Banking (Bachelor's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
There is no data available.
6th term
OPF:FIUBPNOA Appraisement of Assets • 100 %
OPF:OPFBPBPP Bachelor Thesis • 100 %
OPF:OPFBPOPR Specialised Praktice • 100 %

Banking, Finance, Insurance (bachelor's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
OPF:INMBPKVM Quantitative Methods • 99 %
OPF:INMBPZIE Informatics for Economists I • 99 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 98 %
OPF:EVSBPZMI Economics I • 94 %
OPF:PEMBPNOP Enterprise Theory • 94 %
2nd term
OPF:EVSBPZMA Economics II • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPNFI Finance • 100 %
OPF:INMBPNIE Informatics for Economists II • 100 %
OPF:INMBPSTK Statistics • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPMNG Management • 100 %
OPF:CVABPJA1 English 1 • 98 %
OPF:FIUBPFUA Financial Accounting I • 96 %
OPF:EVSBPHOP Economic Policy • 23 %
OPF:EVSBPPSY Psychology • 14 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:FIUBPFPM Finance and Insurance Mathematics • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPMRF Municipal and Regional Finance • 100 %
OPF:CVABPJA2 English 2 • 96 %
OPF:FIUBPFUB Financial Accounting II • 84 %
OPF:INMBPSME Statistical Methods for Economists • 80 %
OPF:FIUBPFIP Corporate Finance • 76 %
OPF:FIUBPFIT Financial Markets • 76 %
OPF:PEMBPNOP Enterprise Theory • 40 %
OPF:CVABPPOH Entrepreneurship in the hotel business • 24 %
4th term
OPF:FIUBPBAN Banking • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPNFP Financial Counselling • 100 %
OPF:CVABPJA3 Professional English 3 • 96 %
OPF:FIUBPNOA Appraisement of Assets • 96 %
OPF:PEMBPOBP Commercial Law • 96 %
OPF:FIUBPDDP Taxation and Tax Policy • 92 %
OPF:FIUBPFAN Financial Analysis • 92 %
OPF:EVSBPHOP Economic Policy • 67 %
OPF:PEMBPSLU Marketing of Services • 63 %
OPF:FIUBPNUC Cost Accounting • 46 %
OPF:CVABPGAS Gastronomy • 21 %
OPF:EVSBPPSY Psychology • 13 %
OPF:FIUBPNFI Finance • 13 %
3rd year
5th term
OPF:CVABPJA4 English 4 • 94 %
OPF:FIUBPMEZ International Finance • 94 %
OPF:FIUBPNPS Payment and Clearing Systems • 94 %
OPF:FIUBPPOJ Insurance • 94 %
OPF:OPFBPBPS Bachelor Thesis Seminar • 94 %
OPF:FIUBAPOF Principles of Finance • 41 %
OPF:CVABPKPT Communicative and Persuasive Techniques • 24 %
OPF:CVABPKKO Crisis communication • 18 %
OPF:CVABPEHL Economics in the Hotel Business • 12 %
OPF:CVABPPDS Personal Development Skills for Mobilities • 12 %
OPF:CVABPTS1 Physical education and sports activity • 12 %
OPF:FIUBPFIP Corporate Finance • 12 %
OPF:FIUBPFIT Financial Markets • 12 %
6th term
OPF:OPFBPBPP Bachelor Thesis • 100 %
OPF:OPFBPOPR Specialised Praktice • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPDDP Taxation and Tax Policy • 25 %
OPF:FIUBPMEU International Accounting • 25 %
OPF:CVABPCMC International Tourism • 13 %
OPF:CVABPTS1 Physical education and sports activity • 13 %
OPF:FIUBAPOF Principles of Finance • 13 %
OPF:FIUBPFAN Financial Analysis • 13 %
OPF:FIUBPNUC Cost Accounting • 13 %

Tourist Industry and Tourism (bachelor's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
OPF:EVSBPEKO Economics • 99 %
OPF:INMBPINF Informatics • 97 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 97 %
OPF:INMBPKME Quantitative Methods in Economic Practice • 95 %
OPF:PEMBPPEP Law in Economic Practice • 95 %
OPF:PEMBPEPO Economy of Enterprise • 88 %
2nd term
OPF:EVSBPVEP External Economic Environment • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPMNM Management • 98 %
OPF:FIUBPFVP Finance in Business • 92 %
OPF:CVABPEN1 Foreign Language Course - English 1 • 89 %
OPF:CVABPTS1 Physical education and sports activity • 23 %
OPF:EVSBPPSY Psychology • 20 %
OPF:OPFBAABC International Business Case Studies • 12 %
OPF:PEMBPRNO Management of Non-governmental Non-profit Organisations • 12 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:CVABPCMG International Gastronomy • 97 %
OPF:CVABPCPO Business in Tourism • 95 %
OPF:CVABPEN2 Foreign Language Course - English 2 • 95 %
OPF:INMBPSCR Information Systems in Tourism • 95 %
OPF:PEMBPMKT Marketing • 95 %
OPF:CVABPCKO Communication Skills for Tourism • 92 %
OPF:PEMBPEPO Economy of Enterprise • 41 %
OPF:CVABPCAP Entertainment Programmes in Tourism • 32 %
OPF:CVABPCSP Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette • 22 %
OPF:CVABPKKO Crisis communication • 11 %
OPF:CVABPKPT Communicative and Persuasive Techniques • 11 %
4th term
OPF:CVABPCEK Economy of Tourism • 100 %
OPF:CVABPCGE Tourism Geography • 100 %
OPF:CVABPCMA Tourism Marketing • 100 %
OPF:CVABPCMN Tourism Trade and Services Management • 100 %
OPF:CVABPEN3 Foreign Language Course - English 3 • 97 %
OPF:FIUBPDVP Taxes in business • 86 %
OPF:PEMBPMAV Marketing Research • 83 %
OPF:EVSBPPSY Psychology • 37 %
3rd year
5th term
OPF:CVABPCDM Tourism Destination Management • 100 %
OPF:CVABPEN4 Foreign Language Course - English 4 • 100 %
OPF:OPFBPBPS Bachelor Thesis Seminar • 97 %
OPF:CVABPCLH Spa and Hotel Management • 95 %
OPF:CVABPCSP Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette • 87 %
OPF:CVABACTA The Tourist Attractions in the Czech Republic and in the World • 66 %
OPF:CVABPCAP Entertainment Programmes in Tourism • 37 %
OPF:CVABPRHP Hotel operation management • 34 %
OPF:CVABACCT Business Culture in Tourism • 11 %
6th term
OPF:OPFBPBPP Bachelor Thesis • 100 %
OPF:CVABPCMC International Tourism • 97 %
OPF:OPFBPPRX Specialised Praktice • 95 %
OPF:CVABPCTR Trends in Travel and Tourism • 49 %
OPF:FIUBPDVP Taxes in business • 35 %

Digitální Business (bachelor's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
OPF:INMBPINF Informatics • 100 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 100 %
OPF:INMBPKME Quantitative Methods in Economic Practice • 98 %
OPF:PEMBPPDK Business • 98 %
OPF:PEMBPPEP Law in Economic Practice • 96 %
OPF:EVSBPEKO Economics • 93 %
OPF:PEMBPEPO Economy of Enterprise • 93 %
2nd term
OPF:EVSBPVEP External Economic Environment • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPMNM Management • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPIPC Corporate Information Support • 97 %
OPF:CVABPEN1 Foreign Language Course - English 1 • 94 %
OPF:EVSBPSEP Smart economy in the context of Industry 4.0 • 94 %
OPF:FIUBPFVP Finance in Business • 85 %
OPF:OPFBAABC International Business Case Studies • 18 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:PEMBPBUM Business Models • 97 %
OPF:CVABPEN2 Foreign Language Course - English 2 • 94 %
OPF:PEMBPKRM Creative Thinking • 94 %
OPF:INMBPINP Internet Law • 90 %
OPF:PEMBPMKT Marketing • 90 %
OPF:INMBPMOA Mobile Applications • 84 %
OPF:INMBPIMT Information management and technology • 77 %
OPF:EVSBPEKO Economics • 23 %
OPF:CVABPKKO Crisis communication • 19 %
OPF:FIUBPFIT Financial Markets • 13 %
OPF:PEMBPEPO Economy of Enterprise • 13 %
4th term
OPF:CVABPEN3 Foreign Language Course - English 3 • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPDVP Taxes in business • 100 %
OPF:INMBPBOI Business on the Internet • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPIPO Innovative Business • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPPSS Case studies of startups • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPMKV Marketing Research • 85 %
OPF:FIUBPFVP Finance in Business • 35 %
OPF:INMBPSIW Internet Services and WWW Creating • 15 %
OPF:EVSBPPSY Psychology • 12 %
OPF:PEMBPMSH Marketing Simulation Game • 12 %
3rd year
5th term
OPF:CVABPEN4 Foreign Language Course - English 4 • 100 %
OPF:OPFBPBPS Bachelor Thesis Seminar • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPDIF Digitization of the company • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPEMA E-marketing • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPPRO Project Management • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPDSS Website Design and Management • 78 %
OPF:INMBPPOS Portal systems • 44 %
OPF:CVABPKPT Communicative and Persuasive Techniques • 17 %
OPF:PEMBPZPO Establishment of Enterprises • 17 %
OPF:CVABAICO Intercultural Communication • 11 %
OPF:PEMBPMKT Marketing • 11 %
6th term
OPF:OPFBPBPP Bachelor Thesis • 100 %
OPF:OPFBPPRX Specialised Praktice • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPSOM Social Media • 100 %

Economics and Management (bachelor's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
OPF:OPFBAOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 71 %
OPF:CVABAICO Intercultural Communication • 53 %
OPF:CVABAJA2 Business English • 47 %
OPF:CVABPPDS Personal Development Skills for Mobilities • 41 %
OPF:CVABPTS1 Physical education and sports activity • 41 %
OPF:PEMBAMAC Marketing Communication • 41 %
OPF:EVSBASVE World Economy • 35 %
OPF:CVAPICLA Introduction to the Czech Language and Culture • 29 %
OPF:INMBAINF Informatics • 24 %
OPF:PEMBANOP Enterprise Theory • 24 %
OPF:EVSBAMIE Microeconomics • 18 %
OPF:FIUBAPOF Principles of Finance • 18 %
OPF:INMBAEBU E-business • 18 %
OPF:INMBAKVM Quantitave Methods • 18 %
OPF:PEMBALAW Introduction to Law • 18 %
OPF:FIUBACOB Corporate Budgeting • 12 %
OPF:PEMBAPDK Entrepreneurship • 12 %
2nd term
OPF:OPFBAOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 69 %
OPF:PEMBAMNM Management • 62 %
OPF:PEMBAMNS Managerial Skills • 54 %
OPF:CVABACTA The Tourist Attractions in the Czech Republic and in the World • 46 %
OPF:CVABPPDS Personal Development Skills for Mobilities • 46 %
OPF:CVABAJA3 Professional English • 38 %
OPF:CVAPICLA Introduction to the Czech Language and Culture • 38 %
OPF:PEMBAITO International Trade Operations • 31 %
OPF:EVSBAMEN Minority Entrepreneurship • 23 %
OPF:EVSBASVE World Economy • 23 %
OPF:FIUBAPOF Principles of Finance • 23 %
OPF:INMBASTA Statistics • 23 %
OPF:CVABAICO Intercultural Communication • 15 %
OPF:EVSBAMAE Macroeconomics • 15 %
OPF:FIUNAITS International Taxation and Tax Systems • 15 %
OPF:OPFBAABC International Business Case Studies • 15 %
OPF:PEMBASEM Services Marketing • 15 %
OPF:PEMNAHRM Human Resource Management • 15 %
OPF:PEMNAINM International Marketing • 15 %

Finance and Accounting (bachelor's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
OPF:INMBPKME Quantitative Methods in Economic Practice • 100 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 100 %
OPF:EVSBPEKO Economics • 98 %
OPF:INMBPINF Informatics • 98 %
OPF:PEMBPPEP Law in Economic Practice • 95 %
OPF:PEMBPEPO Economy of Enterprise • 93 %
2nd term
OPF:EVSBPVEP External Economic Environment • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPMNM Management • 97 %
OPF:FIUBPUC1 Accounting I • 95 %
OPF:CVABPEN1 Foreign Language Course - English 1 • 91 %
OPF:FIUBPFVP Finance in Business • 85 %
OPF:PEMBPIPO Innovative Business • 26 %
OPF:OPFBAABC International Business Case Studies • 24 %
OPF:PEMBPIPC Corporate Information Support • 18 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:CVABPEN2 Foreign Language Course - English 2 • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPZMA Property Taxation • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPUC2 Accounting II • 98 %
OPF:PEMBPMKT Marketing • 98 %
OPF:FIUBPFIT Financial Markets • 93 %
OPF:FIUBPFIP Corporate Finance • 83 %
OPF:PEMBPHRM Human Resources Management • 76 %
OPF:FIUBPPOJ Insurance • 64 %
OPF:FIUBPFPM Finance and Insurance Mathematics • 36 %
OPF:CVABPCE1 Cambridge English Exam C1 Advanced: Preparation 1 • 12 %
4th term
OPF:CVABPEN3 Foreign Language Course - English 3 • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPFAN Financial Analysis • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPNOA Appraisement of Assets • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPNDA Indirect Taxes in the Czech Republic • 95 %
OPF:FIUBPDVP Taxes in business • 92 %
OPF:FIUBPFPN Financial Counselling • 82 %
OPF:FIUBPNUC Cost Accounting • 55 %
OPF:EVSBPPSY Psychology • 32 %
OPF:FIUBPFVP Finance in Business • 16 %
OPF:PEMBPIPC Corporate Information Support • 13 %
3rd year
5th term
OPF:FIUBPNAP Tax Law Application • 100 %
OPF:OPFBPBPS Bachelor Thesis Seminar • 100 %
OPF:CVABPEN4 Foreign Language Course - English 4 • 95 %
OPF:FIUBPAUD Audit • 74 %
OPF:FIUBPUNO Non-profit Organizations Accounting • 63 %
OPF:FIUBPFPM Finance and Insurance Mathematics • 16 %
OPF:CVABPTS1 Physical education and sports activity • 11 %
OPF:FIUBPFIP Corporate Finance • 11 %
OPF:FIUBPMRF Municipal and Regional Finance • 11 %
6th term
OPF:FIUBPMEU International Accounting • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPUPR Accounting Practice • 100 %
OPF:OPFBPPRX Specialised Praktice • 100 %
OPF:OPFBPBPP Bachelor Thesis • 95 %
OPF:PEMBPIPO Innovative Business • 26 %
OPF:FIUBPDVP Taxes in business • 21 %
OPF:CVABPTS1 Physical education and sports activity • 16 %
OPF:FIUBPNDA Indirect Taxes in the Czech Republic • 16 %
OPF:FIUBPFAN Financial Analysis • 11 %

Innovative Entrepreneurship (bachelor's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
OPF:INMBPINF Informatics • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPEPO Economy of Enterprise • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPKRM Creative Thinking • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPPDK Business • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPPEP Law in Economic Practice • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPTAP1 Team Academy® principy I • 98 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 89 %
2nd term
OPF:FIUBPFVP Finance in Business • 100 %
OPF:OPFBPODP1 Specialised Praktice • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPMNM Management • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPZPO Establishment of Enterprises • 100 %
OPF:CVABPEN1 Foreign Language Course - English 1 • 98 %
OPF:PEMBPTAP2 Team Academy® principy II • 80 %
OPF:PEMBPIPO Innovative Business • 45 %
OPF:PEMBPSLU Marketing of Services • 22 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:OPFBPODP2 Specialised Praktice • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPMKT Marketing • 100 %
OPF:EVSBPIPP Microeconomics for Business Practice • 95 %
OPF:PEMBPPRO Project Management • 95 %
OPF:PEMBPTAP3 Team Academy® principy III • 85 %
OPF:CVABPEN2 Foreign Language Course - English 2 • 80 %
OPF:PEMBPPDV Intellectual Property Law • 70 %
OPF:PEMBPBUM Business Models • 65 %
OPF:PEMBPKPD Communication and Presentation Skills • 65 %
OPF:FIUBPFIM Financing of International Business • 30 %
OPF:INMBPKME Quantitative Methods in Economic Practice • 30 %
OPF:PEMBPDIF Digitization of the company • 20 %
OPF:FIUBPFPM Finance and Insurance Mathematics • 15 %
OPF:PEMBPEMA E-marketing • 15 %
4th term
OPF:CVABPEN3 Foreign Language Course - English 3 • 100 %
OPF:EVSBPAPP Macroeconomics in Business Practice • 100 %
OPF:OPFBPODP3 Specialised Praktice • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPTAP4 Team Academy® principy IV • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPFAN Financial Analysis • 74 %
OPF:PEMBPIPO Innovative Business • 74 %
OPF:PEMBPTAP2 Team Academy® principy II • 53 %
OPF:CVABPKPT Communicative and Persuasive Techniques • 37 %
OPF:FIUBPDVP Taxes in business • 37 %
OPF:PEMBPSLU Marketing of Services • 37 %
OPF:PEMBPMAV Marketing Research • 32 %
OPF:CVABPEN2 Foreign Language Course - English 2 • 21 %
OPF:FIUBPFPN Financial Counselling • 21 %
FPF:UIINP00001 Ethics of AI • 11 %
FPF:UIINP00002 Elements of AI • 11 %
FPF:UIINP00003 Building AI • 11 %
OPF:FIUBPTEC FinTech - Financial Innovation • 11 %
OPF:PEMBPLGC Logistics • 11 %

Management v sociálních službách (bachelor's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
OPF:INMBPINF Informatics • 100 %
OPF:INMBPKME Quantitative Methods in Economic Practice • 100 %
OPF:EVSBPEKO Economics • 97 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 97 %
OPF:PEMBPPEP Law in Economic Practice • 97 %
OPF:PEMBPEPO Economy of Enterprise • 85 %
OPF:PEMBPMKT Marketing • 12 %
2nd term
OPF:PEMBPMNM Management • 100 %
OPF:CVABPEN1 Foreign Language Course - English 1 • 95 %
OPF:EVSBPVEP External Economic Environment • 95 %
OPF:PEMBPRNO Management of Non-governmental Non-profit Organisations • 91 %
OPF:FIUBPFVP Finance in Business • 86 %
OPF:FIUBPUC1 Accounting I • 64 %
OPF:CVABPTS1 Physical education and sports activity • 32 %
OPF:OPFBAABC International Business Case Studies • 18 %
OPF:EVSBPPSY Psychology • 14 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:CVABPEN2 Foreign Language Course - English 2 • 100 %
OPF:EVSBPSOP Social Policy • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPRPO Management of contributory organizations • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPSOP Social Entrepreneurship • 100 %
OPF:CVABPKKO Crisis communication • 94 %
OPF:PEMBPMKT Marketing • 78 %
OPF:PEMBPPRO Project Management • 33 %
OPF:PEMBPEPO Economy of Enterprise • 28 %
OPF:CVABPRHP Hotel operation management • 22 %
OPF:FIUBPPOJ Insurance • 22 %
OPF:EVSBPEKO Economics • 11 %
OPF:PEMBPHRM Human Resources Management • 11 %
4th term
OPF:CVABPEN3 Foreign Language Course - English 3 • 100 %
OPF:EVSBPMDM Managerial skills in intergenerational team • 100 %
OPF:EVSBPPPS Social work and social care • 100 %
OPF:EVSBPPSS Counseling in social services • 100 %
OPF:EVSBPSRP Administrative Law • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPDVP Taxes in business • 94 %
OPF:PEMBPIPC Corporate Information Support • 94 %
OPF:FIUBPFVP Finance in Business • 44 %
OPF:PEMBPSOF Corporate social responsibility, non-profit sector and public administration • 31 %
OPF:EVSBPNEO Nonprofit Organization Economy • 19 %
OPF:PEMBPSOM Social Media • 19 %
OPF:CVABPCMN Tourism Trade and Services Management • 13 %
OPF:CVABPKPT Communicative and Persuasive Techniques • 13 %
3rd year
5th term
OPF:CVABPEN4 Foreign Language Course - English 4 • 100 %
OPF:EVSBPPSO Personality Psychology • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPUNO Non-profit Organizations Accounting • 100 %
OPF:OPFBPBPS Bachelor Thesis Seminar • 100 %
OPF:EVSBPMAP Multicultueal Aspects of Social Care • 90 %
OPF:PEMBPMSO Management in Social Services • 90 %
OPF:PEMBPPRO Project Management • 60 %
OPF:FIUBPAUD Audit • 30 %
OPF:CVABPTS1 Physical education and sports activity • 20 %
6th term
OPF:OPFBPBPP Bachelor Thesis • 100 %
OPF:OPFBPPRX Specialised Praktice • 100 %
OPF:EVSBPSRP Administrative Law • 11 %
OPF:FIUBPDVP Taxes in business • 11 %
OPF:PEMBPIPC Corporate Information Support • 11 %

Managerial Informatics (bachelor's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 98 %
OPF:INMBPINF Informatics • 97 %
OPF:INMBPKME Quantitative Methods in Economic Practice • 96 %
OPF:PEMBPPEP Law in Economic Practice • 96 %
OPF:EVSBPEKO Economics • 94 %
OPF:PEMBPEPO Economy of Enterprise • 94 %
OPF:INMBPUDP Introduction to Programming • 93 %
2nd term
OPF:INMBPIIT Information and Internet Technologies • 99 %
OPF:EVSBPVEP External Economic Environment • 98 %
OPF:PEMBPMNM Management • 98 %
OPF:FIUBPFVP Finance in Business • 85 %
OPF:INMBPOPS Operating Systems • 69 %
OPF:CVABPEN1 Foreign Language Course - English 1 • 68 %
OPF:INMBPOBP Object Programming • 67 %
OPF:EVSBPSEP Smart economy in the context of Industry 4.0 • 28 %
OPF:INMBPBOI Business on the Internet • 26 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:CVABPEN2 Foreign Language Course - English 2 • 95 %
OPF:INMBPDDS Databases and Data Warehouses • 95 %
OPF:INMBPOAN Operational Analysis for Economists • 95 %
OPF:PEMBPPRO Project Management • 95 %
OPF:INMBPMOA Mobile Applications • 89 %
OPF:INMBPINS Information Systems • 84 %
OPF:PEMBPMKT Marketing • 84 %
OPF:PEMBPEPO Economy of Enterprise • 42 %
OPF:INMBPINF Informatics • 11 %
OPF:INMBPINP Internet Law • 11 %
OPF:PEMBPPEP Law in Economic Practice • 11 %
4th term
OPF:INMBPTWR Web Development and Content Management Systems • 100 %
OPF:CVABPEN3 Foreign Language Course - English 3 • 94 %
OPF:FIUBPDVP Taxes in business • 94 %
OPF:INMBPERP Company Information Systems - ERP • 94 %
OPF:PEMBPIPO Innovative Business • 94 %
OPF:INMBPBOI Business on the Internet • 88 %
OPF:INMBPISS Information Systems in Public Administration • 63 %
OPF:EVSBPSEP Smart economy in the context of Industry 4.0 • 50 %
OPF:FIUBPFVP Finance in Business • 25 %
OPF:EVSBPVEP External Economic Environment • 19 %
OPF:INMBPOPS Operating Systems • 19 %
OPF:EVSBPPSY Psychology • 13 %
OPF:PEMBPMNM Management • 13 %
OPF:PEMBPSOM Social Media • 13 %

Managerial Informatics (Bachelor's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:CVABPJA2 English 2 • 80 %
OPF:EVSBPEUN The European Union • 75 %
OPF:INMBPINP Internet Law • 75 %
OPF:INMBPZIT Fundamentals of Information Technologies • 75 %
OPF:INMBPDTB Databases • 70 %
OPF:INMBPINS Information Systems • 70 %
OPF:INMBPOBP Object Programming • 70 %
OPF:PEMBPMAG Marketing • 70 %
OPF:PEMBPNOP Enterprise Theory • 65 %
OPF:EVSBPZMI Economics I • 45 %
OPF:INMBPKVM Quantitative Methods • 25 %
4th term
OPF:INMBPBOI Business on the Internet • 100 %
OPF:INMBPISS Information Systems in Public Administration • 100 %
OPF:INMBPPJA Java programming • 100 %
OPF:INMBPSIW Internet Services and WWW Creating • 100 %
OPF:CVABPJA3 Professional English 3 • 92 %
OPF:PEMBPOBP Commercial Law • 92 %
OPF:EVSBPDHO History of the European and the Czechoslovakian Economy • 33 %
3rd year
5th term
OPF:CVABPJA4 English 4 • 96 %
OPF:INMBPOAE Operational Analysis for Economists • 96 %
OPF:INMBPSPS Management Of Computer Networks • 96 %
OPF:OPFBPBPS Bachelor Thesis Seminar • 96 %
OPF:PEMBPHRM Human Resources Management • 96 %
OPF:PEMBPPRO Project Management • 96 %
OPF:PEMBPEMA E-marketing • 64 %
OPF:INMBPPSY Portal and its Management • 44 %
OPF:PEMBPNOP Enterprise Theory • 16 %
6th term
OPF:OPFBPBPP Bachelor Thesis • 97 %
OPF:OPFBPOPR Specialised Praktice • 90 %
OPF:INMBPERP Company Information Systems - ERP • 83 %

Marketing (bachelor's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
OPF:INMBPINF Informatics • 98 %
OPF:INMBPKME Quantitative Methods in Economic Practice • 98 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 98 %
OPF:EVSBPEKO Economics • 95 %
OPF:PEMBPPEP Law in Economic Practice • 95 %
OPF:PEMBPEPO Economy of Enterprise • 89 %
2nd term
OPF:EVSBPVEP External Economic Environment • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPMNM Management • 98 %
OPF:FIUBPFVP Finance in Business • 97 %
OPF:CVABPEN1 Foreign Language Course - English 1 • 92 %
OPF:FIUBPDVP Taxes in business • 89 %
OPF:OPFBAABC International Business Case Studies • 23 %
OPF:EVSBPPSY Psychology • 20 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:PEMBPHRM Human Resources Management • 98 %
OPF:PEMBPMKT Marketing • 98 %
OPF:PEMBPKPD Communication and Presentation Skills • 96 %
OPF:CVABPEN2 Foreign Language Course - English 2 • 95 %
OPF:PEMBPEKO Economy of Trade • 95 %
OPF:PEMBPVMC Relationship Marketing and CRM • 93 %
OPF:PEMBPPDK Business • 86 %
OPF:FIUBPPOJ Insurance • 16 %
OPF:PEMBPEPO Economy of Enterprise • 16 %
4th term
OPF:CVABPEN3 Foreign Language Course - English 3 • 100 %
OPF:INMBPBOI Business on the Internet • 98 %
OPF:PEMBPIPC Corporate Information Support • 98 %
OPF:PEMBPSLU Marketing of Services • 95 %
OPF:PEMBPMKV Marketing Research • 93 %
OPF:CVABPCMA Tourism Marketing • 91 %
OPF:PEMBPLOG Logistics • 91 %
OPF:EVSBPPSY Psychology • 38 %
OPF:FIUBPDVP Taxes in business • 36 %
3rd year
5th term
OPF:CVABPEN4 Foreign Language Course - English 4 • 100 %
OPF:OPFBPBPS Bachelor Thesis Seminar • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPDSS Website Design and Management • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPEMA E-marketing • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPMKK Marketing Communication • 100 %
OPF:CVABPCSP Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette • 63 %
OPF:CVABAICO Intercultural Communication • 22 %
OPF:CVABPKKO Crisis communication • 11 %
6th term
OPF:OPFBPBPP Bachelor Thesis • 100 %
OPF:OPFBPPRX Specialised Praktice • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPMEM Media Marketing • 100 %

International Trade (bachelor's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
OPF:INMBPKME Quantitative Methods in Economic Practice • 95 %
OPF:EVSBPEKO Economics • 93 %
OPF:INMBPINF Informatics • 93 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 93 %
OPF:PEMBPEPO Economy of Enterprise • 93 %
OPF:PEMBPPEP Law in Economic Practice • 93 %
2nd term
OPF:EVSBPVEP External Economic Environment • 100 %
OPF:INMBPBOI Business on the Internet • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPMNM Management • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPFVP Finance in Business • 97 %
OPF:EVSBPSEP Smart economy in the context of Industry 4.0 • 93 %
OPF:CVABPEN1 Foreign Language Course - English 1 • 87 %
OPF:OPFBPCSM Preparatory Course for Student Mobilities • 17 %
OPF:OPFBAABC International Business Case Studies • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:CVABPCSP Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette • 100 %
OPF:EVSBPLOP Localization of Business Opportunities • 100 %
OPF:EVSBPMKS International Competitiveness • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPEKO Economy of Trade • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPFPM Finance and Insurance Mathematics • 92 %
OPF:PEMBPMKT Marketing • 92 %
OPF:EVSBPSEK World Economy • 88 %
OPF:CVABPEN2 Foreign Language Course - English 2 • 83 %
OPF:CVABPDE2 Foreign Language Course - German 2 • 17 %
4th term
OPF:EVSBPIPM International Integration Processes • 100 %
OPF:EVSBPZOP Foreign Trade Policy • 100 %
OPF:EVSBPMPR International Law • 96 %
OPF:PEMBPLGC Logistics • 96 %
OPF:CVABPEN3 Foreign Language Course - English 3 • 83 %
OPF:EVSBPVSH Development Trends in The World Economy • 83 %
OPF:FIUBPDVP Taxes in business • 65 %
OPF:FIUBPFPN Financial Counselling • 30 %
OPF:FIUBPFVP Finance in Business • 26 %
OPF:FIUBPBAN Banking • 22 %
OPF:CVABPDE3 Foreign Language Course - German 3 • 17 %
OPF:EVSBPPSY Psychology • 13 %
OPF:INMBPBOI Business on the Internet • 13 %
OPF:OPFBAABC International Business Case Studies • 13 %
OPF:PEMBAITO International Trade Operations • 13 %
3rd year
5th term
OPF:CVABPOKC Business meetings and correspondence in a foreign language • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPFIM Financing of International Business • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPPZS Payment and Clearing Systems • 100 %
OPF:OPFBPBPS Bachelor Thesis Seminar • 94 %
OPF:CVABPEN4 Foreign Language Course - English 4 • 81 %
OPF:PEMBPMMA International Management • 81 %
OPF:PEMBPMK1 Marketing Communication 1 • 75 %
OPF:PEMBPPMA Project Management • 75 %
OPF:INMBPRVZ Customer relationship management (CRM systems) • 56 %
OPF:CVABPDE4 Foreign Language Course - German 4 • 19 %
OPF:EVSBPSEK World Economy • 19 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 13 %
OPF:PEMBPMKT Marketing • 13 %
6th term
OPF:OPFBPBPP Bachelor Thesis • 100 %
OPF:OPFBPPRX Specialised Praktice • 94 %
OPF:FIUBPDVP Taxes in business • 50 %
OPF:EVSBPVSH Development Trends in The World Economy • 25 %

Trade and Marketing (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
OPF:EVSBPLAW Law • 100 %
OPF:INMBPZIE Informatics for Economists I • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPPDK Business • 100 %
OPF:INMBPKVM Quantitative Methods • 97 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 97 %
OPF:EVSBPZMI Economics I • 93 %
OPF:PEMBPNOP Enterprise Theory • 92 %
2nd term
OPF:INMBPSTK Statistics • 100 %
OPF:EVSBPZMA Economics II • 98 %
OPF:CVABPJA1 English 1 • 97 %
OPF:FIUBPFUA Financial Accounting I • 97 %
OPF:FIUBPNFI Finance • 94 %
OPF:INMBPNIE Informatics for Economists II • 94 %
OPF:PEMBPMNG Management • 94 %
OPF:OPFBAABC International Business Case Studies • 15 %
OPF:EVSBPPSY Psychology • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:CVABPJA2 English 2 • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPEKO Economy of Trade • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPPOE Enterprising Economy • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPMKT Marketing • 95 %
OPF:FIUBPFUB Financial Accounting II • 85 %
OPF:FIUBPFIP Corporate Finance • 45 %
OPF:PEMBPNOP Enterprise Theory • 40 %
OPF:CVABPKPT Communicative and Persuasive Techniques • 30 %
OPF:CVABPRHP Hotel operation management • 25 %
OPF:FIUBPPOJ Insurance • 25 %
OPF:EVSBPZMI Economics I • 20 %
OPF:CVABPKKO Crisis communication • 15 %
OPF:FIUBPNPS Payment and Clearing Systems • 15 %
4th term
OPF:CVABPJA3 Professional English 3 • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPDDP Taxation and Tax Policy • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPLGC Logistics • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPOBO Trade Operations • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPOBP Commercial Law • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPMKV Marketing Research • 90 %
OPF:PEMBPSLU Marketing of Services • 90 %
OPF:EVSBPPSY Psychology • 45 %
OPF:CVABPCMA Tourism Marketing • 15 %
OPF:FIUBPBAN Banking • 15 %
OPF:FIUBPNFI Finance • 15 %
OPF:INMBPNIE Informatics for Economists II • 15 %
OPF:PEMBPMNG Management • 15 %

Business (Bachelor's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
OPF:INMBPKVM Quantitative Methods • 98 %
OPF:INMBPZIE Informatics for Economists I • 98 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 98 %
OPF:PEMBPPDK Business • 98 %
OPF:EVSBPZMI Economics I • 95 %
OPF:PEMBPNOP Enterprise Theory • 89 %
2nd term
OPF:CVABPJA1 English 1 • 100 %
OPF:INMBPSTK Statistics • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPMNG Management • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPFUA Financial Accounting I • 96 %
OPF:INMBPNIE Informatics for Economists II • 96 %
OPF:EVSBPZMA Economics II • 93 %
OPF:FIUBPNFI Finance • 93 %
OPF:PEMBPIPC Corporate Information Support • 89 %
OPF:CVABPTS1 Physical education and sports activity • 18 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:CVABPJA2 English 2 • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPMKT Marketing • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPPOE Enterprising Economy • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPFIP Corporate Finance • 90 %
OPF:FIUBPFUB Financial Accounting II • 90 %
OPF:PEMBPZPO Establishment of Enterprises • 90 %
OPF:FIUBPFIT Financial Markets • 60 %
OPF:CVABPKKO Crisis communication • 40 %
OPF:PEMBPPOD Business in Practice • 40 %
OPF:FIUBPMRF Municipal and Regional Finance • 20 %
4th term
OPF:CVABPJA3 Professional English 3 • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPDDP Taxation and Tax Policy • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPFAN Financial Analysis • 100 %
OPF:INMBPBOI Business on the Internet • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPIPO Innovative Business • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPMAD Management Skills • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPOBP Commercial Law • 100 %
OPF:EVSBPPSY Psychology • 22 %
OPF:PEMBPIPC Corporate Information Support • 22 %
OPF:PEMBPMSH Marketing Simulation Game • 22 %
OPF:CVABPCEK Economy of Tourism • 11 %
OPF:CVABPCMA Tourism Marketing • 11 %
OPF:FIUBPFUA Financial Accounting I • 11 %
OPF:FIUBPNFI Finance • 11 %
OPF:INMBPERP Company Information Systems - ERP • 11 %

Business Economics and Management (Bachelor's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
OPF:CVABPJA2 English 2 • 67 %
OPF:EVSBPEUN The European Union • 67 %
OPF:FIUBPFIP Corporate Finance • 67 %
OPF:PEMBPEKO Economy of Trade • 67 %
OPF:PEMBPMAG Marketing • 67 %
OPF:PEMBPNOP Enterprise Theory • 67 %
OPF:EVSBPZMI Economics I • 33 %
OPF:INMBPKVM Quantitative Methods • 33 %
OPF:INMBPZIE Informatics for Economists I • 33 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 33 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:CVABPJA2 English 2 • 100 %
OPF:EVSBPEUN The European Union • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPEKO Economy of Trade • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPMAG Marketing • 97 %
OPF:PEMBPNOP Enterprise Theory • 83 %
OPF:FIUBPFIP Corporate Finance • 80 %
OPF:FIUBPFUB Financial Accounting II • 74 %
OPF:FIUBPNPS Payment and Clearing Systems • 23 %
OPF:CVABPPOH Entrepreneurship in the hotel business • 14 %
OPF:CVABPRHP Hotel operation management • 14 %
OPF:OPFBPBG1 Business Gate • 11 %
4th term
OPF:PEMBPLGK Logistics • 100 %
OPF:CVABPJA3 Professional English 3 • 97 %
OPF:PEMBPPOE Enterprising Economy • 97 %
OPF:FIUBPDDP Taxation and Tax Policy • 89 %
OPF:PEMBPMAV Marketing Research • 86 %
OPF:FIUBPNUC Cost Accounting • 80 %
OPF:INMBPBOI Business on the Internet • 43 %
OPF:PEMBPZPO Establishment of Enterprises • 43 %
OPF:PEMBPMAS Marketing of Services • 34 %
OPF:PEMBPMSH Marketing Simulation Game • 26 %
OPF:CVABPKPT Communicative and Persuasive Techniques • 17 %
OPF:FIUBPFUA Financial Accounting I • 17 %
OPF:FIUBPNFI Finance • 17 %
OPF:OPFBAABC International Business Case Studies • 17 %
OPF:CVABPGAS Gastronomy • 14 %
OPF:FIUBPNFP Financial Counselling • 14 %
OPF:CVABPCEK Economy of Tourism • 11 %
OPF:EVSBPDHO History of the European and the Czechoslovakian Economy • 11 %
OPF:EVSBPZMA Economics II • 11 %
3rd year
5th term
OPF:CVABPJA4 English 4 • 97 %
OPF:OPFBPBPS Bachelor Thesis Seminar • 97 %
OPF:PEMBPPRO Project Management • 97 %
OPF:PEMBPHRM Human Resources Management • 96 %
OPF:PEMBPEMA E-marketing • 54 %
OPF:PEMBPMK1 Marketing Communication 1 • 53 %
OPF:PEMBPENS Management and Economics of Non-Manufacturing Area • 36 %
OPF:PEMBPPDK Business • 33 %
OPF:FIUBPFIP Corporate Finance • 18 %
OPF:FIUBPFUB Financial Accounting II • 18 %
OPF:FIUBPNPS Payment and Clearing Systems • 15 %
OPF:CVABPEHL Economics in the Hotel Business • 14 %
OPF:PEMBPNOP Enterprise Theory • 14 %
6th term
OPF:OPFBPBPP Bachelor Thesis • 99 %
OPF:OPFBPOPR Specialised Praktice • 89 %
OPF:PEMBPIPO Innovative Business • 88 %
OPF:PEMBPMPU Marketing of Purchasing • 45 %
OPF:FIUBPDDP Taxation and Tax Policy • 16 %
OPF:FIUBPNUC Cost Accounting • 16 %
OPF:EVSBPPSY Psychology • 11 %

Social Management (Bachelor's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
OPF:CVABPJA4 English 4 • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPMRF Municipal and Regional Finance • 100 %
OPF:EVSBPFSC Forms of Social Care • 67 %
OPF:OPFBPBPS Bachelor Thesis Seminar • 67 %
OPF:PEMBPENS Management and Economics of Non-Manufacturing Area • 67 %
OPF:PEMBPHRM Human Resources Management • 67 %
OPF:PEMBPMSS Management for Social Services • 67 %
OPF:PEMBPPRO Project Management • 67 %
OPF:EVSBPTPZ Labour Market and Employment Policy • 33 %
OPF:FIUBPNPS Payment and Clearing Systems • 33 %
OPF:FIUBPPOJ Insurance • 33 %
6th term
OPF:OPFBPBPP Bachelor Thesis • 100 %
OPF:OPFBPOPR Specialised Praktice • 100 %
OPF:EVSBPPPR Labour Law • 33 %

Accounting and Taxes (Bachelor's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
OPF:FIUBPADP Tax Law Application • 50 %
OPF:PEMBPRPO Management of contributory organizations • 50 %
6th term
OPF:OPFBPBCP Bachelor Thesis • 50 %
OPF:OPFBPBPP Bachelor Thesis • 50 %
OPF:OPFBPOPR Specialised Praktice • 50 %

Public Economy and Administration (bachelor's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 100 %
OPF:INMBPZIE Informatics for Economists I • 98 %
OPF:INMBPKVM Quantitative Methods • 97 %
OPF:EVSBPZMI Economics I • 84 %
OPF:PEMBPNOP Enterprise Theory • 81 %
2nd term
OPF:CVABPJA1 English 1 • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPFUA Financial Accounting I • 100 %
OPF:INMBPNIE Informatics for Economists II • 100 %
OPF:INMBPSTK Statistics • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPMNG Management • 100 %
OPF:EVSBPZMA Economics II • 97 %
OPF:FIUBPNFI Finance • 95 %
OPF:EVSBPPSY Psychology • 18 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:CVABPJA2 English 2 • 100 %
OPF:FIUBPMRF Municipal and Regional Finance • 100 %
OPF:EVSBPEUN The European Union • 97 %
OPF:EVSBPPPZ Labour Market and Employment Policy • 97 %
OPF:EVSBPVES Public Administration • 97 %
OPF:FIUBPFUB Financial Accounting II • 93 %
OPF:EVSBPVEA Public Economics • 90 %
OPF:FIUBPPOJ Insurance • 41 %
OPF:PEMBPNOP Enterprise Theory • 34 %
OPF:CVABPKKO Crisis communication • 24 %
OPF:EVSBPZMI Economics I • 17 %
OPF:PEMBPPRO Project Management • 17 %
OPF:FIUBPFPM Finance and Insurance Mathematics • 14 %
4th term
OPF:EVSBPREP Regional Economy and Policy • 100 %
OPF:INMBPISS Information Systems in Public Administration • 100 %
OPF:CVABPJA3 Professional English 3 • 96 %
OPF:EVSBPCEU The Policy of Economic, Territorial and Social Cohesion of the EU • 96 %
OPF:EVSBPZHP Economic Policy • 96 %
OPF:FIUBPDDP Taxation and Tax Policy • 96 %
OPF:EVSBPSRP Administrative Law • 89 %
OPF:FIUBPNFP Financial Counselling • 50 %
OPF:EVSBPPVS Labour Law in Public Administration • 43 %
OPF:PEMBPSOM Social Media • 21 %
OPF:FIUBPFAN Financial Analysis • 18 %
OPF:FIUBPNFI Finance • 18 %
OPF:PEMBPRNO Management of Non-governmental Non-profit Organisations • 11 %
3rd year
5th term
OPF:CVABPJA4 English 4 • 100 %
OPF:EVSBPSOP Social Policy • 100 %
OPF:OPFBPBPS Bachelor Thesis Seminar • 100 %
OPF:PEMBPPRO Project Management • 100 %
OPF:EVSBPPSO Personality Psychology • 89 %
OPF:FIUBPFPM Finance and Insurance Mathematics • 44 %
OPF:FIUBPFUB Financial Accounting II • 22 %
OPF:FIUBPMRF Municipal and Regional Finance • 22 %
OPF:PEMBPMSO Management in Social Services • 22 %
OPF:CVABPEHL Economics in the Hotel Business • 11 %
OPF:EVSBPEUN The European Union • 11 %
OPF:EVSBPPPZ Labour Market and Employment Policy • 11 %
OPF:EVSBPVEA Public Economics • 11 %
OPF:EVSBPVES Public Administration • 11 %
OPF:FIUBPPOJ Insurance • 11 %
6th term
OPF:EVSBPNEO Nonprofit Organization Economy • 89 %
OPF:EVSBPPVS Labour Law in Public Administration • 89 %
OPF:OPFBPBPP Bachelor Thesis • 89 %
OPF:OPFBPOPR Specialised Praktice • 89 %
OPF:FIUBPDDP Taxation and Tax Policy • 33 %
OPF:EVSBPZHP Economic Policy • 22 %
OPF:EVSBPCEU The Policy of Economic, Territorial and Social Cohesion of the EU • 11 %
OPF:FIUBPFAN Financial Analysis • 11 %

Public Economy and Administration (Bachelor's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
OPF:OPFBPBPS Bachelor Thesis Seminar • 100 %
OPF:CVABPJA4 English 4 • 75 %
OPF:EVSBPFSC Forms of Social Care • 75 %
OPF:FIUBPMRF Municipal and Regional Finance • 75 %
OPF:FIUBPUNO Non-profit Organizations Accounting • 75 %
OPF:EVSBPSPO Social Policy • 50 %
OPF:EVSBPPSZ Social Security Law • 25 %
OPF:FIUBPFUB Financial Accounting II • 25 %
OPF:PEMBPPRO Project Management • 25 %
6th term
OPF:OPFBPBPP Bachelor Thesis • 75 %
OPF:OPFBPOPR Specialised Praktice • 75 %
OPF:CVABPCEK Economy of Tourism • 25 %
OPF:CVABPTS1 Physical education and sports activity • 25 %
OPF:EVSBPPVS Labour Law in Public Administration • 25 %

Banking, Finance, Insurance (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 100 %
OPF:FIUNPNBM Banking Models and Analysis • 97 %
OPF:FIUNPMFI International Financial Institutions • 94 %
OPF:INMNPSTZ Statistical Data Processing • 94 %
OPF:EVSNPMIB Microeconomics • 89 %
OPF:PEMNPCON Corporate Controlling • 83 %
OPF:FIUNPNUS Accounting of Business Companies • 58 %
OPF:FIUNPNMS International Accounting and Accounting Standards • 36 %
OPF:FIUNPOCP Business Valuation • 31 %
OPF:FIUNPFPR Financial Planning and Budgeting • 19 %
OPF:FIUNPNRF Financial and Banking Risk Management • 17 %
2nd term
OPF:INMNPMAT Mathematics in Economics • 96 %
OPF:EVSNPMAB Macroeconomics • 92 %
OPF:FIUNPNFE Financial Econometrics • 88 %
OPF:FIUNPMDS International Taxation and Tax Systems • 76 %
OPF:FIUNPVEF Public Finance • 68 %
OPF:FIUNPNPT Monetary Theory and Monetary Policy • 52 %
OPF:PEMNAENV Business Environment • 52 %
OPF:FIUNPNMF International Financial Management • 32 %
OPF:PEMNPOOR Trade organizations • 28 %
OPF:EVSNPDVS History of Public Administration • 24 %
OPF:FIUNPNIS Investment Instruments and Strategies • 24 %
OPF:PEMNPMFS Marketing of Financial Services • 20 %
OPF:FIUNPMFM International Financial Management • 16 %
OPF:PEMNPPOP Business Environment • 16 %
OPF:CVANPCE1 Cambridge English Exam C1 Advanced: Preparation 1 • 12 %
OPF:CVANPCE2 Cambridge English Exam C1 Advanced: Preparation 2 • 12 %
OPF:FIUNAIFA International Business Finance • 12 %
OPF:PEMNPRLZ Human Resource Management • 12 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:FIUNPFPR Financial Planning and Budgeting • 91 %
OPF:FIUNPNRF Financial and Banking Risk Management • 91 %
OPF:OPFNPSDP Master Thesis Seminar • 82 %
OPF:FIUNPOCP Business Valuation • 45 %
OPF:EVSNPHPB Theory of Economic Policy • 36 %
OPF:FIUNPNUS Accounting of Business Companies • 27 %
4th term
OPF:FIUNPMFM International Financial Management • 90 %
OPF:FIUNPNIS Investment Instruments and Strategies • 90 %
OPF:OPFNPDIP Master Thesis • 90 %
OPF:PEMNPMFS Marketing of Financial Services • 50 %
OPF:PEMNPOOR Trade organizations • 20 %
OPF:PEMNPRLZ Human Resource Management • 20 %

Business Economics and Management (master's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
OPF:PEMNASMA Strategic Management • 95 %
OPF:PEMNAMEK Managerial Economics • 92 %
OPF:PEMNASMR Strategic Marketing • 84 %
OPF:INMNASTZ Statistical Data Processing • 81 %
OPF:EVSNAMIB Microeconomics • 78 %
OPF:PEMNAOOR Trade Organizations • 78 %
OPF:OPFNASDP Master Thesis Seminar • 76 %
OPF:PEMNACSR Corporate Social Responsibility • 76 %
OPF:PEMNAMK2 Marketing Communication 2 • 73 %
OPF:OPFBAOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 68 %
OPF:PEMNAKRI Crisis Management • 62 %
OPF:FIUNANMU Managerial Accounting • 38 %
OPF:CVAPICLA Introduction to the Czech Language and Culture • 22 %
OPF:CVANPACV Culture Values in Business Communication • 14 %
2nd term
OPF:INMNAMAT Mathematics in Economics • 77 %
OPF:INMNARAM Decision Analysis for Managers • 74 %
OPF:EVSNAMAB Macroeconomics • 59 %
OPF:FIUNAMDS International Taxation and Tax Systems • 51 %
OPF:FIUNAMFM International Financial Management • 51 %
OPF:PEMNAMAF Marketing of Financial Services • 51 %
OPF:PEMNAMAM International Marketing • 51 %
OPF:PEMNARAI Managing Innovation • 51 %
OPF:PEMNARLZ Human Resource Management • 51 %
OPF:PEMNAPMO International Business Law • 49 %
OPF:CVAPICLA Introduction to the Czech Language and Culture • 26 %
OPF:OPFBAOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 26 %
OPF:OPFBUPRO Intercultural Communication in Practice - Buddy program • 26 %
OPF:OPFNAABC International Business Case Studies • 21 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:FIUNANMU Managerial Accounting • 72 %
OPF:OPFNADIP Master Thesis • 58 %
OPF:OPFNASDP Master Thesis Seminar • 44 %
OPF:PEMNAMK2 Marketing Communication 2 • 42 %
OPF:CVANPACV Culture Values in Business Communication • 19 %
OPF:PEMNAOOR Trade Organizations • 19 %
OPF:EVSNAMIB Microeconomics • 17 %
OPF:PEMNASMR Strategic Marketing • 17 %
OPF:OPFBAOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 14 %
OPF:PEMNACSR Corporate Social Responsibility • 14 %
OPF:PEMNAKRI Crisis Management • 14 %
OPF:INMNASTZ Statistical Data Processing • 11 %
4th term
OPF:PEMNAPMO International Business Law • 38 %
OPF:OPFNADIP Master Thesis • 35 %

Economics and Management (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
OPF:CVAPICLA Introduction to the Czech Language and Culture • 100 %
OPF:OPFBAOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 100 %
OPF:PEMNASMA Strategic Management • 100 %
OPF:PEMNASMR Strategic Marketing • 100 %
OPF:CVANPTS1 Physical education and sports activity • 67 %
OPF:EVSNAAMI Advanced Microeconomics • 67 %
OPF:INMNAMAE Mathematics in Economics • 67 %
OPF:INMNASDP Statistical Data Processing • 67 %
OPF:PEMNAMAE Managerial Economics • 67 %
OPF:PEMNACSR Corporate Social Responsibility • 33 %
OPF:PEMNAMK2 Marketing Communication 2 • 33 %
2nd term
OPF:PEMNAHRM Human Resource Management • 88 %
OPF:PEMNAINM International Marketing • 88 %
OPF:FIUNAIFM International Financial Management • 81 %
OPF:PEMNABUE Business Environment • 81 %
OPF:PEMNAMIN Managing Innovation • 81 %
OPF:EVSNAAMA Advanced Macroeconomics • 75 %
OPF:FIUNAITS International Taxation and Tax Systems • 75 %
OPF:PEMNAMFS Marketing of Financial Services • 75 %
OPF:PEMNAPMO International Business Law • 50 %
OPF:OPFBAOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 31 %
OPF:OPFNPCSM Preparatory Course for Student Mobilities • 25 %
OPF:OPFNABG1 Business Gate • 13 %

Finance, Accounting and Taxation (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
OPF:FIUNPNMS International Accounting and Accounting Standards • 100 %
OPF:INMNPSTZ Statistical Data Processing • 95 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 95 %
OPF:PEMNPSTM Strategic Management • 95 %
OPF:EVSNPMIB Microeconomics • 89 %
OPF:FIUNPNUS Accounting of Business Companies • 89 %
OPF:PEMNPMAE Managerial Economics • 89 %
OPF:EVSNPVSL Public Services • 11 %
2nd term
OPF:FIUNPMDS International Taxation and Tax Systems • 100 %
OPF:INMNPMAT Mathematics in Economics • 100 %
OPF:EVSNPMAB Macroeconomics • 94 %
OPF:FIUNANMF International Financial Management • 61 %
OPF:FIUNPVEF Public Finance • 50 %
OPF:PEMNPPOP Business Environment • 22 %
OPF:PEMNPOOR Trade organizations • 17 %
OPF:FIUNPNMF International Financial Management • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:FIUNPFPR Financial Planning and Budgeting • 100 %
OPF:FIUNPNMU Managerial Accounting • 100 %
OPF:FIUNPOCP Business Valuation • 100 %
OPF:OPFNPSDP Master Thesis Seminar • 100 %
OPF:FIUNPNRF Financial and Banking Risk Management • 83 %
OPF:FIUNPSDR Tax Administration and Tax Proceedings • 83 %
OPF:INMNPROA Decision Analysis for Managers • 83 %
4th term
OPF:OPFNPDIP Master Thesis • 100 %
OPF:PEMNPHRM Human Resource Management • 100 %
OPF:PEMNPPMO International Business Law • 100 %
OPF:FIUNPTEC FinTech - Financial Innovation • 80 %
OPF:PEMNPPOP Business Environment • 80 %

Managerial Informatics (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
OPF:INMNPSTZ Statistical Data Processing • 100 %
OPF:PEMNPMNM Strategic Management • 100 %
OPF:EVSNPMKB Microeconomics • 96 %
OPF:INMNPDOD Data Mining • 96 %
OPF:INMNPMAS Modeling and Simulation • 96 %
OPF:INMNPOMM Object-oriented Modelling Methods • 96 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 96 %
OPF:PEMNPMKT Strategic Marketing • 96 %
OPF:INMNAINM Information Management • 83 %
OPF:INMNPEMM Economic and Mathematical Methods • 33 %
OPF:INMNPCRS CRM Systems • 25 %
OPF:EVSNPKDO Communication Skills • 13 %
2nd term
OPF:EVSNPMABMI Macroeconomics • 100 %
OPF:INMNPISP Information Systems Design • 100 %
OPF:INMNPMAT Mathematics in Economics • 100 %
OPF:PEMNPRPP Business Process Management • 100 %
OPF:INMNPESY Expert Systems • 95 %
OPF:INMNPCRS CRM Systems • 45 %
OPF:INMNPHER Game Theory and Economic Decisions • 45 %
OPF:INMNPRAE Decision Analysis for Managers • 41 %
OPF:PEMNPRLZ Human Resource Management • 23 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:INMNPBIN Business Intelligence • 100 %
OPF:INMNPHER Game Theory and Economic Decisions • 100 %
OPF:OPFNPSDP Master Thesis Seminar • 100 %
OPF:PEMNPMEK Managerial Economics • 100 %
OPF:INMNPEMM Economic and Mathematical Methods • 92 %
OPF:INMNAINM Information Management • 17 %
4th term
OPF:OPFNPDIP Master Thesis • 100 %
OPF:INMNPITE ICT Innovations • 92 %
OPF:PEMNPRLZ Human Resource Management • 25 %

Trade and Marketing (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 99 %
OPF:PEMNPMAE Managerial Economics • 99 %
OPF:PEMNPSMR Strategic Marketing • 98 %
OPF:INMNPSTZ Statistical Data Processing • 95 %
OPF:PEMNPSTM Strategic Management • 95 %
OPF:EVSNPMIB Microeconomics • 92 %
OPF:EVSNPVSL Public Services • 17 %
2nd term
OPF:EVSNPMAB Macroeconomics • 100 %
OPF:PEMNPMAF Marketing of Financial Services • 100 %
OPF:PEMNPMAM International Marketing • 100 %
OPF:PEMNPOOR Trade organizations • 100 %
OPF:INMNPMAT Mathematics in Economics • 99 %
OPF:PEMNPPOP Business Environment • 99 %
OPF:FIUNPNMF International Financial Management • 58 %
OPF:FIUNANMF International Financial Management • 25 %
OPF:PEMNPMVP Business Performance Management • 22 %
OPF:OPFNAABC International Business Case Studies • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:OPFNPSDP Master Thesis Seminar • 100 %
OPF:PEMNPB2B B2B Marketing • 100 %
OPF:PEMNPMOO International Trade Operations • 100 %
OPF:INMNPCRS CRM Systems • 90 %
OPF:INMNAROA Decision Analysis for Managers • 70 %
OPF:PEMNPCSR Corporate Social Responsibility • 55 %
OPF:INMNPROA Decision Analysis for Managers • 30 %
OPF:EVSNPMIB Microeconomics • 15 %
OPF:FIUNPNMS International Accounting and Accounting Standards • 15 %
4th term
OPF:OPFNPDIP Master Thesis • 100 %
OPF:PEMNPHRM Human Resource Management • 100 %
OPF:PEMNPPMO International Business Law • 95 %
OPF:CVANPTS1 Physical education and sports activity • 16 %

Business (master's full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
OPF:INMNPSTZ Statistical Data Processing • 100 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 100 %
OPF:EVSNPMIB Microeconomics • 98 %
OPF:PEMNPCSR Corporate Social Responsibility • 98 %
OPF:PEMNPKRI Crisis Management • 95 %
OPF:PEMNPSTM Strategic Management • 95 %
OPF:PEMNPMAE Managerial Economics • 93 %
OPF:FIUNPOCP Business Valuation • 27 %
OPF:CVANPACV Culture Values in Business Communication • 12 %
OPF:PEMNPCON Corporate Controlling • 12 %
2nd term
OPF:INMNPMAT Mathematics in Economics • 100 %
OPF:PEMNPPOP Business Environment • 100 %
OPF:PEMNPRAI Managing Innovation • 100 %
OPF:EVSNPMAB Macroeconomics • 97 %
OPF:PEMNPMVP Business Performance Management • 88 %
OPF:FIUNPNMF International Financial Management • 52 %
OPF:FIUNANMF International Financial Management • 36 %
OPF:PEMNPOOR Trade organizations • 27 %
OPF:EVSNPDEC History of European Civilization • 15 %
OPF:INMNPITE ICT Innovations • 15 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:FIUNPFPR Financial Planning and Budgeting • 100 %
OPF:INMNPBIN Business Intelligence • 100 %
OPF:OPFNPSDP Master Thesis Seminar • 100 %
OPF:PEMNPCON Corporate Controlling • 100 %
OPF:FIUNPMFI International Financial Institutions • 60 %
OPF:INMNAROA Decision Analysis for Managers • 60 %
OPF:FIUNPNMS International Accounting and Accounting Standards • 50 %
OPF:INMNPROA Decision Analysis for Managers • 40 %
OPF:EVSNPEKP Space Economics • 20 %
OPF:FIUNPOCP Business Valuation • 20 %
4th term
OPF:OPFNPDIP Master Thesis • 100 %
OPF:PEMNPHRM Human Resource Management • 100 %
OPF:PEMNPPMO International Business Law • 90 %

Business Economics and Management (master's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
OPF:EVSNPMIB Microeconomics • 100 %
OPF:INMNPSTZ Statistical Data Processing • 100 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 100 %
OPF:PEMNPSMR Strategic Marketing • 100 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:FIUNPNMU Managerial Accounting • 95 %
OPF:OPFNPSDP Master Thesis Seminar • 92 %
OPF:PEMNPCSR Corporate Social Responsibility • 58 %
OPF:PEMNPMK2 Marketing Communication 2 • 58 %
OPF:PEMNPCON Corporate Controlling • 47 %
OPF:PEMNPKRI Crisis Management • 42 %
OPF:EVSNPMIB Microeconomics • 29 %
OPF:FIUNPOCP Business Valuation • 21 %
OPF:FIUNPFPR Financial Planning and Budgeting • 18 %
4th term
OPF:INMNPRAM Decision Analysis for Managers • 97 %
OPF:OPFNPDIP Master Thesis • 97 %
OPF:FIUNPMFM International Financial Management • 92 %
OPF:EVSNPMAB Macroeconomics • 25 %
OPF:PEMNPMVP Business Performance Management • 14 %
OPF:PEMNPPOP Business Environment • 14 %
OPF:PEMNPRLZ Human Resource Management • 14 %
OPF:FIUNAIFA International Business Finance • 11 %

Public Economy and Administration (master's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 100 %
OPF:EVSNPHPB Theory of Economic Policy • 98 %
OPF:EVSNPMIB Microeconomics • 96 %
OPF:INMNPSTZ Statistical Data Processing • 96 %
OPF:EVSNPTSP Theory of Social Policy • 94 %
OPF:FIUNPFPR Financial Planning and Budgeting • 60 %
OPF:EVSNPKDO Communication Skills • 32 %
OPF:EVSNPTVS Theory of Public Administration • 26 %
OPF:FIUNPMFI International Financial Institutions • 26 %
OPF:PEMNPCSR Corporate Social Responsibility • 26 %
OPF:PEMNPKRI Crisis Management • 22 %
OPF:EVSNPEKP Space Economics • 14 %
2nd term
OPF:EVSNPMAB Macroeconomics • 100 %
OPF:INMNPMAT Mathematics in Economics • 100 %
OPF:EVSNPEVS Economy of Public Sector • 97 %
OPF:EVSNPLEU European Union Law • 97 %
OPF:PEMNPRLZ Human Resource Management • 97 %
OPF:FIUNPVEF Public Finance • 92 %
OPF:EVSNPDVS History of Public Administration • 42 %
OPF:EVSNPROR Management of Municipalities and Regions • 26 %
OPF:PEMNPOOR Trade organizations • 24 %
OPF:PEMNPPOP Business Environment • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:EVSNPVEB Public Economics • 92 %
OPF:OPFNPSDP Master Thesis Seminar • 85 %
OPF:EVSNPVSL Public Services • 77 %
OPF:EVSNPTVS Theory of Public Administration • 69 %
OPF:EVSNPEKP Space Economics • 62 %
OPF:EVSNPGEK Competitiveness in Globalized Economy • 62 %
OPF:EVSNPKDO Communication Skills • 46 %
OPF:FIUNPSDR Tax Administration and Tax Proceedings • 38 %
OPF:PEMNPCSR Corporate Social Responsibility • 38 %
OPF:FIUNPNMS International Accounting and Accounting Standards • 15 %
OPF:FIUNPOCP Business Valuation • 15 %
OPF:INMNPSTZ Statistical Data Processing • 15 %
4th term
OPF:OPFNPDIP Master Thesis • 100 %
OPF:EVSNPROR Management of Municipalities and Regions • 73 %
OPF:FIUNPNMF International Financial Management • 18 %

Business Economics and Management (doctoral degree programme, full-time study mode)

1st year
1st term
OPF:UDSDACJ1 English Language and Terminology • 100 %
2nd term
OPF:EVSDAETA Economics Theories • 100 %
OPF:PEMDAMRV Marketing and Customer Relationship Management • 100 %
OPF:UDSDAED1 Teaching in Seminaries • 100 %
OPF:UDSDAED2 Teaching in Seminaries • 100 %
OPF:UDSDAZV1 Research • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:INMDAMIA Managerial Information Systems • 50 %
OPF:INMDAMMA Mathematical-Statistical Methods • 50 %
OPF:UDSDAMVA Research Methodology • 50 %
4th term
OPF:UDSDAED3 Teaching in Seminaries • 100 %
OPF:PEMDAMRV Marketing and Customer Relationship Management • 50 %
OPF:UDSDACJ1 English Language and Terminology • 50 %
OPF:UDSDAED2 Teaching in Seminaries • 50 %
OPF:UDSDAED4 Teaching in Seminaries 4 • 50 %
OPF:UDSDAED5 Teaching in Seminaries • 50 %
3rd year
5th term
OPF:UDSDAED4 Teaching in Seminaries 4 • 100 %
OPF:UDSDAZV1 Research • 100 %

Economics and Management (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
OPF:EVSDSEKT Economic Theories • 100 %
OPF:OPFDSMVP Methodology of Science and Research • 100 %
OPF:OPFDSVS1 Teaching in Seminars • 50 %
OPF:OPFDSAJT Anglický jazyk a terminologie • 25 %
OPF:OPFDSVS2 Teaching in Seminars • 25 %
2nd term
OPF:INMDSKKM Quantitative and qualitative methods • 100 %
OPF:FIUDSEAM Economics and Management • 67 %
OPF:OPFDSVS1 Teaching in Seminars • 33 %
OPF:OPFDSVS2 Teaching in Seminars • 33 %
OPF:OPFDSVS3 Teaching in Seminars • 33 %
OPF:OPFDSVS4 Teaching in Seminars • 33 %

Business Economics and Management (doctoral degree programme, full-time study mode)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
OPF:EVSDPETA Economics Theories • 100 %
OPF:UDSDPED1 Teaching in Seminaries • 100 %
OPF:UDSDPED2 Teaching in Seminaries • 100 %
OPF:PEMDSRPI Process and Innovation Management • 50 %
OPF:UDSDPCJ1 English Language and Terminology • 50 %
OPF:UDSDPCM1 Chapter in Monograph C • 50 %
OPF:UDSDPDO1 Contribution at Conference D • 50 %
OPF:UDSDPDO2 Contribution at Conference D • 50 %
OPF:UDSDPZV1 Research • 50 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:PEMDPMRV Marketing and Customer Relationship Management • 50 %
OPF:UDSDPDO1 Contribution at Conference D • 50 %
OPF:UDSDPMVA Research Methodology • 50 %
4th term
OPF:UDSDPED3 Teaching in Seminaries • 100 %
OPF:UDSDPED4 Teaching in Seminaries • 100 %
OPF:UDSDPZV1 Research • 100 %
OPF:FIUDSEAM Economics and Management • 50 %
OPF:INMDPMMA Mathematical-Statistical Methods • 50 %
OPF:PEMDPMRV Marketing and Customer Relationship Management • 50 %
OPF:UDSDPDS1 Contribution in Conference Proceedings at WoS or SCOPUS Dindex • 50 %
OPF:UDSDPJN1 Article Peer-reviewed in ERIH Journal Jneimp • 50 %
3rd year
5th term
There is no data available.
6th term
OPF:UDSDPED5 Teaching in Seminaries • 100 %
OPF:UDSDPED6 Teaching in Seminaries • 100 %
OPF:FIUDSEAM Economics and Management • 50 %
OPF:PEMDPMRV Marketing and Customer Relationship Management • 50 %
OPF:UDSDPCM1 Chapter in Monograph C • 50 %
OPF:UDSDPDO2 Contribution at Conference D • 50 %
OPF:UDSDPJN2 Article Peer-reviewed in ERIH Journal Jneimp • 50 %
OPF:UDSDPSDZ State Doctoral Examination • 50 %
OPF:UDSDPVP0 Guidance of the Thesis • 50 %
OPF:UDSDPVP2 Guidance of the Thesis • 50 %
OPF:UDSDPVP3 Guidance of the Thesis • 50 %
OPF:UDSDPVP4 Guidance of the Thesis • 50 %
OPF:UDSDPVP5 Guidance of the Thesis • 50 %
OPF:UDSDPVP6 Guidance of the Thesis • 50 %
OPF:UDSDPVP7 Leadership of the Bachelor Thesis • 50 %
4th year
7th term
OPF:UDSDPSDZ State Doctoral Examination • 100 %
8th term
OPF:UDSDPDO2 Contribution at Conference D • 50 %
OPF:UDSDPDO3 Contribution at Conference D • 50 %
OPF:UDSDPDO4 Contribution at Conference D • 50 %
OPF:UDSDPJO1 Article Peer-reviewed in Professional Journal • 50 %

Banking, Finance, Insurance (Bachelor's combined single-subject)

1st year
1st term
OPF:INMBKZIE Informatics for Economists I • 98 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 98 %
OPF:PEMBKNOP Enterprise Theory • 98 %
OPF:INMBKKVM Quantitative Methods • 96 %
OPF:EVSBKZMI Economics I • 93 %
2nd term
OPF:EVSBKZMA Economics II • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKFUA Financial Accounting I • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKNFI Finance • 100 %
OPF:INMBKNIE Informatics for Economists II • 100 %
OPF:INMBKSTK Statistics • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKMNG Management • 100 %
OPF:CVABKJA1 English 1 • 96 %
OPF:EVSBKPSY Psychology • 42 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:FIUBKFIT Financial Markets • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKFPM Finance and Insurance Mathematics • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKMRF Municipal and Regional Finance • 92 %
OPF:CVABKJA2 English 2 • 88 %
OPF:FIUBKFUB Financial Accounting II • 88 %
OPF:FIUBKFIP Corporate Finance • 77 %
OPF:INMBKSME Statistical Methods for Economists • 73 %
OPF:PEMBKNOP Enterprise Theory • 31 %
OPF:EVSBKZMI Economics I • 23 %
OPF:CVABKPOH Entrepreneurship in the hotel business • 15 %
OPF:FIUBKPOJ Insurance • 15 %
OPF:CVABKKKO Crisis communication • 12 %
OPF:CVABKRHP Hotel operation management • 12 %
4th term
OPF:FIUBKBAN Banking • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKDDP Taxation and Tax Policy • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKNFP Financial Counselling • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKNOA Appraisement of Assets • 100 %
OPF:EVSBKHOP Economic Policy • 95 %
OPF:CVABKJA3 Professional English 3 • 90 %
OPF:PEMBKOBP Commercial Law • 90 %
OPF:FIUBKFAN Financial Analysis • 86 %
OPF:FIUBKNUC Cost Accounting • 71 %
OPF:INMBKBOI Business on the Internet • 62 %
OPF:PEMBKSLU Marketing of Services • 43 %
OPF:EVSBKPSY Psychology • 14 %
OPF:PEMBKZPO Establishment of Enterprises • 14 %
3rd year
5th term
OPF:FIUBKMEZ International Finance • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKNPS Payment and Clearing Systems • 100 %
OPF:OPFBKBPS Bachelor Thesis Seminar • 100 %
OPF:CVABKJA4 English 4 • 87 %
OPF:FIUBKPOJ Insurance • 87 %
OPF:FIUBKFIP Corporate Finance • 27 %
OPF:INMBKSME Statistical Methods for Economists • 27 %
OPF:PEMBKKPD Communication and presentation skills • 27 %
OPF:CVABKCSP Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette • 20 %
OPF:CVABKKKO Crisis communication • 20 %
OPF:FIUBKAUD Audit • 20 %
OPF:CVABKJN4 German for Academic Purposes 4 • 13 %
OPF:CVABKRHP Hotel operation management • 13 %
OPF:PEMBKMSO Management in Social Services • 13 %
6th term
OPF:OPFBKBPP Bachelor Thesis • 100 %
OPF:OPFBKOPR Specialised Praktice • 100 %
OPF:EVSBKPSY Psychology • 20 %
OPF:FIUBKFAN Financial Analysis • 20 %

Finance and Accounting (Bachelor's combined single-subject)

1st year
1st term
OPF:EVSBKEKO Economics • 99 %
OPF:INMBKKME Quantitative Methods in Economic Practice • 98 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 98 %
OPF:PEMBKPEP Law in Economic Practice • 97 %
OPF:INMBKINF Informatics • 95 %
OPF:PEMBKEPO Economy of Enterprise • 93 %
2nd term
OPF:EVSBKVEP External Economic Environment • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKUC1 Accounting I • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKFVP Finance in Business • 97 %
OPF:PEMBKMNM Management • 97 %
OPF:CVABKEN1 Foreign Language Course - English 1 • 92 %
OPF:PEMBKRNO Management of Non-governmental Non-profit Organisations • 27 %
OPF:EVSBKPSY Psychology • 16 %
OPF:FIUBKFPN Financial Counselling • 15 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:FIUBKUC2 Accounting II • 97 %
OPF:FIUBKZMA Property Taxation • 97 %
OPF:PEMBKMKT Marketing • 97 %
OPF:PEMBKHRM Human Resources Management • 94 %
OPF:CVABKEN2 Foreign Language Course - English 2 • 89 %
OPF:FIUBKFIT Financial Markets • 89 %
OPF:FIUBKFIP Corporate Finance • 81 %
OPF:FIUBKPOJ Insurance • 63 %
OPF:CVABKRHP Hotel operation management • 13 %
4th term
OPF:FIUBKDVP Taxes in business • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKNDA Indirect Taxes in the Czech Republic • 98 %
OPF:FIUBKNOA Appraisement of Assets • 98 %
OPF:FIUBKFAN Financial Analysis • 96 %
OPF:CVABKEN3 Foreign Language Course - English 3 • 94 %
OPF:FIUBKNUC Cost Accounting • 60 %
OPF:FIUBKFPN Financial Counselling • 58 %
OPF:FIUBKBAN Banking • 42 %
OPF:PEMBKIPC Corporate Information Support • 25 %
OPF:EVSBKPSY Psychology • 19 %
OPF:CVABKCMA Tourism Marketing • 17 %
OPF:PEMBKRNO Management of Non-governmental Non-profit Organisations • 13 %
OPF:INMBKBOI Business on the Internet • 11 %
3rd year
5th term
OPF:OPFBKBPS Bachelor Thesis Seminar • 97 %
OPF:FIUBKNAP Tax Law Application • 96 %
OPF:CVABKEN4 Foreign Language Course - English 4 • 93 %
OPF:FIUBKAUD Audit • 54 %
OPF:FIUBKUNO Non-profit Organizations Accounting • 51 %
OPF:FIUBKFIP Corporate Finance • 16 %
OPF:FIUBKNPS Payment and Clearing Systems • 15 %
OPF:FIUBKZMA Property Taxation • 13 %
OPF:FIUBKMRF Municipal and Regional Finance • 12 %
6th term
OPF:OPFBKPRX Specialised Praktice • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKMEU International Accounting • 98 %
OPF:FIUBKUPR Accounting Practice • 98 %
OPF:OPFBKBPP Bachelor Thesis • 98 %
OPF:FIUBKFAN Financial Analysis • 13 %
OPF:FIUBKNDA Indirect Taxes in the Czech Republic • 13 %

Management v sociálních službách (Bachelor's combined single-subject)

1st year
1st term
OPF:EVSBKEKO Economics • 100 %
OPF:INMBKINF Informatics • 100 %
OPF:INMBKKME Quantitative Methods in Economic Practice • 98 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 98 %
OPF:PEMBKPEP Law in Economic Practice • 98 %
OPF:PEMBKEPO Economy of Enterprise • 91 %
2nd term
OPF:EVSBKVEP External Economic Environment • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKMNM Management • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKFVP Finance in Business • 95 %
OPF:PEMBKRNO Management of Non-governmental Non-profit Organisations • 95 %
OPF:CVABKEN1 Foreign Language Course - English 1 • 86 %
OPF:FIUBKUC1 Accounting I • 82 %
OPF:EVSBKPSY Psychology • 23 %
OPF:PEMBKSOF Corporate social responsibility, non-profit sector and public administration • 18 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:CVABKKKO Crisis communication • 100 %
OPF:EVSBKSOP Social Policy • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKSOP Social Entrepreneurship • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKMKT Marketing • 94 %
OPF:PEMBKRPO Management of contributory organizations • 94 %
OPF:CVABKEN2 Foreign Language Course - English 2 • 81 %
OPF:EVSBKMAP Multicultural Aspects of Social Care • 31 %
OPF:EVSBKPSO Personality Psychology • 31 %
OPF:PEMBKPRO Project Management • 31 %
OPF:CVABKRHP Hotel operation management • 25 %
OPF:PEMBKEPO Economy of Enterprise • 25 %
OPF:PEMBKKPD Communication and presentation skills • 19 %
OPF:CVABKDE2 Foreign Language Course - German 2 • 13 %
OPF:FIUBKNPS Payment and Clearing Systems • 13 %
OPF:INMBKINF Informatics • 13 %
4th term
OPF:EVSBKPSS Counseling in social services • 100 %
OPF:EVSBKMDM Managerial skills in intergenerational team • 94 %
OPF:EVSBKSRP Administrative Law • 94 %
OPF:PEMBKIPC Corporate Information Support • 94 %
OPF:CVABKEN3 Foreign Language Course - English 3 • 82 %
OPF:EVSBKPPS Social work and social care • 82 %
OPF:FIUBKDVP Taxes in business • 82 %
OPF:PEMBKSOF Corporate social responsibility, non-profit sector and public administration • 82 %
OPF:CVABKCMA Tourism Marketing • 29 %
OPF:EVSBKPSY Psychology • 29 %
OPF:PEMBKZPO Establishment of Enterprises • 24 %
OPF:CVABKDE3 Foreign Language Course - German 3 • 12 %
OPF:EVSBAMENK Minority Entrepreurship • 12 %
OPF:FIUBKFVP Finance in Business • 12 %
3rd year
5th term
OPF:FIUBKUNO Non-profit Organizations Accounting • 100 %
OPF:CVABKEN4 Foreign Language Course - English 4 • 87 %
OPF:EVSBKPSO Personality Psychology • 87 %
OPF:OPFBKBPS Bachelor Thesis Seminar • 87 %
OPF:PEMBKMSO Management in Social Services • 87 %
OPF:EVSBKMAP Multicultural Aspects of Social Care • 80 %
OPF:PEMBKPRO Project Management • 67 %
OPF:CVABKCSP Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette • 33 %
OPF:CVABKEN3 Foreign Language Course - English 3 • 13 %
6th term
OPF:OPFBKBPP Bachelor Thesis • 100 %
OPF:OPFBKPRX Specialised Praktice • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKDVP Taxes in business • 31 %

Managerial Informatics (Bachelor's combined single-subject)

1st year
1st term
OPF:EVSBKEKO Economics • 97 %
OPF:INMBKKME Quantitative Methods in Economic Practice • 97 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 97 %
OPF:INMBKINF Informatics • 96 %
OPF:PEMBKPEP Law in Economic Practice • 95 %
OPF:INMBKUDP Introduction to Programming • 94 %
OPF:PEMBKEPO Economy of Enterprise • 89 %
2nd term
OPF:PEMBKMNM Management • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKFVP Finance in Business • 98 %
OPF:INMBKOPS Operating Systems • 98 %
OPF:EVSBKVEP External Economic Environment • 95 %
OPF:INMBKIIT Information and Internet Technologies • 95 %
OPF:INMBKOBP Object Programming • 93 %
OPF:CVABKEN1 Foreign Language Course - English 1 • 84 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:INMBKDDS Databases and Data Warehouses • 100 %
OPF:INMBKINS Information Systems • 100 %
OPF:INMBKMOA Mobile Applications • 100 %
OPF:INMBKOAN Operational Analysis for Economists • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKMKT Marketing • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKPRO Project Management • 100 %
OPF:CVABKEN2 Foreign Language Course - English 2 • 91 %
OPF:INMBKINP Internet Law • 36 %
OPF:PEMBKEPO Economy of Enterprise • 36 %
OPF:EVSBKEKO Economics • 18 %
4th term
OPF:EVSBKSEP Smart economy in the context of Industry 4.0 • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKDVP Taxes in business • 100 %
OPF:INMBKBOI Business on the Internet • 100 %
OPF:INMBKERP Company Information Systems - ERP • 100 %
OPF:INMBKISS Information Systems in Public Administration • 100 %
OPF:INMBKTWR Web Development and Content Management Systems • 100 %
OPF:CVABKEN3 Foreign Language Course - English 3 • 88 %
OPF:PEMBKIPO Innovative Business • 88 %
OPF:EVSBKPSY Psychology • 25 %
OPF:EVSBKVEP External Economic Environment • 25 %
OPF:CVABKEN1 Foreign Language Course - English 1 • 13 %
OPF:FIUBKFVP Finance in Business • 13 %
OPF:INMBKOPS Operating Systems • 13 %

Managerial Informatics (Bachelor's degree programme, combined form, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:EVSBKEUN The European Union • 100 %
OPF:INMBKDTB Databases • 100 %
OPF:INMBKINS Information Systems • 100 %
OPF:INMBKOBP Object Programming • 100 %
OPF:INMBKZIT Fundamentals of Information Technologies • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKMAG Marketing • 100 %
OPF:CVABKJA2 English 2 • 94 %
OPF:INMBKINP Internet Law • 89 %
OPF:PEMBKNOP Enterprise Theory • 83 %
4th term
OPF:INMBKBOI Business on the Internet • 100 %
OPF:INMBKISS Information Systems in Public Administration • 100 %
OPF:INMBKPJA Java programming • 100 %
OPF:INMBKSIW Internet Services and WWW Creating • 94 %
OPF:CVABKJA3 Professional English 3 • 88 %
OPF:PEMBKOBP Commercial Law • 47 %
OPF:INMBKERP Company Information Systems - ERP • 35 %
OPF:CVABKCMA Tourism Marketing • 12 %
OPF:INMBKOPS Operating Systems • 12 %
3rd year
5th term
OPF:CVABKJA4 English 4 • 96 %
OPF:INMBKOAE Operational Analysis for Economists • 96 %
OPF:INMBKSPS Management Of Computer Networks • 96 %
OPF:OPFBKBPS Bachelor Thesis Seminar • 96 %
OPF:PEMBKHRM Human Resources Management • 92 %
OPF:PEMBKPRO Project Management • 92 %
OPF:PEMBKEMA E-marketing • 76 %
OPF:INMBKPSY Portal and its Management • 72 %
OPF:PEMBKNOP Enterprise Theory • 16 %
OPF:CVABKJA3 Professional English 3 • 12 %
OPF:INMBKINS Information Systems • 12 %
6th term
OPF:OPFBKBPP Bachelor Thesis • 96 %
OPF:OPFBKOPR Specialised Praktice • 92 %
OPF:INMBKERP Company Information Systems - ERP • 63 %
OPF:PEMBKIPO Innovative Business • 13 %

Marketing (Bachelor's combined single-subject)

1st year
1st term
OPF:EVSBKEKO Economics • 99 %
OPF:INMBKINF Informatics • 97 %
OPF:INMBKKME Quantitative Methods in Economic Practice • 97 %
OPF:PEMBKEPO Economy of Enterprise • 97 %
OPF:PEMBKPEP Law in Economic Practice • 97 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 95 %
2nd term
OPF:EVSBKVEP External Economic Environment • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKDVP Taxes in business • 98 %
OPF:FIUBKFVP Finance in Business • 96 %
OPF:PEMBKMNM Management • 96 %
OPF:CVABKEN1 Foreign Language Course - English 1 • 88 %
OPF:INMBKBOI Business on the Internet • 34 %
OPF:PEMBKLOG Logistics • 30 %
OPF:EVSBKPSY Psychology • 22 %
OPF:PEMBKRNO Management of Non-governmental Non-profit Organisations • 16 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:PEMBKEKO Economics of Trade • 97 %
OPF:PEMBKHRM Human Resources Management • 97 %
OPF:PEMBKPDK Entrepreneurship • 97 %
OPF:PEMBKVMC Relationship Marketing and CRM • 97 %
OPF:PEMBKKPD Communication and presentation skills • 94 %
OPF:PEMBKMKT Marketing • 91 %
OPF:CVABKEN2 Foreign Language Course - English 2 • 88 %
OPF:CVABKKKO Crisis communication • 25 %
OPF:PEMBKEPO Economy of Enterprise • 16 %
OPF:FIUBKPOJ Insurance • 13 %
4th term
OPF:PEMBKIPC Corporate Information Support • 97 %
OPF:CVABKEN3 Foreign Language Course - English 3 • 94 %
OPF:INMBKBOI Business on the Internet • 90 %
OPF:PEMBKSLU Marketing of Services • 84 %
OPF:CVABKCMA Tourism Marketing • 81 %
OPF:PEMBKMKV Marketing Research • 81 %
OPF:PEMBKLOG Logistics • 74 %
OPF:PEMBKZPO Establishment of Enterprises • 35 %
OPF:EVSBKPSY Psychology • 23 %
OPF:FIUBKFVP Finance in Business • 19 %
OPF:FIUBKFPN Financial Counselling • 16 %
OPF:EVSBKVEP External Economic Environment • 13 %
3rd year
5th term
OPF:OPFBKBPS Bachelor Thesis Seminar • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKDSS Website Design and Management • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKEMA E-marketing • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKMKK Marketing Communication • 100 %
OPF:CVABKEN4 Foreign Language Course - English 4 • 97 %
OPF:CVABKCSP Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette • 52 %
OPF:CVABAICOK Intercultural Communication • 21 %
OPF:CVABKKKO Crisis communication • 21 %
6th term
OPF:OPFBKBPP Bachelor Thesis • 100 %
OPF:OPFBKPRX Specialised Praktice • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKMEM Media Marketing • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKFAN Financial Analysis • 18 %
OPF:PEMBKIPC Corporate Information Support • 14 %

Trade and Marketing (Bachelor's combined specialized)

1st year
1st term
OPF:EVSBKLAW Law • 100 %
OPF:INMBKKVM Quantitative Methods • 100 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKNOP Enterprise Theory • 99 %
OPF:INMBKZIE Informatics for Economists I • 96 %
OPF:EVSBKZMI Economics I • 94 %
OPF:PEMBKPDK Entrepreneurship • 92 %
2nd term
OPF:FIUBKFUA Financial Accounting I • 100 %
OPF:INMBKSTK Statistics • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKMNG Management • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKNFI Finance • 98 %
OPF:INMBKNIE Informatics for Economists II • 98 %
OPF:CVABKJA1 English 1 • 95 %
OPF:EVSBKZMA Economics II • 95 %
OPF:INMBKBOI Business on the Internet • 20 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:CVABKJA2 English 2 • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKFUB Financial Accounting II • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKMKT Marketing • 94 %
OPF:PEMBKPOE Enterprising Economy • 94 %
OPF:PEMBKEKO Economics of Trade • 88 %
OPF:FIUBKFIP Corporate Finance • 53 %
OPF:CVABKKKO Crisis communication • 35 %
OPF:PEMBKKPD Communication and presentation skills • 35 %
OPF:PEMBKZPO Establishment of Enterprises • 35 %
OPF:FIUBKFIT Financial Markets • 29 %
OPF:CVABKCSP Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette • 18 %
OPF:PEMBKPDK Entrepreneurship • 18 %
OPF:CVABKRHP Hotel operation management • 12 %
OPF:EVSBKMAP Multicultural Aspects of Social Care • 12 %
OPF:FIUBKFPM Finance and Insurance Mathematics • 12 %
OPF:PEMBKDSS Website Design and Management • 12 %
4th term
OPF:CVABKJA3 Professional English 3 • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKDDP Taxation and Tax Policy • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKLGC Logistics • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKOBO Trade Operations • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKMKV Marketing Research • 93 %
OPF:PEMBKOBP Commercial Law • 93 %
OPF:PEMBKSLU Marketing of Services • 93 %
OPF:INMBKBOI Business on the Internet • 47 %
OPF:CVABKCMA Tourism Marketing • 33 %
OPF:EVSBKPSY Psychology • 33 %
OPF:FIUBKNFP Financial Counselling • 20 %
OPF:PEMBKIPO Innovative Business • 13 %

Business (Bachelor's combined specialized)

1st year
1st term
OPF:INMBKZIE Informatics for Economists I • 98 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 98 %
OPF:PEMBKNOP Enterprise Theory • 96 %
OPF:PEMBKPDK Entrepreneurship • 96 %
OPF:INMBKKVM Quantitative Methods • 94 %
OPF:EVSBKZMI Economics I • 92 %
2nd term
OPF:CVABKJA1 English 1 • 100 %
OPF:EVSBKZMA Economics II • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKNFI Finance • 100 %
OPF:INMBKSTK Statistics • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKMNG Management • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKFUA Financial Accounting I • 93 %
OPF:INMBKNIE Informatics for Economists II • 93 %
OPF:PEMBKIPC Corporate Information Support • 89 %
OPF:PEMBKRNO Management of Non-governmental Non-profit Organisations • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:CVABKJA2 English 2 • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKFIP Corporate Finance • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKMKT Marketing • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKPOE Enterprising Economy • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKZPO Establishment of Enterprises • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKFUB Financial Accounting II • 83 %
OPF:FIUBKFIT Financial Markets • 50 %
OPF:PEMBKPRO Project Management • 42 %
OPF:FIUBKFPM Finance and Insurance Mathematics • 25 %
OPF:PEMBKEKO Economics of Trade • 25 %
OPF:PEMBKKPD Communication and presentation skills • 17 %
4th term
OPF:CVABKJA3 Professional English 3 • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKDDP Taxation and Tax Policy • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKFAN Financial Analysis • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKIPO Innovative Business • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKMAD Management Skills • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKOBP Commercial Law • 91 %
OPF:INMBKBOI Business on the Internet • 82 %
OPF:EVSBKPSY Psychology • 45 %
OPF:FIUBKFPN Financial Counselling • 36 %
OPF:PEMBKIPC Corporate Information Support • 27 %
OPF:FIUBKBAN Banking • 18 %
OPF:FIUBKFUA Financial Accounting I • 18 %
OPF:INMBKNIE Informatics for Economists II • 18 %

Business Economics and Management (Bachelor's degree programme, combined form, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:PEMBKEKO Economics of Trade • 100 %
OPF:EVSBKEUN The European Union • 96 %
OPF:FIUBKFUB Financial Accounting II • 96 %
OPF:PEMBKMAG Marketing • 96 %
OPF:CVABKJA2 English 2 • 92 %
OPF:PEMBKNOP Enterprise Theory • 85 %
OPF:FIUBKFIP Corporate Finance • 65 %
OPF:CVABKPOH Entrepreneurship in the hotel business • 50 %
OPF:PEMBKKPD Communication and presentation skills • 31 %
OPF:CVABKRHP Hotel operation management • 27 %
OPF:EVSBKZMI Economics I • 15 %
OPF:PEMBKHRM Human Resources Management • 15 %
OPF:FIUBKNPS Payment and Clearing Systems • 12 %
OPF:PEMBKPRO Project Management • 12 %
4th term
OPF:CVABKJA3 Professional English 3 • 96 %
OPF:FIUBKDDP Taxation and Tax Policy • 96 %
OPF:FIUBKNUC Cost Accounting • 96 %
OPF:PEMBKLGK Logistics • 96 %
OPF:PEMBKMAV Marketing Research • 96 %
OPF:PEMBKPOE Enterprising Economy • 96 %
OPF:INMBKBOI Business on the Internet • 75 %
OPF:PEMBKMAS Marketing of Services • 58 %
OPF:PEMBKZPO Establishment of Enterprises • 33 %
OPF:FIUBKNFP Financial Counselling • 17 %
OPF:FIUBKFPN Financial Counselling • 13 %
OPF:INMBKNIE Informatics for Economists II • 13 %
3rd year
5th term
OPF:OPFBKBPS Bachelor Thesis Seminar • 99 %
OPF:CVABKJA4 English 4 • 94 %
OPF:PEMBKPRO Project Management • 94 %
OPF:PEMBKHRM Human Resources Management • 92 %
OPF:PEMBKEMA E-marketing • 54 %
OPF:PEMBKMK1 Marketing Communication 1 • 50 %
OPF:PEMBKPDK Entrepreneurship • 42 %
OPF:PEMBKENS Management and Economics of Non-Manufacturing Area • 37 %
OPF:FIUBKFIP Corporate Finance • 20 %
OPF:PEMBKVMC Relationship Marketing and CRM • 14 %
OPF:CVABKEHL Economics in the Hotel Business • 11 %
6th term
OPF:OPFBKBPP Bachelor Thesis • 100 %
OPF:OPFBKOPR Specialised Praktice • 95 %
OPF:PEMBKIPO Innovative Business • 88 %
OPF:PEMBKMPU Marketing of Purchasing • 47 %
OPF:FIUBKNUC Cost Accounting • 22 %
OPF:FIUBKDDP Taxation and Tax Policy • 16 %

Accounting and Taxes (Bachelor's degree programme, combined form, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
OPF:FIUBKAUD Audit • 100 %
OPF:OPFBKSBP Bachelor Thesis Seminar • 100 %
6th term
OPF:OPFBKBCP Bachelor Thesis • 100 %

Public Economy and Administration (Bachelor's combined single-subject)

1st year
1st term
OPF:EVSBKLAW Law • 100 %
OPF:INMBKZIE Informatics for Economists I • 100 %
OPF:EVSBKZMI Economics I • 99 %
OPF:INMBKKVM Quantitative Methods • 99 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 99 %
OPF:PEMBKNOP Enterprise Theory • 96 %
2nd term
OPF:EVSBKZMA Economics II • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKFUA Financial Accounting I • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKNFI Finance • 100 %
OPF:INMBKNIE Informatics for Economists II • 100 %
OPF:INMBKSTK Statistics • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKMNG Management • 100 %
OPF:CVABKJA1 English 1 • 81 %
OPF:EVSBKPSY Psychology • 27 %
OPF:CVABKJN1 Professional German 1 • 15 %
OPF:EVSBKPVS Labour Law in Public Administration • 15 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:EVSBKEUN The European Union • 100 %
OPF:EVSBKVES Public Administration • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKMRF Municipal and Regional Finance • 100 %
OPF:EVSBKPPZ Labour Market and Employment Policy • 97 %
OPF:FIUBKFUB Financial Accounting II • 97 %
OPF:EVSBKVEA Public Economics • 91 %
OPF:CVABKJA2 English 2 • 88 %
OPF:CVABKKKO Crisis communication • 52 %
OPF:CVABKRHP Hotel operation management • 15 %
OPF:EVSBKSOP Social Policy • 15 %
OPF:PEMBKMSO Management in Social Services • 12 %
OPF:PEMBKNOP Enterprise Theory • 12 %
4th term
OPF:EVSBKREP Regional Economy and Policy • 100 %
OPF:EVSBKSRP Administrative Law • 100 %
OPF:EVSBKZHP Economic Policy • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKDDP Taxation and Tax Policy • 100 %
OPF:INMBKISS Information Systems in Public Administration • 100 %
OPF:EVSBKCEU The Policy of Economic, Territorial and Social Cohesion of the EU • 93 %
OPF:CVABKJA3 Professional English 3 • 82 %
OPF:FIUBKFAN Financial Analysis • 46 %
OPF:EVSBKPSY Psychology • 21 %
OPF:CVABKCMA Tourism Marketing • 14 %
OPF:FIUBKBAN Banking • 14 %
OPF:FIUBKFPN Financial Counselling • 14 %
OPF:FIUBKNFP Financial Counselling • 14 %
OPF:INMBKBOI Business on the Internet • 14 %
OPF:PEMBKLGC Logistics • 14 %
OPF:CVABKJN3 Professional German 3 • 11 %
3rd year
5th term
OPF:EVSBKPSO Personality Psychology • 100 %
OPF:OPFBKBPS Bachelor Thesis Seminar • 100 %
OPF:CVABKJA4 English 4 • 91 %
OPF:EVSBKSOP Social Policy • 74 %
OPF:PEMBKPRO Project Management • 61 %
OPF:PEMBKMSO Management in Social Services • 57 %
OPF:FIUBKMRF Municipal and Regional Finance • 30 %
OPF:FIUBKNPS Payment and Clearing Systems • 22 %
OPF:CVABKRHP Hotel operation management • 17 %
6th term
OPF:EVSBKNEO Nonprofit Organization Economy • 100 %
OPF:OPFBKBPP Bachelor Thesis • 100 %
OPF:OPFBKOPR Specialised Praktice • 100 %
OPF:EVSBKPVS Labour Law in Public Administration • 39 %
OPF:EVSBKPSY Psychology • 17 %
OPF:EVSBKPPS Social work and social care • 13 %

Public Economy and Administration (Bachelor's degree programme, combined form, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:CVABKJA2 English 2 • 100 %
OPF:EVSBKEUN The European Union • 100 %
OPF:EVSBKTPZ Labour Market and Employment Policy • 100 %
OPF:EVSBKVEA Public Economics • 100 %
OPF:EVSBKVES Public Administration • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKFUB Financial Accounting II • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKMAG Marketing • 100 %
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
OPF:EVSBKSPO Social Policy • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKMRF Municipal and Regional Finance • 100 %
OPF:FIUBKUNO Non-profit Organizations Accounting • 100 %
OPF:OPFBKBPS Bachelor Thesis Seminar • 100 %
OPF:PEMBKMSS Management for Social Services • 100 %
OPF:CVABKJA4 English 4 • 91 %
OPF:PEMBKPRO Project Management • 91 %
OPF:EVSBKPSO Personality Psychology • 55 %
6th term
OPF:OPFBKBPP Bachelor Thesis • 100 %
OPF:OPFBKOPR Specialised Praktice • 100 %
OPF:EVSBKSRP Administrative Law • 92 %
OPF:EVSBKPVS Labour Law in Public Administration • 33 %

Banking, Finance, Insurance (master's combined single-subject)

1st year
1st term
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 100 %
OPF:INMNKSTZ Statistical Data Processing • 96 %
OPF:FIUNKMFI International Financial Institutions • 91 %
OPF:FIUNKNBM Banking Models and Analysis • 91 %
OPF:PEMNKCON Corporate Controlling • 91 %
OPF:EVSNKMIB Microeconomics • 87 %
OPF:FIUNKNUS Accounting of Business Companies • 83 %
OPF:FIUNKOCP Business Valuation • 17 %
OPF:PEMNKKRI Crisis Management • 17 %
OPF:FIUNKNRF Financial and Banking Risk Management • 13 %
OPF:PEMNKCSR Corporate Social Responsibility • 13 %
2nd term
OPF:EVSNKMAB Macroeconomics • 100 %
OPF:FIUNKNFE Financial Econometrics • 100 %
OPF:INMNKMAT Mathematics in Economics • 100 %
OPF:FIUNKVEF Public Finance • 94 %
OPF:FIUNKMDS International Taxation and Tax Systems • 88 %
OPF:FIUNKNMF International Financial Management • 71 %
OPF:PEMNAENVK Business Environment • 71 %
OPF:PEMNKMFS Marketing of Financial Services • 41 %
OPF:FIUNKNPT Monetary Theory and Monetary Policy • 29 %
OPF:PEMNKPOP Business Environment • 18 %
OPF:PEMNKRAI Managing Innovation • 18 %
OPF:PEMNKOOR Trade organizations • 12 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:FIUNKFPR Financial Planning and Budgeting • 100 %
OPF:FIUNKNRF Financial and Banking Risk Management • 100 %
OPF:FIUNKOCP Business Valuation • 100 %
OPF:FIUNKNMS International Accounting and Accounting Standards • 90 %
OPF:OPFNKSDP Master Thesis Seminar • 90 %
OPF:PEMNKKRI Crisis Management • 50 %
OPF:PEMNKCSR Corporate Social Responsibility • 40 %
OPF:EVSNKMIB Microeconomics • 30 %
OPF:EVSNKVSL Public Services • 20 %
OPF:PEMNKCON Corporate Controlling • 20 %
4th term
OPF:FIUNKNIS Investment Instruments and Strategies • 100 %
OPF:OPFNKDIP Master Thesis • 100 %
OPF:FIUNKMFM International Financial Management • 80 %
OPF:PEMNKMFS Marketing of Financial Services • 60 %
OPF:FIUNKMDS International Taxation and Tax Systems • 20 %
OPF:FIUNKNFE Financial Econometrics • 20 %
OPF:PEMNKRAI Managing Innovation • 20 %

Finance, Accounting and Taxation (master's combined specialized)

1st year
1st term
OPF:FIUNKNMS International Accounting and Accounting Standards • 100 %
OPF:INMNKSTZ Statistical Data Processing • 100 %
OPF:PEMNKSTM Strategic Management • 100 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 98 %
OPF:FIUNKNUS Accounting of Business Companies • 97 %
OPF:PEMNKMAE Managerial Economics • 97 %
OPF:EVSNKMIB Microeconomics • 86 %
OPF:FIUNKMFI International Financial Institutions • 47 %
OPF:PEMNKKRI Crisis Management • 34 %
2nd term
OPF:FIUNKMDS International Taxation and Tax Systems • 100 %
OPF:INMNKMAT Mathematics in Economics • 100 %
OPF:EVSNKMAB Macroeconomics • 86 %
OPF:FIUNANMFK International Financial Management • 68 %
OPF:PEMNKPOP Business Environment • 55 %
OPF:FIUNKVEF Public Finance • 45 %
OPF:PEMNKRAI Managing Innovation • 27 %
OPF:FIUNKNMF International Financial Management • 25 %
OPF:PEMNKHRM Human Resource Management • 23 %
OPF:PEMNKPMO International Business Law • 18 %
OPF:PEMNKOOR Trade organizations • 16 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:FIUNKSDR Tax Administration and Tax Proceedings • 100 %
OPF:FIUNKFPR Financial Planning and Budgeting • 95 %
OPF:FIUNKOCP Business Valuation • 95 %
OPF:FIUNKNMU Managerial Accounting • 91 %
OPF:FIUNKNRF Financial and Banking Risk Management • 91 %
OPF:OPFNKSDP Master Thesis Seminar • 91 %
OPF:INMNKROA Decision Analysis for Managers • 73 %
OPF:INMNAROAK Decision Analysis for Managers • 27 %
OPF:EVSNKMIB Microeconomics • 18 %
OPF:PEMNKCON Corporate Controlling • 18 %
OPF:PEMNKKRI Crisis Management • 14 %
4th term
OPF:PEMNKHRM Human Resource Management • 100 %
OPF:OPFNKDIP Master Thesis • 90 %
OPF:PEMNKPMO International Business Law • 90 %
OPF:EVSNKMAB Macroeconomics • 29 %
OPF:FIUNKVEF Public Finance • 19 %

Managerial Informatics (master's combined single-subject)

1st year
1st term
OPF:INMNKSTZ Statistical Data Processing • 100 %
OPF:PEMNKMNM Strategic Management • 100 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 96 %
OPF:PEMNKMKT Strategic Marketing • 93 %
OPF:INMNAINMK Information Management • 89 %
OPF:EVSNKMKB Microeconomics • 81 %
OPF:INMNKMAS Modeling and Simulation • 81 %
OPF:INMNKOMM Object-oriented Modelling Methods • 81 %
OPF:INMNKDOD Data Mining • 74 %
OPF:EVSNKKDO Communication Skills • 37 %
OPF:INMNKHER Game Theory and Economic Decisions • 15 %
2nd term
OPF:INMNKMAT Mathematics in Economics • 100 %
OPF:PEMNKRPP Business Process Management • 89 %
OPF:EVSNKMABMI Macroeconomics • 83 %
OPF:INMNKESY Expert Systems • 83 %
OPF:INMNKISP Information Systems Design • 78 %
OPF:INMNKHER Game Theory and Economic Decisions • 44 %
OPF:INMNKITE ICT Innovations • 44 %
OPF:INMNKRAE Decision Analysis for Managers • 39 %
OPF:INMNKCRS CRM Systems • 33 %
OPF:PEMNKRLZ Human Resource Management • 33 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:OPFNKSDP Master Thesis Seminar • 100 %
OPF:INMNKBIN Business Intelligence • 93 %
OPF:INMNKEMM Economic and Mathematical Methods • 93 %
OPF:PEMNKMEK Managerial Economics • 87 %
OPF:INMNKHER Game Theory and Economic Decisions • 73 %
OPF:INMNKDOD Data Mining • 40 %
OPF:EVSNKMKB Microeconomics • 27 %
OPF:EVSNKKDO Communication Skills • 20 %
OPF:INMNKMAS Modeling and Simulation • 13 %
OPF:INMNKOMM Object-oriented Modelling Methods • 13 %
4th term
OPF:OPFNKDIP Master Thesis • 100 %
OPF:INMNKITE ICT Innovations • 50 %
OPF:INMNKISP Information Systems Design • 36 %
OPF:EVSNKMABMI Macroeconomics • 21 %
OPF:PEMNKRLZ Human Resource Management • 21 %
OPF:PEMNKRPP Business Process Management • 14 %

Trade and Marketing (master's combined specialized)

1st year
1st term
OPF:INMNKSTZ Statistical Data Processing • 98 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 98 %
OPF:PEMNKSMR Strategic Marketing • 97 %
OPF:PEMNKSTM Strategic Management • 96 %
OPF:PEMNKMAE Managerial Economics • 93 %
OPF:EVSNKMIB Microeconomics • 90 %
OPF:FIUNKMFI International Financial Institutions • 24 %
OPF:PEMNKKRI Crisis Management • 20 %
2nd term
OPF:INMNKMAT Mathematics in Economics • 99 %
OPF:PEMNKMAF Marketing of Financial Services • 99 %
OPF:PEMNKMAM International Marketing • 99 %
OPF:EVSNKMAB Macroeconomics • 98 %
OPF:PEMNKPOP Business Environment • 98 %
OPF:PEMNKOOR Trade organizations • 95 %
OPF:FIUNKNMF International Financial Management • 52 %
OPF:FIUNANMFK International Financial Management • 42 %
OPF:PEMNKRPP Business Process Management • 31 %
OPF:PEMNKRAI Managing Innovation • 18 %
OPF:FIUNKVEF Public Finance • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:PEMNKB2B B2B Marketing • 100 %
OPF:PEMNKMOO International Business Operations • 100 %
OPF:INMNKCRS CRM Systems • 93 %
OPF:OPFNKSDP Master Thesis Seminar • 89 %
OPF:INMNAROAK Decision Analysis for Managers • 48 %
OPF:INMNKROA Decision Analysis for Managers • 48 %
OPF:PEMNKKRI Crisis Management • 30 %
OPF:PEMNKCSR Corporate Social Responsibility • 26 %
OPF:FIUNKNMS International Accounting and Accounting Standards • 11 %
OPF:PEMNKCON Corporate Controlling • 11 %
4th term
OPF:OPFNKDIP Master Thesis • 93 %
OPF:PEMNKHRM Human Resource Management • 93 %
OPF:PEMNKPMO International Business Law • 89 %
OPF:PEMNKRAI Managing Innovation • 15 %
OPF:FIUNKNIS Investment Instruments and Strategies • 11 %
OPF:PEMNAPMOK International Business Law • 11 %
OPF:PEMNKRPP Business Process Management • 11 %

Business (master's combined specialized)

1st year
1st term
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 100 %
OPF:PEMNKKRI Crisis Management • 100 %
OPF:PEMNKMAE Managerial Economics • 100 %
OPF:PEMNKSTM Strategic Management • 100 %
OPF:INMNKSTZ Statistical Data Processing • 98 %
OPF:PEMNKCSR Corporate Social Responsibility • 95 %
OPF:EVSNKMIB Microeconomics • 88 %
2nd term
OPF:INMNKMAT Mathematics in Economics • 100 %
OPF:PEMNKMVP Business Performance Management • 100 %
OPF:PEMNKPOP Business Environment • 100 %
OPF:PEMNKRAI Managing Innovation • 100 %
OPF:EVSNKMAB Macroeconomics • 90 %
OPF:FIUNANMFK International Financial Management • 48 %
OPF:FIUNKNMF International Financial Management • 45 %
OPF:FIUNKVEF Public Finance • 32 %
OPF:PEMNKRPP Business Process Management • 29 %
OPF:PEMNKHRM Human Resource Management • 26 %
OPF:PEMNKOOR Trade organizations • 23 %
OPF:PEMNKPMO International Business Law • 19 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:FIUNKFPR Financial Planning and Budgeting • 89 %
OPF:INMNKBIN Business Intelligence • 89 %
OPF:PEMNKCON Corporate Controlling • 89 %
OPF:INMNKROA Decision Analysis for Managers • 78 %
OPF:OPFNKSDP Master Thesis Seminar • 78 %
OPF:EVSNKGEK Competitiveness in Globalized Economy • 33 %
OPF:FIUNKOCP Business Valuation • 33 %
OPF:INMNAROAK Decision Analysis for Managers • 33 %
OPF:EVSNKEKP Space Economics • 22 %
OPF:EVSNKHPB Theory of Economic Policy • 22 %
OPF:EVSNKKDO Communication Skills • 22 %
OPF:EVSNKMIB Microeconomics • 11 %
OPF:FIUNKNBM Banking Models and Analysis • 11 %
OPF:FIUNKNUS Accounting of Business Companies • 11 %
OPF:INMDSKKM Quantitative and qualitative methods • 11 %
OPF:PEMNKB2B B2B Marketing • 11 %
OPF:PEMNKCSR Corporate Social Responsibility • 11 %
4th term
OPF:OPFNKDIP Master Thesis • 100 %
OPF:PEMNKHRM Human Resource Management • 88 %
OPF:PEMNKPMO International Business Law • 88 %
OPF:PEMNKOOR Trade organizations • 63 %
OPF:EVSNKMAB Macroeconomics • 25 %
OPF:FIUNKNIS Investment Instruments and Strategies • 25 %
OPF:FIUNKNMF International Financial Management • 25 %
OPF:EVSNKDVS History of Public Administration • 13 %
OPF:FIUNKVEF Public Finance • 13 %
OPF:PEMNAPMOK International Business Law • 13 %

Business Economics and Management (master's degree programme, combined form, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:FIUNKNMU Managerial Accounting • 93 %
OPF:OPFNKSDP Master Thesis Seminar • 91 %
OPF:FIUNKOCP Business Valuation • 46 %
OPF:PEMNKCSR Corporate Social Responsibility • 43 %
OPF:PEMNKMK2 Marketing Communication 2 • 41 %
OPF:PEMNKCON Corporate Controlling • 39 %
OPF:FIUNKSDR Tax Administration and Tax Proceedings • 33 %
OPF:PEMNKKRI Crisis Management • 31 %
OPF:FIUNKNMS International Accounting and Accounting Standards • 30 %
OPF:EVSNKMIB Microeconomics • 24 %
OPF:FIUNKFPR Financial Planning and Budgeting • 24 %
OPF:EVSNKVSL Public Services • 15 %
OPF:FIUNKMFI International Financial Institutions • 15 %
4th term
OPF:OPFNKDIP Master Thesis • 96 %
OPF:INMNKRAM Decision Analysis for Managers • 79 %
OPF:FIUNKMFM International Financial Management • 77 %
OPF:FIUNKVEF Public Finance • 13 %
OPF:PEMNKPOP Business Environment • 13 %
OPF:PEMNKRLZ Human Resource Management • 12 %
OPF:PEMNKOOR Trade organizations • 11 %

Public Economy and Administration (master's combined single-subject)

1st year
1st term
OPF:INMNKSTZ Statistical Data Processing • 100 %
OPF:OPFBOPF Initial training course in OSH and FP • 100 %
OPF:EVSNKHPB Theory of Economic Policy • 98 %
OPF:EVSNKTSP Theory of Social Policy • 98 %
OPF:EVSNKMIB Microeconomics • 86 %
OPF:FIUNKFPR Financial Planning and Budgeting • 86 %
OPF:EVSNKKDO Communication Skills • 43 %
OPF:PEMNKKRI Crisis Management • 24 %
OPF:EVSNKGEK Competitiveness in Globalized Economy • 20 %
OPF:PEMNKCSR Corporate Social Responsibility • 16 %
OPF:EVSNKEKP Space Economics • 12 %
OPF:EVSNKTVS Theory of Public Administration • 12 %
OPF:EVSNKVSL Public Services • 12 %
2nd term
OPF:EVSNKEVS Economy of Public Sector • 100 %
OPF:INMNKMAT Mathematics in Economics • 100 %
OPF:PEMNKRLZ Human Resource Management • 98 %
OPF:FIUNKVEF Public Finance • 94 %
OPF:EVSNKMAB Macroeconomics • 91 %
OPF:EVSNKLEU European Union Law • 89 %
OPF:EVSNKDVS History of Public Administration • 58 %
OPF:EVSNKROR Management of Municipalities and Regions • 50 %
OPF:PEMNKPOP Business Environment • 42 %
OPF:PEMNKRAI Managing Innovation • 14 %
OPF:PEMNKRPP Business Process Management • 11 %
2nd year
3rd term
OPF:OPFNKSDP Master Thesis Seminar • 95 %
OPF:EVSNKVSL Public Services • 91 %
OPF:EVSNKVEB Public Economics • 86 %
OPF:EVSNKTVS Theory of Public Administration • 79 %
OPF:FIUNKSDR Tax Administration and Tax Proceedings • 58 %
OPF:EVSNKEKP Space Economics • 53 %
OPF:EVSNKGEK Competitiveness in Globalized Economy • 49 %
OPF:EVSNKKDO Communication Skills • 42 %
OPF:PEMNKKRI Crisis Management • 39 %
OPF:FIUNKMFI International Financial Institutions • 37 %
OPF:PEMNKCSR Corporate Social Responsibility • 23 %
OPF:EVSNKMIB Microeconomics • 21 %
4th term
OPF:OPFNKDIP Master Thesis • 94 %
OPF:EVSNKROR Management of Municipalities and Regions • 54 %
OPF:EVSNKDVS History of Public Administration • 33 %
OPF:EVSNKLEU European Union Law • 13 %
OPF:EVSNKMAB Macroeconomics • 13 %
OPF:PEMNKPOP Business Environment • 13 %

Public Economy and Administration (master's degree programme, combined form, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
OPF:OPFNKDIP Master Thesis • 100 %

Economics and Management (doctoral combined)

1st year
1st term
OPF:EVSDSEKT Economic Theories • 100 %
OPF:OPFDSMVP Methodology of Science and Research • 100 %
2nd term
OPF:FIUDSEAM Economics and Management • 100 %
OPF:INMDSKKM Quantitative and qualitative methods • 100 %
OPF:INMDSMIS Management Information Systems • 100 %
OPF:OPFDSAJT Anglický jazyk a terminologie • 100 %
OPF:OPFDSPK1 Conference Paper • 100 %

Business Economics and Management (doctoral degree programme, combined form)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
There is no data available.
6th term
OPF:PEMDPMAI Innovation Management • 100 %
OPF:UDSDPCJ1 English Language and Terminology • 100 %
OPF:UDSDPDO1 Contribution at Conference D • 100 %
OPF:UDSDPJS2 Article Peer-reviewed in Scopus Journal Jsc • 100 %
OPF:UDSDPVP0 Guidance of the Thesis • 100 %
4th year
7th term
OPF:UDSDPSDZ State Doctoral Examination • 100 %

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