English for Professional Purposes (bachelor's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
FPF:UCJAOPBP02 Introduction to grammar • 100 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP01 English Practice 1 • 98 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP03 Introduction to Literature • 98 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP40 Business English • 74 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP24 Writing Practice • 69 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP58 Study skills • 66 %
FPF:UCJOPBP002 Business Communication • 65 %
FPF:UCJOPBP001 Lifelong systematic learning • 62 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP06 English pronunciation practice • 55 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP52 Italian 1 • 51 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP31 Theories of public administration • 43 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP55 German 1 • 22 %
2nd term
FPF:UCJAOPBP04 English Practice 2 • 100 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP07 Culture studies 1 • 97 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP32 Introduction to professional terminology • 92 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP41 Communication skills • 83 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP25 Introduction to political science • 82 %
FPF:UCJOPBP003 Corporate culture and teamwork • 65 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP05 English phonetics • 53 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP06 English pronunciation practice • 40 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP43 Presentation Skills 1 • 40 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP53 Italian 2 • 38 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP56 German 2 • 20 %
2nd year
3rd term
FPF:UCJAOPBP08 Practical English 3 • 100 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP10 English Literature • 100 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP26 Communal policy in CR • 94 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP27 Localization in Translation • 94 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP09 Grammar 1 • 91 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP33 Specialized terminology - mechanical engineering and metallurgy • 86 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP44 Presentation Skills 2 • 71 %
FPF:UCJOPBP004 Financial literacy • 66 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP31 Theories of public administration • 26 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP54 Italian 3 • 26 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP57 German 3 • 23 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP52 Italian 1 • 20 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP55 German 1 • 17 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP58 Study skills • 17 %
FPF:UCJOPBP001 Lifelong systematic learning • 17 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP50 Critical Writing: 20th Century • 14 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP24 Writing Practice • 11 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP40 Business English • 11 %
FPF:UCJOPBP002 Business Communication • 11 %
4th term
FPF:UCJAOPBP11 English Practice 4 • 100 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP12 English Grammar 2 • 97 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP13 Culture Studies 2 • 94 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP34 Professional terminology in ecology, biology and chemistry • 94 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP46 Introduction to translation practice • 94 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP14 Professional training practice 1 • 87 %
FPF:UCJOPBP005 Cultural management • 87 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP35 English for IT • 81 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP28 Professional terminology in civil service and EU • 68 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP30 British and American Culture in Film • 42 %
FPF:UCJOPBP008 Interview and how to navigate the market • 29 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP43 Presentation Skills 1 • 26 %
FPF:UBKKDBP013 Foreign Language 2 • 23 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP53 Italian 2 • 23 %
FPF:UCJIOPBP53 English 2 • 19 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP37 Translation practice 2 • 16 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP62 German 4 • 16 %
FPF:KTVJOGA2 Yoga exercises 2 • 13 %
FPF:UCJANGBP44 Irish literature • 13 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP56 German 2 • 13 %
3rd year
5th term
FPF:UCJAOPBP15 English Practice 5 • 100 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP16 English Lexicology • 100 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP17 American Literature • 100 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP22 Bachelor thesis seminar 1 • 100 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP18 Professional training practice 2 • 97 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP21 Selected Chapters from Anglophone Cultures • 97 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP29 Translation practice 1 • 83 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP36 English for IT 2 • 69 %
FPF:UCJOPBP006 Geography of Tourism • 69 %
FPF:UCJOPBP007 EU funds and project management • 69 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP50 Critical Writing: 20th Century • 63 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP55 German 1 • 29 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP33 Specialized terminology - mechanical engineering and metallurgy • 17 %
FPF:UCJURKO English Commercial Correspondence • 17 %
FPF:FSZZKVETEN Final State Examination - May • 14 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP52 Italian 1 • 14 %
FPF:KTVBADM1 Badminton 1 • 11 %
FPF:UBKTV116 Film projection III • 11 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP24 Writing Practice • 11 %
FPF:UCJOPBP001 Lifelong systematic learning • 11 %
6th term
FPF:UCJAOPBP19 Practical English 6 • 100 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP20 Professional training practice 3 • 97 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP23 Bachelor thesis seminar 2 • 97 %
FPF:FSZZKVETEN Final State Examination - May • 74 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP37 Translation practice 2 • 71 %
FPF:UCJOPBP008 Interview and how to navigate the market • 53 %
FPF:UCJAOPBP30 British and American Culture in Film • 50 %
FPF:KTVBADM2 Badminton 2 • 15 %

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