Marketing (Bachelor's combined single-subject)

1st year
1st term
OPF:EVSBKEKO Economics • 99 %
OPF:INMBKINF Informatics • 97 %
OPF:INMBKKME Quantitative Methods in Economic Practice • 97 %
OPF:PEMBKEPO Economy of Enterprise • 97 %
OPF:PEMBKPEP Law in Economic Practice • 97 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 95 %
2nd term
OPF:EVSBKVEP External Economic Environment • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKDVP Taxes in business • 98 %
OPF:FIUBKFVP Finance in Business • 96 %
OPF:PEMBKMNM Management • 96 %
OPF:CVABKEN1 Foreign Language Course - English 1 • 88 %
OPF:INMBKBOI Business on the Internet • 34 %
OPF:PEMBKLOG Logistics • 30 %
OPF:EVSBKPSY Psychology • 22 %
OPF:PEMBKRNO Management of Non-governmental Non-profit Organisations • 16 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:PEMBKEKO Economics of Trade • 97 %
OPF:PEMBKHRM Human Resources Management • 97 %
OPF:PEMBKPDK Entrepreneurship • 97 %
OPF:PEMBKVMC Relationship Marketing and CRM • 97 %
OPF:PEMBKKPD Communication and presentation skills • 94 %
OPF:PEMBKMKT Marketing • 94 %
OPF:CVABKEN2 Foreign Language Course - English 2 • 88 %
OPF:CVABKKKO Crisis communication • 25 %
OPF:PEMBKEPO Economy of Enterprise • 16 %
OPF:FIUBKPOJ Insurance • 13 %
4th term
OPF:PEMBKIPC Corporate Information Support • 97 %
OPF:CVABKEN3 Foreign Language Course - English 3 • 94 %
OPF:INMBKBOI Business on the Internet • 90 %
OPF:PEMBKSLU Marketing of Services • 84 %
OPF:CVABKCMA Tourism Marketing • 81 %
OPF:PEMBKMKV Marketing Research • 81 %
OPF:PEMBKLOG Logistics • 74 %
OPF:PEMBKZPO Establishment of Enterprises • 35 %
OPF:EVSBKPSY Psychology • 23 %
OPF:FIUBKFVP Finance in Business • 19 %
OPF:FIUBKFPN Financial Counselling • 16 %
OPF:EVSBKVEP External Economic Environment • 13 %
3rd year
5th term
OPF:OPFBKBPS Bachelor Thesis Seminar • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKDSS Website Design and Management • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKEMA E-marketing • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKMKK Marketing Communication • 100 %
OPF:CVABKEN4 Foreign Language Course - English 4 • 97 %
OPF:CVABKCSP Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette • 52 %
OPF:CVABAICOK Intercultural Communication • 21 %
OPF:CVABKKKO Crisis communication • 21 %
6th term
OPF:OPFBKBPP Bachelor Thesis • 100 %
OPF:OPFBKPRX Specialised Praktice • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKMEM Media Marketing • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKFAN Financial Analysis • 18 %
OPF:PEMBKIPC Corporate Information Support • 14 %

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