German - MINOR (Bachelor's full-time minor)

1st year
1st term
FPF:UCJANGBP01 Practical Language 1 • 88 %
FPF:UCJANGBP03 Introduction to Literature • 88 %
FPF:UCJANGBP04 Introduction to Philosophy • 88 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP01 German propaedeutics • 88 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP02 Practical exercises in German 1 • 88 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP03 Phonetics and Phonology • 88 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP22 Phonetic exercises • 88 %
FPF:UCJANGBP45 German 1 • 63 %
FPF:UCJANGBP51 Study Skills • 63 %
FPF:UCJANGBP21 English Pronunciation • 50 %
FPF:UCJANGBP22 Presentation Skills • 50 %
FPF:UCJANGBP33 Introduction to Poetry • 50 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP41 Lifelong systematic learning • 38 %
FPF:UCJANGBP48 Italian 1 • 25 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP42 Italian 1 • 25 %
FPF:UHVHMBP001 Introduction to the study of history • 13 %
FPF:UHVHMBP005 English Language I • 13 %
FPF:UHVHMBP052 History of Antiquity I. The oldest Civilizations • 13 %
2nd term
FPF:UCJANGBP02 Introduction to Linguistics • 75 %
FPF:UCJANGBP05 Practical English 2 • 75 %
FPF:UCJANGBP06 English Literature 1 • 75 %
FPF:UCJANGBP07 Culture Studies 1 • 75 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP07 Practical exercises in German 2 • 75 %
FPF:UCJANGBP46 German 2 • 63 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP06 Introduction to Literature • 63 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP08 Cultural studies I • 63 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP23 Exercises in German grammar • 50 %
FPF:UCJANGBP20 Communication Skills • 38 %
FPF:UCJANGBP34 English Classics in Film • 38 %
FPF:UCJANGBP21 English Pronunciation • 25 %
FPF:FPFZSZP Foreign Studies • 13 %
FPF:UCJANGBP49 Italian 2 • 13 %
FPF:UCJANGBP52 Introduction to Professional Terminology • 13 %
FPF:UCJAP021 Social and pedagogical psychology • 13 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP24 Academic writing • 13 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP29 Experience regional studies • 13 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP43 Italian 2 • 13 %
FPF:UCJNOPBP14 Professional Training Practice 1 • 13 %
FPF:UCJOPBP008 Interview and how to navigate the market • 13 %
FPF:UHVHCOBP01 Proseminar in Pre-Modern History • 13 %
FPF:UHVHMBP007 Basics of auxiliary historical sciences • 13 %
FPF:UHVHMBP008 Seminar on the basics of auxiliary historical sciences • 13 %
FPF:UHVHMBP011 English Language II • 13 %
FPF:UIKSK45 Selected chapters from cognitive psychology • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
FPF:UCJANGBP09 English Literature 2 • 100 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP12 German literature in context • 100 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP13 Cultural studies II • 100 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP10 Practical exercises in German 3 • 80 %
FPF:FPFZSZP Foreign Studies • 60 %
FPF:UCJANGBP08 Grammar 1 • 40 %
FPF:UCJANGBP10 Practical Language 3 • 40 %
FPF:UCJANGBP25 English commercial correspondence • 40 %
FPF:UCJANGBP47 German 3 • 40 %
FPF:UCJANGBP53 Business English • 40 %
FPF:UCJANGBP56 Participation in long-term foreign intership • 40 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP11 German morphology • 40 %
FPF:UCJNNPDID German didactics • 40 %
FPF:FPFZAH01 Participation in foreign intership • 20 %
FPF:UCJANGBP15 American Literature 1 • 20 %
FPF:UCJNOPBP17 Professional Training Practice 2 • 20 %
4th term
FPF:UCJANGBP11 Grammar 2 • 100 %
FPF:UCJANGBP13 Practical Language 4 • 100 %
FPF:UCJANGBP14 Culture Studies 2 • 100 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP14 Practical exercises in German 4 • 100 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP16 German literature 1 • 100 %
FPF:UCJANGBP39 Introduction to Creative Reading and Writing • 60 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP15 German syntax • 60 %
FPF:UCJANGBP12 English Phonetics • 40 %
FPF:UCJANGBP36 Anglo-African Literature • 40 %
FPF:UCJANGBP58 German 4 • 40 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP23 Exercises in German grammar • 40 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP39 Literature in DaF • 40 %
3rd year
5th term
FPF:UCJANGBP16 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 1 • 100 %
FPF:UCJANGBP17 English Lexicology • 100 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP18 German literature 2 • 100 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP17 German lexicology • 80 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP33 Practical exercises in German 5 • 80 %
FPF:UCJANGBP15 American Literature 1 • 60 %
FPF:FSZZKVETEN Final State Examination - May • 40 %
FPF:UCJANGBP23 Translation Seminar 1 • 40 %
FPF:UCJANGBP30 Practical Language 5 • 40 %
FPF:UCJANGBP40 Critical Writing: 20th Century Film and Film Soundtracks • 40 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP11 German morphology • 40 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP22 Phonetic exercises • 40 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP35 Practical translation issues • 40 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP42 Italian 1 • 40 %
FPF:UCJANGBP10 Practical Language 3 • 20 %
FPF:UCJANGBP12 English Phonetics • 20 %
FPF:UCJANGBP25 English commercial correspondence • 20 %
FPF:UCJANGBP33 Introduction to Poetry • 20 %
FPF:UCJANGBP41 Contemporary Anglophone Literatures • 20 %
FPF:UCJANGBP51 Study Skills • 20 %
FPF:UCJLAND Experience regional Studies - Study Trip • 20 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP10 Practical exercises in German 3 • 20 %
6th term
FPF:UCJANGBP18 American Literature 2 • 100 %
FPF:UCJANGBP19 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 2 • 100 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP15 German syntax • 50 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP37 Practical exercises in German 6 • 50 %
FPF:UCJANGBP14 Culture Studies 2 • 25 %
FPF:UCJANGBP43 British and American Culture in Film • 25 %
FPF:UCJANGBP56 Participation in long-term foreign intership • 25 %
FPF:UCJLAND Experience regional Studies - Study Trip • 25 %
FPF:UCJNCOBP23 Exercises in German grammar • 25 %

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