FPF HistCobp History - COMPLETUS
Name in Czech: Historie - COMPLETUS
bachelor's full-time single-subject, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FPF HistBP History

Introductory information / Instructions

Volitelné předměty v rozsahu 17 kreditů si student vybírá z nabídky dalších studijních programů realizovaných na FPF SU, případně ze zbývajících předmětů skupin PV-A a PV-B.

Semester 1

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FPF:UHVD0003Introduction to Cultural History D. Radekzk 1/1/04 P P
FPF:UHVHCOBP14Philosophy I P. Slováčekz 1/1/03 P P
FPF:UHVHMBP001Introduction to the study of history P. Kozákzk 2/2/05 Z P
FPF:UHVHMBP005English Language I M. Weissz 0/2/03 - P
FPF:UHVHMBP006German I G. Rykalováz 0/2/03 - PV
FPF:UHVHMBP052History of Antiquity I. The oldest Civilizations K. Vymětalovázk 1/1/03 P PV
FPF:UHVHMBP053A Historical Analysis of Poland in the 20th and 21st Centuries I. Matejko-Peterkazk 1/0/05 - PV
FPF:UHVHPPBP02Fundamentals of Latin grammar K. Vymětalováz 0/2/03 - P
29 credits

Semester 2

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FPF:UHVD0002Latin for historians K. Vymětalováz 0/2/03 - P
FPF:UHVHCOBP01Proseminar in Pre-Modern History H. Komárkováz 0/2/04 P P
FPF:UHVHCOBP02Seminar in modern history J. Knapíkz 0/2/04 P P
FPF:UHVHCOBP08Basics of Archives J. Knapíkovázk 1/1/03 P PV
FPF:UHVHCOBP15Philosophy II P. Slováčekzk 1/1/03 P P
FPF:UHVHMBP007Basics of auxiliary historical sciences I. Matejko-Peterkazk 2/0/04 P P
FPF:UHVHMBP008Seminar on the basics of auxiliary historical sciences I. Matejko-Peterkaz 0/2/04 P P
FPF:UHVHMBP009Introduction to Art History M. Hochelz 2/0/04 - P
FPF:UHVHMBP011English Language 2 M. Weissz 0/2/03 - P
FPF:UHVHMBP012German II G. Rykalováz 0/2/03 - PV
FPF:UHVHMBP036History of antiquity II - Greek and Roman civilisation K. Vymětalovázk 1/1/03 P PV
FPF:UHVHMBP037Basics of archeology M. Tymonováz 1/1/03 P PV
FPF:UHVHPPBP06German for Historians J. Nálepováz 0/2/03 - P
44 credits

Semester 3

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FPF:UHVHCOBP03Diplomatics and Palaeography I. Matejko-Peterkaz 1/1/04 P P
FPF:UHVHMBP014Medieval History I H. Komárkovázk 2/1/05 Z P
FPF:UHVHMBP015Early Modern History I I. Zmetákzk 2/1/05 Z P
FPF:UHVHMBP043English Language III M. Weissz 0/2/03 - PV
FPF:UHVHMBP044German III G. Rykalováz 0/2/03 - PV
FPF:UHVHMBP045Selected Chapters from Middle-Ages I H. Komárkováz 0/2/03 P PV
FPF:UHVHPPBP39History of art M. Zapletalzk 2/0/04 - P
FPF:UHVHPPBP47Selected Chapters from Early Modern History I I. Zmetákz 0/2/03 P PV
30 credits

Semester 4

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FPF:UHVHCOBP04Heraldry, sfragistic, genealogy I. Matejko-Peterkaz 2/0/04 P P
FPF:UHVHCOBP05History of communication and media I H. Komárkováz 1/0/04 - P
FPF:UHVHCOBP09Participation in Student Conference M. Pelcz 0/2/03 - PV
FPF:UHVHMBP019Medieval History II D. Radekzk 2/1/05 Z P
FPF:UHVHMBP020Early Modern History II I. Korbelářovázk 2/1/05 Z P
FPF:UHVHMBP023Bachelor Thesis Seminar I M. Pelcz 0/2/04 P P
FPF:UHVHMBP046English Language 4 M. Weissz 0/2/03 - PV
FPF:UHVHMBP047German IV G. Rykalováz 0/2/03 - PV
FPF:UHVHMBP048Selected Chapters from Early Modern History II I. Zmetákz 0/2/03 P PV
FPF:UHVHPPBP46Selected Chapters from Middle-Ages II D. Radekz 0/2/03 P PV
37 credits

Semester 5

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FPF:UHVD2232Economic and Social History Z. Jirásekz 1/1/04 - P
FPF:UHVHCOBP06History of Communication and Media II M. Pelcz 1/0/04 - P
FPF:UHVHMBP025Modern History I M. Hochelzk 2/1/05 Z P
FPF:UHVHMBP026Modern history I Z. Jirásekzk 2/1/05 Z P
FPF:UHVHMBP029Bachelor Thesis Seminar II M. Pelcz 0/2/04 P P
FPF:UHVHMBP050Selected Chapters from Modern History I M. Hochelz 0/2/03 P PV
FPF:UHVHPPBP51Selected Chapters from Modern History I Z. Jirásekz 0/2/03 P PV
28 credits

Semester 6

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FPF:UHVHCOBP07History of communication and media III J. Knapíkz 1/0/04 - P
FPF:UHVHMBP030Modern history II M. Pelczk 2/1/05 Z P
FPF:UHVHMBP031Contemorary history II J. Knapíkzk 2/1/05 Z P
FPF:UHVHMBP033Bachelor Thesis Seminar III M. Pelcz 0/2/04 P P
FPF:UHVHMBP051Selected chapters from modern history II M. Pelcz 0/2/03 P PV
FPF:UHVHPPBP52Selected chapters from contemporary history II J. Knapíkz 0/2/03 P PV
24 credits

Any semester

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FPF:FPFZAH01Participation in foreign intership G. Rykalováz 0/0/6010 - PV
FPF:FPFZAH02Participation in foreign intership G. Rykalováz 0/0/103 - PV
FPF:FPFZAH05Czech for foreigners J. Heczkoz 0/2/05 - PV
18 credits