Filtrování publikací


    1. DVOULETÝ, Ondřej, Ivana SVOBODOVÁ, Nina BOČKOVÁ a Jarmila DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ. Becoming a first-time entrepreneur in your 40s and older: lessons from survival analysis. World Journal of Entrepreneurship Management and Sustainable Development. 2024, roč. 20, č. 2, s. 141-157. ISSN 2042-5961. Dostupné z:
    2. DVOULETÝ, Ondřej, Ivana SVOBODOVÁ, Nina BOČKOVÁ a Jarmila DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ. Becoming a First-time Entrepreneur in 40s and Older: Lessons from Survival Analysis. Karviná: Silesian University in Opava, School of Business Administration in Karviná, 2024.
    3. POPESCU, Cristina Raluca Gh. a Jarmila DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ. Digital Competencies Within Non-profit Organisations: A Preliminary Study. Online. In Almeida, F.L., Morais, J.C., Santos, J.D. (eds). Digital Sustainability: Inclusion and Transformation. ISPGAYA 2023. Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Cham: Springer, 2024, s. 7-24. ISBN 978-3-031-57649-2. Dostupné z:
    4. JOHANNESSEN, Øystein Lund, Silvia DE ALMEIDA, Friant NATHANAËL, János Gordon GYŐRI, Jarmila DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ, Janne STØEN, Dina TSAGARI a Hildegunn FANDREM. Diverse Responses to Differing, Complex Realities Inclusive Educational Programmes for Newly Arrived Migrant Students. Online. In Fandrem, H., & O’Higgins Norman, J. International Perspectives on Migration, Bullying, and School. Implications for Schools, Refugees, and Migrants. London: Routledge, 2024, s. 54-70. . International Perspectives on Migration, Bullying, and School: Implications for Schools, Refugees, and Migrants. ISBN 978-1-003-43920-2. Dostupné z:
    5. MALECKA, Joanna, Dominik CZERKAWSKI a Jarmila DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ. Driving economic inclusion: Analyzing the participation of individuals with disabilities. E&M Economics and Management. 2024, roč. 27, č. 4, s. 1-15. ISSN 1212-3609. Dostupné z:
    6. ZAKARIA, A K M a Jarmila DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ. SUPPORTING REFUGEE ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN EUROPE: A NEW CHALLENGE TO THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS. Online. In Ana-Maria Bercu, Irina Bilan and Constantin-Marius Apostoaie. Enhancing EU Workforces: Advancing Skills in the Administrative Area for Europe's Future Proceedings of the International Conference EU-PAIR 2024. Iasi: Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, 2024, s. 53-62. ISBN 978-606-714-907-4. Dostupné z:
    7. POPESCU, Cristina Raluca Gh. a Jarmila DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ. The impact of artificial intelligence on intellectual capital development: Shifting requirements for professions and processes in the non-profit sector. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development. 2024, roč. 8, č. 10, s. 1-17. ISSN 2572-7923. Dostupné z:


    1. KREJČÍ, Petra a Jarmila DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ. Adaptability of work integration social enterprises during times associated with the COVID 19 pandemic. Online. In Michal Müller, Pavla Slavíčková. Knowledge on Economics and Management. Olomouc: Palacký University Olomouc, 2023, s. 82-88. ISBN 978-80-244-6390-2. Dostupné z:
    2. POPESCU, Cristina Raluca Gh. a Jarmila DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Reporting as Competitive Advantage in Sustainable Business. Online. In Rasim YILMAZ, Seda H. BOSTANCI. Full Paper Proceedings of Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences 1st International Symposium on Political Science and Public Administration-Tekirdağ / TURKIYE, October 11-13, 2023. Tekirdağ: Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 2023, s. 22-31. ISBN 978-625-00-1812-5.
    3. ŠKRABAL, Jaroslav, Jarmila DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ a Ingrid MAJEROVÁ. Impacts of GDP per Capita According to PPS and Health Care Expenditure on Basic Indicators in C5 Countries. Online. In BEVANDA Vuk. EMAN 2023 – Economics & Management: How to Cope with Disrupted Times. Conference proceedings. Belgrade: UdEkoM Balkan, 2023, s. 27-34. ISBN 978-86-80194-69-1. Dostupné z:
    4. SALAT, Dominik, Jarmila DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ a Petra KREJČÍ. MBTI-TYPE AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP: A STUDY OF PERSONALITY TYPE AND TURNING POINT IN BUSINESS. Economics Management Innovation. 2023, roč. 15, č. 2, s. 40-49. ISSN 1805-353X.
    5. MAŁECKA, Joanna a Jarmila DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ. Perception of Change in Optimisation Aspects. Przestrzeń, Ekonomia, Społeczeństwo. Sopocka Akademia Nauk Stosowanych, 2023, roč. 23, č. 1, s. 175-196. ISSN 2353-0987.
    6. DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila a Šárka ČEMERKOVÁ. Plan or die: Entrepreneurs’ response to crisis situation. Online. In Anna Ujwary-Gil, Anna Florek-Paszkowska, and Artur Kozioł. Economic Policy, Business,and Management in the Post-Pandemic Perspective. Warsaw: Institute of Economics, Polish Academy of Science, 2023, s. 77-96. ISBN 978-83-61597-94-0.
    7. GAJIĆ, Nenad, Vanja GROZDIĆ, Jelena DEMKO RIHTER a Jarmila DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ. TESTING MARKET EFFICIENCY: THE ROAD TO INTRINSIC VALUATION. FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Economics and Organization. Novi Sad: University of Niš, 2023, roč. 20, č. 3, s. 171-189, 20 s. ISSN 0354-4699. Dostupné z:
    8. DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila, Šárka ČEMERKOVÁ a Joanna DZIEŃDZIORA. Výzvy podnikového řízení ve fázi krize. Acta academica karviniensia. Karviná: SU OPF, 2023, roč. 23, č. 1, s. 106-117. ISSN 1212-415X. Dostupné z:
    9. PACHURA, Aneta, Krystyna KMIOTEK, Małgorzata SMOLAREK, Joanna DZIEŃDZIORA, Agnieszka RZEPKA a Jarmila DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ. WORK SATISFACTION IN SMES: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SELECTED COUNTRIES IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE. Humanities and Social Sciences. 2023, roč. 30, č. 4, s. 255-270. ISSN 2300-5327. Dostupné z:
    10. ŠPERKA, Roman, Petr SUCHÁNEK, Jarmila DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ, Radim DOLÁK, Tomáš BARČÁK, Radka BAUEROVÁ, Šárka ČEMERKOVÁ, Michal HALAŠKA, Radmila KRKOŠKOVÁ, Kateřina MATUŠÍNSKÁ, Jiří MAZUREK, Žaneta RYLKOVÁ a Šárka ZAPLETALOVÁ. 4th International Conference on Decision Making for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Conference Proceedings. Karviná: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Obchodně podnikatelská fakulta v Karviné, 2023, 264 s. ISBN 978-80-7510-554-7.


    1. DVOULETÝ, Ondřej, Jarmila DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ, Ivana SVOBODOVÁ, Blanka HABRMANOVÁ a Jana MÜLLEROVÁ. Analysing Determinants Influencing Female Entrepreneurship Engagement in the Czech Republic: What is the Role of Caring Responsibilities? World Journal of Entrepreneurship Management and Sustainable Development. 2022, roč. 18, č. 1, s. 2-19. ISSN 2042-5961. Dostupné z:
    2. DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila, Radek KOWALA, Ana Iolanda VODĂ a Ana-Maria BERCU. COMPETENCY MODELS IN BUSINESS STUDENTS AND BUSINESS OWNERS: A CROSS-NATIONAL CASE STUDY OF CZECHIA AND ROMANIA. Business, Management and Economics Engineering. Vilnius, 2022, roč. 20, č. 1, s. 59-78. ISSN 2669-2481. Dostupné z:
    3. DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila a Cristina Raluca Gh. POPESCU. Factors Influencing Investments into Human Resources to Support Company Performance. Journal of Risk and Financial Management. Švýcarsko: MDPI, 2022, roč. 15, č. 1, s. 1-13. ISSN 1911-8074. Dostupné z:
    4. MAJEROVÁ, Ingrid, Irena SZAROWSKÁ, Radim DOLÁK, Tomáš PRAŽÁK, Jarmila DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ a Marian LEBIEDZIK. Finanční stabilita municipalit Moravskoslezského kraje. Online. In Polsko-czeska współpracatransgraniczna w świetle wyzwańpandemicznych i postpandemicznych. Cieszyn: Polska Akademia Nauk Oddział w Katowicach, 2022, s. 97-113. svazek VIII. ISBN 978-83-66055-26-1. Dostupné z:
    5. RALUCA GH. POPESCU, Cristina a Jarmila DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ. Fiscally Responsible Businesses as a Result of COVID-19 Pandemic Shock: Taking Control of Countries' Tax Systems by Putting an End to Corporate Tax Evasion and Tax Havens. Online. In Cristina Raluca Gh. Popescu. Handbook of Research on Changing Dynamics in Responsible and Sustainable Business in the Post-COVID-19 Era. Hershey: IGI Global, 2022, s. 161-192. n/a. ISBN 978-1-6684-2525-1. Dostupné z:
    6. DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila. INVESTMENT IN INNOVATION – PERFORMANCE SUPPORT OR WASTED MONEY?. Online. In Jarmila Zimmermannová, Jaroslav Burian. International Days of Science 2022. Olomouc: MVSO, 2022, s. 86-95. ISBN 978-80-7455-100-0.
    7. DZIEŃDZIORA, Joanna, Dawid ŻEBRAK, Jarmila DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ a Olga VYTVYTSKA. The competences model as the basis for shaping a positive image of a contemporary lobbyist. Forum Scientiae Oeconomia. Dąbrowa Górnicza: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii WSB, 2022, roč. 10, č. 2, s. 193-209. ISSN 2300-5947. Dostupné z:
    8. DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila. THE EVALUATION OF PUBLIC AIDS TO BUSINESS ENTITIES DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC: A SOAR ANALYSIS. Online. In A. Bercu, I. Bilan and C. Apostoaie. EUROPEAN ADMINISTRATIVE AREA – INTEGRATION AND RESILIENCE DYNAMICS. Proceedings of the International Conference EU-PAIR 2022. Iasi: Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, 2022, s. 199-214. ISBN 978-606-714-739-1.
    9. DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila, Petra KREJČÍ a Žaneta RYLKOVÁ. WHAT SITUATIONS CAUSE CRUCIAL FINANCIAL DECISIONS WITHIN SOCIAL BUSINESSES? Central European Business Review. 2022, roč. 11, č. 3, s. 39-54. ISSN 1805-4862. Dostupné z:


    1. DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila, Zuzana PALOVÁ, Žaneta RYLKOVÁ, Radek KOWALA a Petra KREJČÍ. Assessing The Impact Of Decentralization of State-Subsidized Institutions on Cross-Border Cooperation: A Case Study. In Zdeněk Kresa. Opportunities and Threats to Current Business Management in Cross-border Comparison 2021. Chemnitz: Verlag der GUC, 2021, s. 25-35. ISBN 978-3-86367-067-2.
    2. POKORNÁ, Pavla a Jarmila DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ. BEHAVIOUR CHANGE IN FINANCIAL DECISION MAKING UNDER UNCERTAINTY. Online. In Jarmila ŠEBESTOVÁ, Roman ŠPERKA, Petr SUCHÁNEK, Šárka ČEMERKOVÁ, ŽanetaRYLKOVÁ, Kateřina MATUŠÍNSKÁ, Radka BAUEROVÁ, Jiří MAZUREKandRadim DOLÁK. 3rdInternational conference on Decision making for Small and Medium-SizedEnterprises. Conference Proceedings. Karviná: Silesian University in Opava, School of Business Administration in Karviná, 2021, s. 499-505. ISBN 978-80-7510-456-4.
    3. DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila. Crisis Situation and Financial Planning for Sustainability: A Case of the Czech SMEs. In C. Popescu and R. Verma (Eds.). Sustainable and Responsible Entrepreneurship and Key Drivers of Performance. Hershey: IGI Global, 2021, s. 59-82. n/a. ISBN 978-1-7998-7951-0. Dostupné z:
    4. DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila a Petra KREJČÍ. How Do Social Enterprises Deliver Tailored Support to Minority Entrepreneurs? In Cooney T.M. The Palgrave Handbook of Minority Entrepreneurship. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan Cham, 2021, s. 439-463. ISBN 978-3-030-66603-3. Dostupné z:
    5. DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila, Pavla POKORNÁ a Petra KREJČÍ. INFLUENCE OF COVID 19 ON FINANCING BUSINESS ACTIVITIES: LESSONS LEARNED FROM SELF-EMPLOYED PERSONS. Online. In Zimmermannová Jarmila. International Days of Science 2021 –Economics, Management, InnovationTen years between the global financial crisis and the crisis of 2020. Olomouc: Moravian Business College Olomouc, 2021, s. 82-90. ISBN 978-80-7455-097-3.
    6. DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila, Roman ŠPERKA, Petr SUCHÁNEK, Šárka ČEMERKOVÁ, Žaneta RYLKOVÁ, Kateřina MATUŠÍNSKÁ, Radka BAUEROVÁ, Jiří MAZUREK a Radim DOLÁK. International conference on Decision making for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. In Proceedings. Karviná: Silesian University in Opava, School of Business Administration in Karvina, 2021. ISBN 978-80-7510-456-4.
    7. VODA, Ana Iolanda, Ana Maria BERCU a Jarmila DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ. Is a higher minimum wage associated with a higher youth employment rate? A panel data analysis. European Journal of International Management. Geneva: Inderscience, 2021, roč. 16, č. 4, s. 631-646. ISSN 1751-6757. Dostupné z:
    8. DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila, Roman ŠPERKA a Martin KLEPEK. Migration and Integration at School Level: A Czech Preliminary Study. In Eva Kotlánová. Proceedings of International Conference Economic and Societal Challenges of the European Economy (Covid and Post-Covid Period). Karviná: Silesian University, 2021, s. 63-74. ISBN 978-80-7510-488-5.
    9. DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila, Zuzana PALOVÁ, Petr KANTOR a Vojtěch BECK. Non-Profit Organization Involvement Into the Sustainable Development Goals. In Cristina Raluca Gh. Popescu. Handbook of Research on Novel Practices and Current Successes in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Hershey: IGI Global, 2021, s. 158-179. n/a. ISBN 978-1-7998-8426-2. Dostupné z:
    10. KOWALA, Radek a Jarmila DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ. Using stewardship and agency theory to explore key performance indicators of family businesses. Forum Scientiae Oeconomia. Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii WSB, 2021, roč. 9, č. 4, s. 9-30. ISSN 2300-5947. Dostupné z:
    11. DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila, Roman ŠPERKA, Petr SUCHÁNEK, Šárka ČEMERKOVÁ, Žaneta RYLKOVÁ, Kateřina MATUŠÍNSKÁ, Radka BAUEROVÁ, Jiří MAZUREK a Radim DOLÁK. 3rd International Conference on Decision Making for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Conference Proceedings. Karviná: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Obchodně podnikatelská fakulta v Karviné, 2021, 710 s. ISBN 978-80-7510-457-1.


    1. DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila a Monika LEJKOVÁ. Business Competencies Within Unstable Business Environments. In Šebestová, J. Developing Entrepreneurial Competencies for Start-Ups and Small Business. Hershey: IGI Global, 2020, s. 41-58. Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage. ISBN 978-1-7998-2714-6.
    2. GRODZIĆ, Vanja, Branislav MARIĆ, Mladen RADIŠIČ, Jarmila ŠEBESTOVÁ a Marcin LIS. Capital Investments and Manufacturing Firms’ Performance: Panel-Data Analysis. Lis Marcin. Sustainability. 2020, roč. 12, č. 4, s. 1689-1706. ISSN 2071-1050. Dostupné z:
    3. PALOVÁ, Zuzana a Jarmila DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ. Competencies, Skills, and Goals Needed for Social Enterprises: Case of the Czech Republic. Online. In Šebestová, J. Developing Entrepreneurial Competencies for Start-Ups and Small Business. Hershey: IGI Global, 2020, s. 109-128. Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage. ISBN 978-1-7998-2714-6.
    4. DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila a Dana ŠEBESTOVÁ. Consumer Behaviour and Private Donations: The Effect of Marketing Communication and the Reputation of Non-profit Organisations. In Sroka W. (eds). Perspectives on Consumer Behaviour. Cham: Springer, 2020, s. 319-338. Contributions to Management Science. ISBN 978-3-030-47379-2. Dostupné z:
    5. DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila, Petra KREJČÍ a Pavla POKORNÁ. Determinants of Financial Literacy: Expectations and Real Behaviour of The Czech Businesses. EMI. MVŠO, 2020, roč. 12, č. 3, s. 69-80. ISSN 1804-1299.
    6. DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila. Developing Entrepreneurial Competencies for Start-Ups and Small Business. Hershey: IGI Global, 2020, 340 s. Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage. ISBN 978-1-7998-2714-6.
    7. DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila a Zuzana PALOVÁ. Hybrid Marketing of Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organizations. In Kresa Zdeněk. Opportunities and Threats to Current Management of Non-profit Organizations in Cross-border Comparison 2020. Chemnitz: Verlag der GUC, 2020, s. 116-237. ISBN 978-3-86367-063-4.
    8. DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila, Pavla POKORNÁ a Petra KREJČÍ. IS A FINANCIAL LITERACY IMPORTANT FOR A REAL BUSINESS? A CASE STUDY. Online. In Jarmila Zimmermannová, Kateřina Ivanová. International Days of Science 2020 – Economics, Management, Innovation Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Olomouc: Moravian Business College Olomouc, 2020, s. 69-78. ISBN 978-80-7455-084-3.
    9. POKORNÁ, Pavla, Petra KREJČÍ a Jarmila DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ. IS REALLY IMPORTANT TO CREATE AND PLAN THE REINVESTMENT PROCESS?. Online. In Ondřej Dvouletý, Martin Lukeš & Jan Mísař. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability. Praha: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, Nakladatelství Oeconomica, 2020, s. 521-529. ISBN 978-80-245-2378-1.
    10. DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila. Podnikání: Distanční studijní text. Karviná: Slezská univerzita v Opavě Obchodně podnikatelská fakulta v Karviné, 2020.
    11. DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila a Šárka ZAPLETALOVÁ. Řízení inovací: Distanční studijní text. Karviná: Obchodně podnikatelská fakulta v Karviné Slezská univerzita v Opavě, 2020.
    12. DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila, Wu FEIJIE, Zhang LUYAN a Pavla POKORNÁ. Small business sustainability and regional development: lessons learnt from sectoral changes in China and the Czech Republic. Forum Scientiae Oeconomia. Dąbrowa Górnicza: Faculty of Applied Sciences of WSB University, Dąbrowa Górnicza, 2020, roč. 8, č. 3, s. 5-31. ISSN 2300-5947. Dostupné z:
    13. ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila a Wlodimierz SROKA. Sustainable development goals and SMEs decisions: Czech Republic vs. Poland. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research. 2020, roč. 7, č. 1, s. 39-50. ISSN 2328-8272. Dostupné z:
    14. DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila, Vojtěch MALÁTEK a Dušan POLONSKÝ. Vybrané aspekty fungování rozvoje a podpory MSP v globálních podmínkách. Karviná: Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Obchodně podnikatelská fakulta v Karviné, 2020, 112 s. ISBN 978-80-7510-412-0.


    1. ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila, Ana-Maria BERCU a Iolanda VODA. ATTRACTING A NEW WORKFORCE FOR SMES: MILLENNIAL’S CHALLENGE. In Šperka, R., P. Suchánek, J. Šebestová, Ž. Rylková, K. Matušínská, J. Mazurek, Š. Čemerková and R. Dolák (eds.). 2 nd International conference on Decision making for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises DEMSME 2019. Karviná: Karviná: Silesian University in Opava, School of Business Administration in Karviná, 2019, s. 226-234. ISBN 978-80-7510-339-0.
    2. RYLKOVÁ, Žaneta a Jarmila ŠEBESTOVÁ. Benchmarking of contributory organizations within the framework of technical efficiency. Engineering Management in Production and Services. 2019, roč. 11, č. 1, s. 80-91, 100 s. ISSN 2543-6597. Dostupné z:
    3. ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila. Člen oborové rady doktorského studijního programu Ekonomika a management. : Oborova rada doktorského studijního programu Ekonomika a management, oboru Podniková ekonomika a management. Člen oborové rady doktorského studijního programu Ekonomika a management. : Oborova rada doktorského studijního programu Ekonomika a management, oboru Podniková ekonomika a management, 2019 - 2022.
    4. POKORNÁ, Pavla, Jarmila ŠEBESTOVÁ a Šárka ČEMERKOVÁ. Dilemma of Directions for Reinvestment. Forum Scientiae Oeconomia. 2019, roč. 7, č. 4, s. 83-99. ISSN 2300-5947. Dostupné z:
    5. KREJČÍ, Petra a Jarmila ŠEBESTOVÁ. Innovative literacy levels: gender, age and education matters. Marketing and Management of Innovations. 2019, roč. 10, č. 4, s. 353-363. ISSN 2218-4511. Dostupné z:
    6. ŠPERKA, Roman, Petr SUCHÁNEK, Jarmila ŠEBESTOVÁ, Žaneta RYLKOVÁ, Kateřina MATUŠÍNSKÁ, Jiří MAZUREK, Šárka ČEMERKOVÁ a Radim DOLÁK. International conference on Decision making for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. In Proceedings. Karvina: Silesian University in Opava, School of Business Administration in Karvina, 2019. ISBN 978-80-7510-339-0.
    7. ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila, Zuzana PALOVÁ a Petra KREJČÍ. Manažerské dovednosti v mezigeneračním týmu: Distanční studijní text. 1. vyd. Karviná, 2019, 137 s. ISBN 978-80-7510-372-7.
    8. ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila a Zuzana PALOVÁ. Minority Entrepreneurship: Distance learning study materials. 1. vyd. Karviná, 2019, 125 s. ISBN 978-80-7510-373-4.
    9. POKORNÁ, Pavla a Jarmila ŠEBESTOVÁ. Profit Reinvestment: Main Motives Supporting Financial Decisions. e-Finanse. 2019, roč. 15, č. 4, s. 34-43. ISSN 1734-039X. Dostupné z:
    10. POKORNÁ, Pavla a Jarmila ŠEBESTOVÁ. REINVESTMENT POSSIBILITIES AND EVALUATION: A LITERATURE REVIEW. Online. In Dvouletý, O., M. Lukeš & J. Mísař. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability. Praha: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, Nakladatelství Oeconomica – Praha 2019, 2019, s. 746-759. ISBN 978-80-245-2316-3.
    11. ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila a Wlodimierz SROKA. SMES DECISIONS TO MEET THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS. In Šperka, R., P. Suchánek, J. Šebestová, Ž. Rylková, K. Matušínská, J. Mazurek, Š. Čemerková and R. Dolák (eds.). 2 nd International conference on Decision making for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises DEMSME 2019. Karviná: Karviná: Silesian University in Opava, School of Business Administration in Karviná, 2019, s. 235-243. ISBN 978-80-7510-339-0.
    12. ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila a Petra KREJČÍ. Sociální podnikání: Distanční studijní text. 1. vyd. Karviná, 2019, 135 s. ISBN 978-80-7510-374-1.
    13. KREJČÍ, Petra a Jarmila ŠEBESTOVÁ. THE ROLE OF SOCIAL INNOVATION IN MANAGERIAL PRACTICE. Online. In Dvouletý, O., M. Lukeš & J. Mísař. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability. Praha: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, Nakladatelství Oeconomica – Praha 2019, 2019, s. 394-405. ISBN 978-80-245-2316-3.


    1. ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila, Žaneta RYLKOVÁ, Petra KREJČÍ a Monika LEJKOVÁ. Different strategic goals in the same business environment:Competent entrepreneurs or just luck? In New Trends in Management: Regional and Cross-border Perspectives. London: London Scientific, 2018, s. 71-82, 13 s. ISBN 978-0-9954618-4-0.
    2. MAJEROVÁ, Ingrid, Irena SZAROWSKÁ, Jarmila ŠEBESTOVÁ, Marian LEBIEDZIK, Radim DOLÁK, Tomáš PRAŽÁK a Dominik VYMĚTAL. Issue of Public Administration in the EU Countries: a Case of Covering Commintments of Municipalitiesin the Moravian-Silesian Region. In DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF BORDER AREAS OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC AND POLAND: SUPPORT FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Ostrava: Editorial Center VŠB-TU Ostrava, 2018, s. 151-157. ISBN 978-80-24842295.
    3. ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila a Petr ŠIŠKA. Policy of Business Support on A Regional Level: A Unique Chance Or Missed Opportunity for Entrepreneurs?. Online. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference Innovation Management,Entrepreneurship and Sustainability. Praha: Nakladatelství Oeconomica, 2018, s. 945-953, 10 s. ISBN 978-80-245-2274-6.
    4. ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila, Žaneta RYLKOVÁ a Monika LEJKOVÁ. Satisfied or Competent: Business Environment Quality and Entrepreneurial Reaction. Online. In Majerova, I. (ed.). Proceedings of 18th International Conference Economic Policy in the European Union Member Countries. Karviná: Silesian University, 2018, s. 369-376, 7 s. ISBN 978-80-7510-289-8.
    5. KREJČÍ, Petra a Jarmila DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ. Social innovation ties : a dilemma of product and employee orientation. Polish Journal of Management Studies. Czestochowa: Czestochowa University of Technology, 2018, roč. 17, č. 2, s. 123-133. ISSN 2081-7452. Dostupné z:
    6. RYLKOVÁ, Žaneta, Jarmila ŠEBESTOVÁ a Petra KREJČÍ. Strategic cost management in businesses. Online. In Globalization and Its Socio-Economic Consequences. University of Zilina, Slovak Republic: ZU - University of Zilina, 2018, s. 1802-1809. ISBN 978-80-8154-249-7.
    7. ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila. Strategic Management Tools in The Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: A Long-Term View. In International Day of Science 2018 - Economics, Management, Innovation. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Olomouc: Moravian University College Olomouc, 2018, s. 167-173. ISBN 978-80-7455-069-0.
    8. MAJEROVÁ, Ingrid, Irena SZAROWSKÁ, Radim DOLÁK, Marian LEBIEDZIK, Jarmila ŠEBESTOVÁ, Tomáš PRAŽÁK a Dominik VYMĚTAL. The Problem of Municipal Indebtedness: a Case of the Municipalities in the Moravian-Silesian Region. In DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF BORDER AREAS OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC AND POLAND: SUPPORT FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Ostrava: Editorial Center VŠB-TU Ostrava, 2018, s. 151-157. ISBN 978-80-248-4229-5.
    9. ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila, Ingrid MAJEROVÁ a Irena SZAROWSKÁ. Transparency in The Municipality Spending:Financial Health Index. Online. In EUFIRE 2018. Iasi: Editua Universitari Alexandru Ioan Cuza, 2018, s. 177-190, 13 s. ISBN 978-606-714-492-5.


    1. PALOVÁ, Zuzana a Jarmila ŠEBESTOVÁ. Behavioral Models in The Social Entrepreneurship. In International Day of Science 2017. Olomouc: Moravian University College Olomouc, 2017, s. 173-183, 10 s. ISBN 978-80-7455-060-7.
    2. ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila, Roman ŠPERKA, Joanna MAŁECKA a Teresa ŁUCZKA. Coworking Centres as a Potential Supportive Network for Cross Border Business Cooperation. Forum Scientiae Oeconomia. 2017, roč. 5, č. 4, s. 23-34, 11 s. ISSN 2300-5947.
    3. ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila a Zuzana PALOVÁ. Ecosystem Building for Social Innovation Success. Economics Management Innovation. 2017, roč. 9, č. 3, s. 18-29. ISSN 1804-1299.
    4. ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila a Zuzana PALOVÁ. Ecosystem for Social Innovation Support - A Need for Speed? In International Day of Science 2017. Olomouc: Moravian University College Olomouc, 2017, s. 225-231. ISBN 978-80-7455-060-7.
    5. PALOVÁ, Zuzana a Jarmila ŠEBESTOVÁ. Hodnocení efektivnosti finanční podpory sociálních podniků z ESF. Online. In Medzinárodné vzťahy 2016 Aktuálne otázky svetovej ekonomiky a politiky. Bratislava: Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave, Fakulta medzinárodných vzťahov, 2017, s. 924-935, 11 s. ISBN 978-80-225-4365-1.
    6. HUČKA, Miroslav, Zuzana ČVANČAROVÁ, Josef KAŠÍK, Pavlína KŘIBÍKOVÁ, Pavla MACUROVÁ, František OKROUHLICA, Jarmila ŠEBESTOVÁ, Iris ŠIMÍKOVÁ a Dominik VYMĚTAL. Modely podnikových procesů. Praha: C.H.Beck, 2017, 484 s. Beckova edice ekonomie. ISBN 978-80-7400-468-1.
    7. ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila a Zuzana PALOVÁ. Performance Assessment as a Baseline for Decision Making in Social Goal-oriented Organizations. In International conference on Decision making for Small and Medium-Sized Entreprises. Conference Proceedings. Karviná: Silesian University in Opava, School of Business Administration in Karviná, 2017, s. 211-219. ISBN 978-80-7510-243-0.
    8. ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila a Zuzana PALOVÁ. Performance Evaluation of Social Enterprises Supported by EU Funds : Case of the Czech Republic. TEMEL-ij International Journal. 2017, roč. 1, č. 2, s. 56-62. ISSN 2545-4390.
    9. ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila a Zuzana PALOVÁ. Podpora sociálních inovací pomocí projektů z fondů Evropské unie: jaký měly skutečný společenský dosah? Scientia et Societas. 2017, roč. 13, č. 1, s. 91-107. ISSN 1801-7118.
    10. ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila a Zuzana PALOVÁ. Politika podpory sociálních inovací z Evropského sociálního fondu - zkušenosti z programového období 2007-2013. Online. In Medzinárodné vzťahy 2016 Aktuálne otázky svetovej ekonomiky a politiky. Bratislava: Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave, Fakulta medzinárodných vzťahov, 2017, s. 975-988, 12 s. ISBN 978-80-225-4365-1.
    11. ŠEBESTOVÁ, Jarmila a Zuzana PALOVÁ. Support of Social Innovations: Case of the Czech Republic. In Lewandowski, M., Kożuch, B. (eds.) Public Sector Entrepreneurship and the Integration of Innovative Business Models. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2017, s. 165-187, 22 s. Public Policy and Administration (APPA) Book Series. ISBN 978-1-5225-2215-7.


    1. WAGNEROVÁ, Eva a Jarmila DUHÁČEK ŠEBESTOVÁ. Podnikání v malé a střední firmě. Karviná: Slezská univerzita v Opavě Obchodně podnikatelská fakulta v Karviné, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7248-441-6.
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