists II • 94 %
OPF:PEMBPMNG Management • 94 %
OPF:OPFBAABC International Business Case Studies • 15 %
OPF:EVSBPPSY Psychology • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:CVABPJA2 Professional English 2 • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPFIP Corporate Finance • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPEKO Economy of Trade • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPMKT Marketing • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPPOE Enterprising Economy • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPFUB Financial Accounting II • 95 %
OPF:PEMBPNOP Enterprise Theory • 40 %
OPF:CVABPKPT Communicative and Persuasive Techniques • 30 %
OPF:CVABPRHP Hotel operation management • 25 %
OPF:FIUBPPOJ Insurance • 25 %
OPF:EVSBPZMI Economics I • 20 %
OPF:CVABPKKO Crisis communication • 15 %
OPF:FIUBPNPS Payment and Clearing Systems • 15 %
4th term
OPF:CVABPJA3 Professional English 3 • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPDDP Taxation and Tax Policy • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPLGC Logistics • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPOBO Trade Operations • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPOBP Commercial Law • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPMKV Marketing Research • 90 %
OPF:PEMBPSLU Marketing of Services • 90 %
OPF:EVSBPPSY Psychology • 45 %
OPF:CVABPCMA Tourism Marketing • 15 %
OPF:FIUBPBAN Banking • 15 %
OPF:FIUBPNFI Finance • 15 %
OPF:INMBPNIE Informatics for Economists II • 15 %
OPF:PEMBPMNG Management • 15 %

The information was preprocessed: 7/9/2024 12:30

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